Today I'm going to remind them

If you are a parent and you have had to kick out your teenage kid because he's a neet or lazy or whatever


Yes YOU.
Not that parasite you call a 'son' or 'daughter'. YOU. You are the one who fucked it all up. You are the one who is so incompetent you couldn't set them up with a job. You are the one who expects a stupid fucking teenager to figure out how to do things that you have spent literal decades of your own life cultivating and building and figuring out. You are the one whose plans for retirement consist of "my son/daughter disowns me and forgets I even exist while I wallow away alone with no hope of being looked after, let alone seeing grandkids".

There is this toxic, fucking caustic meme in white communities that you need to kick your white son or daughter out so they can 'learn to fly'. You know what really happens? They jump off a cliff and fucking die. The meme exists because in-groups want you and your progeny to be uncompetitive. They want your kids to be penniless, they want you to be forgotten in a home or dead in your old age. Your loss is (((their))) gain and you played right into their hands you DUMBFUCK.

By not looking after your FAMILY and your COMMUNITY, you have genuinely fucked YOURSELF over. Even if your progeny somehow become successful in spite of you giving them zero support to be the best fucking successful badass they could be, they have absolutely zero reason to give a goddamn fuck about you.

This "fuck the kids me me me, sell the house go on vacation" bullshit needs to die.

You're older, you have better connections, better life experiences, cultivated connections and friends. You should be using these to give your children every possible advantage. We used to do these things, but then this insidious "fuck your kids over" meme infected white communities and it is one of the primary causes of the shitshow we are experiencing right now.

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cool story bro

This is true.

I can sympathise. My mum and stepdad rinsed me for rent every month so that it was actually cheaper to move out.

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>tfw parents tell me I should start uni
>half year in they buy a new house
>I can choose between extreme rent prices, it's almost 150% of minimum wage, without any other expenses or commuting for hours every day
>"just get a job, lmao"

Oh, I'm not in the position where I was abandoned by my parents like this. I'm simply letting older generations who might be browsing the board thanks to reddit and whatever else, that they played right into the hands of people who want them and their kids dead and removed from society. There needs to be pushback. We have to stop this practice of fucking our kids over. There is no such thing as white community anymore - because of this shit. There almost aren't even white families anymore - because of this shit.

This thread is a warning and advice to would-be parents, and a condemnation of the selfish assholes who sacrificed their family and their progeny for the sake of themselves.

It must be the other way around: You sacrifice yourself for your family and children and community. That is how you build a great society. It is a duty you put ahead of yourself when you have children; an intrinsic responsibility that far too many shirked.

the idea of pushing you out to learn to fly comes from a time when parents actually gave a shit about their children, they taught them how to do things so that when they were pushed into the real world, they mostly had the know-how and skill sets needed to survive, all that was left to the child was to hone those skill and knowledge.

In this day and age, too many people have children, but want to treat them like friends and expect the government/school system to teach and raise their kids for them. They don't force their kids to learn or do anything so that when adulthood comes knocking, these kids have no idea what the fuck to do. A popular image that shows up a lot on social media shared a lot by millennials is the "wish school had taught me more about bills, mortages, and shit instead of math, science, literature." This is a prime example of the failure of the family unit to raise their own children.

It also doesn't help that in this day and age, laziness and NEET-ness is rewarded, kids have everything done for them and develop a mind frame that it will always remain this way

Get a job, just get a fucking job — cunts, the lot of them. I get bitter when I see people who have a really good relationship with their un-divorced parents.
You're absolutely right. Jews work together, white people don't, we constantly fuck each other over. I've got a son now and I want to have 2 more kids. I'll do it right.

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Man I agree with you so much, it really is disheartening.

I'll give this an extra bump to keep this alive a little while longer.

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boomers are sick filth and the death of civiliation

They dont listen to anyone either! There is nothing worse than a narcissistic RETARD

They're a generation that got fooled. It's too late to fix most of their mistakes; we have to learn from them and adapt to the new circumstances.

I did not start this thread to shit on boomers - only to identify a serious issue in white families that continues to make whites as a whole less competitive and successful than they otherwise could be, and push people to correct their mistakes now or before they even happen.

