Pol unironically worships a black guy now

>pol unironically worships a black guy now

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Just when you thought Drumpftard redditors couldn't get any worse...

Do you worship Hitler? No, he’s just a righteous dude

Jow Forums has always worshiped and envied the BBC
It often time manifests itself in racism, driven by jealousy and desire.

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mental gymnastics is the only exercise the fat fucks on this board get

pls go and stay go

Even a nigger can have his day. If Kanye pushes the JQ I'm all for that. Doesn't mean I worship the guy, but I approve of his goals.

>he doesn't know that the source of racism it's actually repressed desire
Jow Forums has always worshiped the blacks.

>not relishing the opportunity to play wedge politics with the left

yea that's the nature of people. everyone's not the same, within the races. and it's easy to spot once shit like this goes down.

>he thinks the majority of people here are white and not black and brown

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get out OP newfag

And people saying Jow Forums hates all blacks are false-flagging faggots that need to kill themselves. Know the difference between a black and nigger

>pol unironically worships a black guy now
Jow Forums died a while ago. It's ironic that Jow Forums's death is due to refugees who came from a different website.

It's only american posters that are sucking on his cock. Which to be fair is standard behavior

>he thinks the majority of people under Mutt flag here are white and not black and brown

>not laughing our asses off that jews are losing their nigger pets

kill yourself niggerfaggot

Feels bad man. In all honesty, what do you expect when r.eddit takes over?

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You mean reddit, OP.

It's r*ddit raiding and shilling their shitskins. They got bored of Nasim so they moved on to Dindu West.

kanye is Based and redpilled as fuck

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It's not worship, it's just giving credit. If we can get niggers to wake up and start doing for themselves, they won't be niggers any more. Everybody wins. To not recognize when someone stops being a nigger and to continue to hate them for no actual reason holds no logic.

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Wrong a nigger will always be a nigger. You do realise your attitude is what got you in the mess you are in, in the first place?
I mean if you have learnt nothing you deserve nothing but the worst humanity has to offer you.

Anyone can change, the main problem is the ghetto culture that encircles black youth - especially in America

The problem is that niggers are subhuman, no amount of civic nationalist redditfaggotry will change that.

The nigger and (((them))) creates the Ghetto culture. Why try to fix a side issue of the problem instead of the root of it? Weeds always grow back.

If you filter out Canada then all of the Kanye posting disappears

Say it with me goy boys:


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nice troll/muddying the water attempt


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It's a fundamental economic issue. The current culture that the majority of those black kids are raised into harbours bad habits - quick cash through crime is perceived as a viable alternative to job experience and delayed gratification, the real key to social mobility is through economic incentives - Booker T. Washington outlined it more than a century ago: Blacks may have their civil rights legislation, but are they truly free and equal? Of course not, having protection from voter discrimination or the memory of a Black president doesn't mean a damn thing for those in poverty, not to mention the unintended negative impact that the welfare state's expansion has had: No way in hell would I or any other manager want to hire an undereducated black teen to work for a mandatory $15/hr wage. Why? because he isn't a productive member of society - but if you raise his value through a decent education and upbringing, then it's a different story. But again, one comes full circle back to the ghetto culture disease that infects poverty-stricken Americans.

Economic freedom is the path to social mobility

white people created ghetto culture actually

Here comes the meme flag Jew squad.

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She's married to a Jew named Roth.

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>/pol worships a black man now
We have an office puppy called Kanye. He's black (patterdale terrier). So that's perfect.
Up until now I always called him Canis because I'm not calling a cuddly puppy after a black celeb. But maybe thatll change if Kanye is the new fuehra?

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>He thought Jow Forums wasn't satire
>He came here being an actual racist

Hey rabbi whatcha doin?

Ideology > Identity

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Are you literally going with the "we needs money for dem programs" approach?

This. I might start using a memeflag.

It must be exhausting to realize no matter how much money and effort is thrown at this board it’s chaos and it just can’t be subverted. Tomorrow we’ll get up and do it all again

This. It's so easy to recognize the blackad brown people here, because no white man would ever give a shit about what some nigger tthinks

I hope not, preferably through charity - if done of one's own accord, I wouldn't wish any increase of taxation or forced wealth distribution on any individual. Quite the contrary, to displace wealth is not to generate wealth.

Having gone through both American and European educational systems, the former is of a noticeable deviation behind adequacy - especially for impoverished Southern schools, for which I had the rough first-handexperience of having to assist teaching a black-majority class for a semester. You needn't have me describe this plain-sight issues, the ghetto culture pandemic lingers nonetheless.

But Adolf is not black

>talk about bbc
>post some gay asian bondage addict

(((nothing to see here)))

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Dont know where all the americans are coming from seriously there were threads filled and packed with them-and only them- crying about how some nog celeb rapper must be a genius like trump. They spent a whole thread discussing their favourite "albums" and silencing whoever called the out. Since when does pol does celeb worship?

It felt like one of those groupthink exercises were they spend a thread agreeing with each other. Based on a twitter message no less. Reddit is a shills favourite word, but that was just fucking unninspired.

Dont know where all the americans are coming from seriously there were threads filled and packed with them-and only them- crying about how some run of the mill black celeb rapper must be a genius like trump. They spent a whole thread discussing their favourite "albums" and silencing whoever called the out. Since when does pol does celeb worship?

It felt like one of those groupthink exercises were they spend a thread agreeing with each other. Based on a twitter message no less. Reddit is a shills favourite word, but that was just fucking unninspired.

/ptg/ needs to be purged so desperately, too bad mods/admins defending that shithole with rangebanning entire cities.

if a nigger really makes liberals angry why wouldn't we point and laugh?
it's like people are demanding we pay for his patreon unlike certain other individuals

Pretty sure everyone on this board doesn't worship anyone...

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He's a nigger. But Tyrone is my nigger

This, I say we should merge with /mlp/ along with /trash/. We need to drive off every last newfag.

don't forget me!!

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>see filename

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You can put a nigger in a suit, but he’s still a nigger

He's pissing of a massive number of lefties and it's pretty much why >we liked the tweets.

It's quite a stretch to go from agreeing with Kanye's tweets to wanting your gf to get blacked.

greatest allies and all that sheeeit.

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still a nigger

Does this shit work finally ?

can't post on Jow Forums but can post on Jow Forums fuck you hiroshima freak

/pol is officially in two camps white supremacy vs racism...

I'd say half of pol believes that nogs are genetically inferior and should be concentrated to a small island, there is no hope for them, they couldn't possibly stand a chance at being modern humans....

the other half believes that nogs could indeed be productive members of society if not for multi generational degraded nigger culture and housing project inbeeding...

while i tend to lean to the latter, lets not forget the important part which is that everyone hates nogs lol


Doesn’t matter, most niggers can’t read

How can that be possible when Jow Forums is a bunch of racist KKK nazi white supremacists that hate all non-whites???

Makes no sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jow Forums worships Chaos. Praise Kek.

The appearance of the evil racist hacker known as Jow Forums applauding the "based black man" will confuse the real enemy, the Jew.

>I'd say half of pol believes
I'd say you are completely retarded to think any user here gives a shit about any of this.

Notice how only non-white flags like him.

Because a lot of american posters are from r/the_donald or are nonwhite. Kayne isn’t redpilling anybody other then his white fans. Most niggers in America are illiterate.

I rather have white supremacists then a bunch of civic nationalists. You can take a nigger out of the jungle but their inferior behavior always stays.

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>this is so stupid i'm going to reply to it.

Honestly, this...how is this not obvious. Jfc, people do not "worship" kanye...they are just leaning into the chaos