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Found a sleepy eyed one, boys.
I didn't know Chuck Todd was a kike. My eyes are open now and I truly see!
Good OC, thanks. I was unsure about how to identify a jew before I read these, but now I know.
Trump's finished now. It's over. Hes done for. All those sleepy eyes will see to it for sure.
Funny thing is that I didn't know sleepy eye was an insult to jews. So I thank the whiney sleepy eyes for giving me another insult to use.
>if he didn't know it's antisemetic, it's even worse!
>I had to look it up
god damn I hate jews.
>find a singular obscure post from years ago on stormfront forums
I have sleepy eyes after reading that drivel
Most people who claim to have open eyes are really just trying to cover for their sleepy eyes. Spotted the kike
6 million jews didnt die in the holocaust. 6 million jews died in auschwitz. Increase you edumacation.
Fucking Jews being Jews
So sleepy.
god damn wary eyes
Gas the sleepy eyes. Eye war now.
Just reported these bigots to the ADL
Yeah I'm kinda tired, maybe we should all just get some nice restful sleep.
there was no mention of sleepy eyes before 2015 and probably later.
this is bait children, sage it.
Trump may be anti-Semitic as Hitler, but he's just telling the truth. Hard to fault him for that.
Honestly didn't even have that much of a problem with his tweet storm until the complete retardation of posts 6 and 7 rolled in.
>I said the Nazis did something a long time ago that makes it credible evidence
Let’s see this Nazi list
>found it’s way
Why mutts can’t into English?
Hey guys, are you feeling kind of sleepy?
>Increase your education
The concentration camps were the idea of Zionist Bankers who wanted to smuggle Jews into Palestine as German export goods.
Over 200k Jews fought in the Nazi Armies. Some top officers were also Jewish.
There was never a single proven case of prisoners being gassed.
>if A it's really bad like so bad comrade
heh. looks like u thought u could win against my impeccable logic. better luck next time nazi.
What bloody time is it? I can hardly keep me bloody eyes open.
Never knew I was surrounded by so many who hate God's chosen
You're not even from an English speaking country.
Get out of here Puerto Rico.
It's not surprising any more, but I'll never cease to be amazed by the sheer level of paranoid schizophrenia present in the Jewish consciousness
It isn't. They made this entire thing up.
Inbreeding and drinking human blood.
>Tfw you spend a decade on apparently internet-neonazi-hq and you never heard it
Funny, I was thinking that after reading the mental gymnastics he went through to make them seem too evil to ever let do anything.
I'm getting sleepy
>I didn't know
>but trump obviously did
110% retard.
oh jeeesh goys..
im feeling a lil sleepy eyed..
let us gentiles get comfy and sleep.
this thread's a nothingburger..
*climbs in bed, and feels warm and comfy*
so sleepy.. my sleepy eyes.. so sleep.
It's ok shekelheimer. You can sleep now, don't let the oven bugs bite!
Digits like that always make my eyes go Chuck Todd. You anons should stop asking so many questions. It's tiring work. You must be sleepy. Just sleep now
Fucking jews man.
So now what.
Jail entire asia?
>tfw widow's peak
>tfw dark, curly hair
>tfw always half-closed blue eyes
>tfw don't follow Judaism
>tfw no Jewish family
>tfw never set foot in a synagogue in my life
Wtf am I a JewyJew now?
No, Jon, you are the Jews.
This kikery is too kikey even for kikes.
All it does is show how easy it is to sling the term anti-Semitism and how desperate the Democrats are to come up with a reason to vote for them.
Literally worse than Hitler. One of the worst Jews of the modern era.
How do i spot a jew? I drop a penny on the ground and wait for someone to pick it up
Hitler's failing was not finishing the job
I wold ask for a pic of your face to actually see if you have the qualities that would have you ID'ed as a Jew, but technology would make that an instant DOX no matter how you could go about it. If you're not a total piece of shit, and you actually care about what people think about you, within reason of course, then you are fine.
Missing the obvious
Is India prepared to fill a tandoor purchase order for that many sleepy eyes
Jow Forums da Jooz nao
>the jew crys as it strikes at you
I've heard "Shifty Eyes" before but I've literally never once heard "Sleepy Eyes" as a Jewish slur until today.
Lol you idiot racist losers never fail to make me laugh with how pathetic you are. You have a lot of nerve to make fun of the Holocaust and jews in this way. You're just as pathetic as your racist president.
> tfw all of the above
> tfw coworker unironically asked me "whatcha doin rabbi" before I was redpilled
the great thing about being racially aware is that I can be Jewish
I have a feeling it's going to become a self fulfilling prophecy, when anons start using it.
That you libtard's problem.
We could supply with street dogs.
Gradually I began to hate sleepy eyes
Sleepy Eyes isn't what comes to mind here.
is what comes to mind there
>Eye joke
>Not about Asians
The kikes need to up their game
They look like characters from Wallace and Grommit.
Don't forget circumcision, how is it not obvious that trauma like that fucks up an 8-day old...
I'm stumped. Who's the kid?
Anyone that didn't know that sleepy eyes was an antisemitic slur is a newfag that wasn't here during the Evalion days.
It's literally from her video on how to identify Jews.
its not sleepy eyes
its just the chill
and knowledge
that your tribe owns
the world
and no kike can literally
do shit or is
accused of racism and
thrown out from his work/career path
>Chuck Todd is jewish
What the fuck, really?
I didn't know that
She'll be forgotten as one of the first to fall
Cool, always looking for news ways to insult kikes
>widows peak
>attatched earlobes
>weak chin
>typical heeb lips, though not exactly thick
>absolutely sleepy wary eyes
4.5/7 kike
>he is found out
Works every fucking time.
Oh no, surely he isn't unqualified? Change the fucking record.
pls no report doggo to Jews
Nah, just the genetics of generations of inbreeding.
The nearest I've heard on here is people referring to "sandnigger droop-eye", which I think must be the same thing. I like "sleepy-eye" though, I think they might have created a new meme.
(((Julie Zauzmer))) looks pretty sleepy herself
>pls no report doggo to Jews
He could've reported them, he didn't.
The appropriate response, which I would write if I had a single sign in social media account, is "holy shit. Wow. I'm speechless. Thanks @stonekettle, if it wasn't for your research, I don't think I would have been able to tell you were a Jew. Now we all know, sleepy eyes! "
>one eye on the prize
>tfw constantly have bags under my eyes because i average 6 hours of sleep every 2 days
"We all always knew about the hooked schnozz, and, of course, dropping a filthy penny on the floor, to see who picks it up. But you gave us a huge list, not just sleepy eyes. I already knew about curly hair and weak chins, but thanks for revealing the widows peak, and attached ear lobes. You know, the stereo type is that you're lazy and stingy, but it was very generous of you to reveal your secrets like that! Mazel Tov, Jude!
look, I can tell by the pixels, I've seen a few shops in my time.
i never heard that one before and i spend my life here
>Scientist uses scan to detect heavy, irreversible changes in an infant's brain during circumcision
>Shows his work to superiors
>Ordered to destroy the research
Let's find it
Hook nosed chuck
File that one under "Globalist is a nazi term"
Weird how there's not a single WN on Twitter using the term.. It's only used by feminists and the media..
It's almost as if they're making shit up to stir up drama.