>couldn't set them up with a job
nobody own you anything you weak leaf,put some chest on your chest , some animals eat their young you nu pol faggot

Pretty much agree with every sentiment that this thread had to offer. I see so many kids joining the military because they aren't going to be able to stay with their family and they aren't going to be able to go to college. Like these parents are just raising zionist soldiers to be forgotten about when they turn 17. Then they post 100 posts on social media about how proud they are of their son (which is really just vicarious attention whoring) Most people I know my age don't speak with their parents very much. I'm 23 and my mom is dead and my dad lives across the nation. I have no sense of family anymore.

what about a "neet" or "lazy" unemplyed college student?

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What do you have against setting your son up with a job? Or financially supporting him while he gets into the world?

If you don't look after your kids and ensure their success, you only ensure their (and your) failure.
If you want your genetic lineage to go extinct, your attitude is the right approach.

omg are you a spy? i had this experience this morning and this is the first thread it popped out.
I have a 18 yo brother who really is a burden, no experience no will for anything etc.
He attends an institution who he really doesn't like because my parents chose it for him.
Yesterday he fked up, he lost his id card and he couldnt make a bank account because of this and instead of fixing this out first they just said "fuck it you go"" with giving him money for a week or two, just because he is a burden, no will to work no will to do anything actually, just smoke cigarettes and listening at nigger music all day(which he can even understand, he doesn't know English)

that pissed me off, it didn't felt right, i said about it at my other brother, and said that if he doesnt care why you do? which is reasonable but a bit heartless.
Anyway i agree with OP, this logic is fked up, parents are responsible for their children, not just because he turned 18 5 months ago he is ready for this, hell, he was eating just hot dogs for 2 months barely surviving
How do we fix this?!

Chapter 1: I was raised by boomer parents who were cool until i was 13 in 1985 and went bible-thumping baptist and turned my two little brothers into perfect little communists...I graduated high school in southern cal in 1989, worked for 4 months landscaping yards with Mexicans, earned 4 thousand bucks and got in my Datsun shitbox and drove to Phoenix, AZ, ...bumps get Chap 2.

>no will for anything

honestly how can anybody truly muster a will to live in this forsaken world?

>How do we fix this?
I don't know, hard labor probably? Other than that I have no idea. .

jews are a powerful force in this world in part because they build up their children more than any other group

And it's not entirely limited to just their children, though you are very right. It's against the Torah for Jews to be poor. If a Jew is fallen on hard times it's the duty of his fellow Jews to help him out.

>tfw parents put you in 500 sq ft apartment
>live in one of the most heroin afflicted cities in us
>cops everywhere
>high crime
>800$ jalopy that overheats if running more than an hour
>they are too busy building new house and selling it because their current home just isnt big enough.

Why cant parents ever offer to help pay rent so that I can be able to save up? You cant save anymoney when your entire check goes to gas for car and gas for body.

They feel they deserve a mansion
and dont care what their kids get because they "havent worked for it yet"

Everyone in this thread is a lazy faggot
>Be 38
>First job at 14 as a busboy
>Never been unemployed
>Never borrowed or was given anything by my parents - no uni, no car, no shit
>Have made 6 figures for the last 10 years because I created my own future

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Poo in jobs.

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What's the difference paying rent to your parents vs. paying rent to some Jew? Basically same shit. Going on your own? You didn't go on your own, you are just paying different people money.

You have to subtract the future medical costs of taking it in the ass so much, user

>the parent is responsible to control the decisions of the child

It's a nice idea.... that good parenting inevitably leads to well behaved children.... but it's not true.

Genetics, society, random chance are huge factors in who they eventually grow up to be.

t. Failure of a father.

It was a big difference in my case for the rapacious amount they were charging. I spent a little less each month on rent and I didn't have to deal with constant negative shit from my my mum, stepdad and my half brother who was a spastic. I didn't much like the place I moved into, small room in a shared house with strangers, but I was a lot better off.

Like i said, It's a nice idea... but the truth is it's just some bullshit you made up. Got any evidence? No. You don't.

All you've got is your emotions and resentment. I'm not your daddy, but I'm going to give you this one bit of truth.

Ironic that nobody builds such buildings anymore because we don't do it.

Ironic that nobody builds such buildings and monuments anymore because we don't do it.

So it was about peace? So you were paying money to your parents and they were still in apartment you were paying for and on top of that annoying you?

Jow Forums: The Thread

Yeah, they didn't respect the fact I was paying a quarter of all the house expenses and still found things to ride my arse about: eating too much bread, showering every day, working unsocial hours, not doing overtime at my job. And my spastic half-brother sucking up to them all the time, fucking embarrassing.
I didn't feel ready to move out on my own but I took a chance and did it anyway because I couldn't live with those people.

100% right. My parents never gave a fuck about me so now I don't give a fuck about them.
>tfw second child out of two, sibling is 2.5 years older
>tfw if my parents no longer liked the idea of kids they could have stopped with my sibling
>tfw they went out of their way to conceive me then resented me and tore me down year after year
>tfw haven't had any contact with my family since I was 18

I can tell by the way that you type that you are old. and by the way you reacted defensively I can deduce that your son disappointed you, you let him down. You failed, not him.

>showering every day
"Son, you stink. Son you shower too much."
Glad you don't get annoyed now, since i think being annoyed at work or at home is the most absolute hell one can experience, if this goes one every day. This is why people are depressed.

Government seems to think it's got the right to fuck people over for the crime of being under 25 and steal all their money. They destroy any chances of creating a foundation for a worthwhile life.
It's their child abuser personalities coming through.
I absolutely fucking hate them for what they did to me.
Sympathy if you're so young that you are being fucked over right now

It's a society wide problem. I don't feel personally afflicted by it, I feel fine. However I see failures that could've been prevented if parents just gave a fuck. Can't you see the difference between people whining and people trying to have a discussion about how exactly things got so bad? nah easier to attack the person rather than the substance.

Your ability to deduce my identity is also imagined.
None of that is real. You're falling into the same trap again.

Should've used protection if you can't handle kids.
But noooo, only allowing tested, suitable parents to have kids is wroooong, every retard has a right to reproduce of course.

You're not wrong. I've had plenty of time to get over it but evidently by this thread I'm still pretty bitter about things. It is what it is. I still let my mum visit her grandson but not my stepdad or spastic half-brother (he's a future sex offender for sure).

Why do boomers completely lack the sense of family when their backgrounds would have been American nuclear huwhite families in the 40's/50's?

I would guess it's because they all hated their parents too.

Interesting that half or so of millennials are like them in that regard and the other part are (or are trying to be) family oriented.

My parents gave a fuck. But I'm autistic. I don't want to live on my own only to have no security with a boss being able to fire me for every small social blunder I make. I don't want to go through continual workplace bullying. Everything is too socially based.

Holy shit this is peak entitlement.
>incompetent you couldn't set them up with a job.

>Please mom and dad give me a job somewhere!!!!!
>you’re not allowed to kick me out!!!

I've no idea. I was very fond of my granddad and don't know how my mum could have turned out such a degenerate. He must have been very disappointed.

>teach children how to write a resume, instill work ethic
>decides to put in minimal work, send applications in via internet rather than walk it in, showing motivation
>sit all day at a computer, cook 3 weeks worth of food in a few days
fuck off entitled cunts, you had your chance. you reap what you sew

I got a job 2 years after living school and after 4 years now I make more than everyone else I know my age.

The state of you lot on here. You're a grown man in the prime of your health. Get a job and take care of your own self. When I moved out, I lived in a shit hole and held a full time job and a part time job. Parents have to push some kids out of the nest to teach them self reliance. Other kids can't wait to leave.

Pull yourself together.

A leaf has fallen from tree, yellow and shriveled, but can it blame tree for being not a nut, but a fucking leaf?

>Waaah! What do you mean I should help my children succeed?!? I just wanna relax on the couch maaaaan!
The absolute fucking state of parenthood. Please don't reproduce.

100 years ago, kids were fully functioning self sufficient by the age of 16. Now mental adult maturity isn't reached until 24, but let's lower the voting age. Progressive agenda creating weaker humans easier to control. And fuckers like you are askin for it to happen...oh well more job security at my high paying job.

>everyones situation is the same obey my moral standards I swear this isn't a way for me to feel good about myself because i can't stop comparing myself to others since I have no real self esteem fuck self awareness and introspection hurr *continues to lower the IQ of the thread by 15 points*

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I'm in this situation.

>be me, 19
>Mom and me leave dad when I'm 6
>FF to 18th birthday, find out mom has cancer.
>dies 2 months later.
>Now live in house that costs more than it's worth with step dad who wants nothing to do with me (don't want anything to do with him) and grandmother.
>both expect me to "just get a job" and pickup expenses despite having to do everything around the house and take care of my grandmother.
>step dad expects me to pay rent for a 2500 dollar a month house that's falling apart.
>own 50% of it and 0% of the financial responsibility thanks to probate.

Sheep are supposed to be culled. You fatten them up before the slaughter. Our society is so sick

Jews do a lot of morally abhorrent things, nepotism is a cancer that destroys civilized society.

100 years ago you would be able to get one of millions of available factory jobs and work it for the rest of your life in comfort.

Taxes, bills, living expensive, have all not only gotten far larger, but also more complicated and difficult. There are more pitfalls than ever in regards to paying taxes and bills.

100 years ago "just go get a job" was actually a reasonable and viable demand.

The White's abandonment of nepotism is their most fatal mistake.

>selfish assholes who sacrificed their family and their progeny for the sake of themselves.
My father explicitly and regularly reminded us that we were a distant 3rd in his priorities. #1 is himself, #2 is his wife, #3 are us kids. So getting me braces was "too expensive" while at the same time he would spend thousands on fishing robs and bicycles, trips to Alaska, or whatever else. His wants always came before our needs.

Where do you get yours if not from parents?
Planning is a thing that elevate human above cattle. Plans include second plans and negating randomness.

OP is not a complete faggot

>use your resources to bully/defund/abuse/impoverish your children's peers and competition

this is where you FUCKED UP
this is what people do to other people's kids and why everything is so SHIT

so many pieces of shit think that you can only make progress by shoving other people DOWN

(((You))) think the only way to help your family is to literally attack everyone else and turn everything to shit for everyone else

and if (You) think you might run out of people to enslave and shove down, you OPEN THE BORDERS so you can have more "opportunities" to treat other people like shit, more people to shove down and enslave for your PERSONAL EGO, your psychotic concept of a PERSONAL LEGACY, whether its through your family/children, or you want a statue to feel like a big man/woman

OP is on the right track with most of his post


these old faggots are fucking BRAINWASHED and often mentally fucking ILL

so many idiots think there is some magic bullshit in what is done or said or things that happen
this misconception is used to brainwash
its a major component

disclaimer: I'm not a parent, never had a kid to kick out, a place to kick from, never lived on my own

the STATUS QUO is responsible for 99 percent of nasty shit going on
your parent(s) are brainfucked, as mine are/were, and they are in a fantasy world where their retarded shit makes sense to them

one of the few I would not rake

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I don't want to interact with a world that hates me and is hostile to my brain type. Is this too hard for people to get understand?

Checked. Why don't these faggots admit this? People used to be devastated when losing their job at the mill or plant and now everyone is jumping from one job to the next and need four just to pay their mortgage. Purchasing power has decreased and being developed = post industrial so either you go to school (in which case you need at least a BA if not a masters) or you work at Target. Fuck these faggot kikes faggots falling for the dumb propaganda meme that everyone is just soft nowadays. It's a red herring to detract from the fact that we are entering a feudal model and we're all fucked.

There has to be a balance. We have gone into the opposite extreme due to the selfish ideology of boomers and gen x.

Dem quads

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This. Cost of living is ludicrous now. I'm not going to slave away and spend most of my income on rent (which is just throwing away money every month) if I don't have to.

I'm Millennial and see no point in being selfless towards society. Society rejected me. Why should I be loyal to it or not put myself first?

The best thing to do is do what makes you get by and tune out the others. Not caring about what others thought of me helped me survive my vicious peers with peace of mind. If someone judges me, all I hear is the yammering of a dog.

Something else I have noticed is that these boomer fucks never even teach their kids a lot of the vocational knowledge they have picked up over the years. Like knowing stuff about cars and engineering. They left us with nothing.

its not my kids fault for fucking up. because i failed to raise them properly.

its not my fault, since my parents failed to raise me properly so i couldn raise my own kid properly.

its not my parents fault because their parents failed to [.....]

final tl dr;
whatever i do, itsn ot my fault. so i can keep fucking up without having to worry.

thanks for the reminder based leaf.

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My family are hardworking but very easy natured people. There are little to no differences to people from 100 years ago. Sure they are self-sufficient but they aren't by any means close to any mental adult maturity.

capitalism is slowly overheating and crashing. here in europe we make the crash less harsh by implementing socialist policies.
but it will end the same for both places. with a world war


that is NOT the pic I posted

>and gen x.
Gen X got fucked harder than Gen Y. 73 recession, dot com bubble collapse, 2008 recession. Every decade of their adult lives there has been a recession that wiped them out and made them start their careers over from square one, because boomers had seniority and kept the jobs and stored wealth to weather the storm. No one has been thrown under the bus harder or more often than Gen X. There is a reason why they have the highest suicide rate in the country.

Blame moot

Back then socially fitting into a job wasn't everything like it is now. There was also far less workplace bullying.

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Your father is quite an asshole

Not accurate. In the past it was common for young adults to live with their parents until they were ready to marry, and either move in to a house of their own, or move their wife into the family home as the new head of household. This change really happened with the influx of wealth after the war, and is entirely a boomer independence thing. Op is correct that it destroyed white families and white communities.

>blame the guy who used to own this site
why though

no, I've never had this happen before on Jow Forums
is this because Jow Forums was down
or did some butthurt maud change my pic of stalin into a pic of some retarded shoop of a black ron paul that I've never seen before

tryin again
cropped the pic on the bottom to repost from test thread

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I'd want to move out if the rest of the world was worth interacting with. But it isn't so I withdraw.

>I've never had this happen before
Seriously, how new are you?

There isn’t a reason you should feel obligated to leave your family home while they are happy to have you, however you do need to still work to contribute to the household, in whatever manner that entails for your individual family.

>You are the one who is so incompetent you couldn't set them up with a job
>set them up with a job

I want to withdraw from society as long as I can. I'm a recluse. Most workplaces don't allow you to be a recluse.

>he actually thinks his kid can "just go get a job" without experience or help

Many workplaces absolutely allow you to be a recluse. If you learn a trade such as woordworking for customized furnishings, you can not only work on solitude from your home, but you can conduct your business through the internet and still be a very respectable tradesman capable of contributing to the family unit and sustaining yourself one day. Take advantage of your family’s support to grow yourself.

I think the border point is use of force. Paying for your child uni is ok, he still can fail at that, buying a living place or something is ok. But admitting in uni cause he is son of aunt Sarah is not fine, putting in positions of power - totally not ok.

the leaf is absolutely correct for once. thanks to (((trends))) originating in america in the latter half of the 20th century, we value social approval more than closeness to our family. this is catastrophic to our individual quality of life as well as to the community at large. the cost of living is astonishing, artificially inflated by millions of young people people feeling that they absolutely must leave the family nest and begin renting. debt is universal, as are stress and uncertainty, ensuring a life of misery.

children grow up without fathers. children grow up being regretted by their mothers. children grow up without encouragement, without being rewarded for good and punished for bad, utterly hands-off and devoid of love. children grow up without being shown the world around them. children are left to please themselves with computers 100% of the time because their parents are too lazy or cowardly to have anything to do with them. totally hands-off and just waiting for the day they'll piss off.

what foundation is this? how is it reasonable to expect a 16-year-old to write the prophesy of the rest of their life, and to get out there and triumph over a thousand intimidating and unfamiliar situations? how can one expect a young adult to cope in this cut-throat world without a good upbringing, a support network and connections?

the situation is anti-human. at this point i would rather be a serf.

but you can get it with some luck
lol @ these unlucky faggots

being born in Romania, I had that.
Some of my people still look after their kids- help them find jobs and yes, in some cases find them good spouses especially in the countryside.

My motehr got me my first job and helped me support myself through uni- no uni loans.
My family, well we are all kinda second generation with shoes, so my cousins keep to the old customs.
last year I went home to one of my cousin's daughter's wedding.
The girl- 22, pretty with a university degree, married the well to do son of one of her father's friends. A good boy with his own business who doesn't smoke nor drink, and they already have one son.
This is how the world should be,

No. The primary reason is that anything that vaguely resembles discipline gets you arrested nowadays.

>durrr durr durr just get lucky

It is still common with wealthy families. They are all about building up their children and grand children as much as possible. They teach them the skills and give them the opportunities. Family is their priority. That is the whole reason the left hates them so much.

This is because of those FUCKING boomers who became literal slaves to the jews.

Fucking imbeciles normalized the welfare/warfare state.

They normalized accepting jewish lies.

They are the ones who will send their children to die for israel, then shrug when the poor bastards is unemployed and homeless.

I dont hate the jews. It is in their nature to lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate. That's like hating fire for being hot.

I HATE the boomers though. They let the jews amass the power they wield to this day, and may very well have ruined the human race.

There is a special place in hell for boomers.