Pick one

Civic Nationalism or National Socialism

I can't decide.

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First one, then the other.

Does national socialism necessary need to be race based?

>civic nationalism
Extrapolate your onions

Socialism is bad, mmmmkaaay.

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civic nationalism. Natsoc is still socialism and socialism doesn't work. I don't want government to have so much control

National Socialism. The globalizing tendencies of business will always come back and subvert the country unless business and government are functionally synchronized and ideologically prepared.

These. Socialism is the white man's true enemy.

What's your race, OP?

White. Very white.


Your race, not your skin color. You Germanic? Nordic? Mediterranean? Anglo?

>Civic Nationalism or National Socialism

You can be both of those things at the same time.

That's not race, stupid 'murican, that's etnicity

Well, fuck terminology, the obvious element I am referencing is heritage. "White" is too broad.

there is only 1 (ONE) option

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Muricans don't have a heritage, that's their tragedy and because of that they like to fantasy about race and ancestry just like their fellow negros

Civic Nationalism is just the gateway drug to get some people who otherwise wouldn't to gradually become nazis.


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look up third reich gun laws of 1938. it was easier to acquire a gun than it is to acquire a gun in europe today in general, that's for fucking sure. well... unless you were a jew xd

Civic nationalism is how you ended up in the current mess. Don't forget that


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hitlerism is for dummies, real germans are mustafa kemal followers

What current mess? Are your referring to the temper tantrum the establishment has been throwing for the past year because for the first time in decades they've lost control of the white house?

there are a lot of things i value more than owning a gun. Like my freedom of movement, freedom to speak my mind, freedom to spend and keep the money i earn and i don't want a government that can force me to work on their projects just because they need cheap labour

No, I'm talking about your soon to be white minority demographics. All the immigrants came there under the bullshit idea of integration

why not ethno capitalism? capitalism is voluntary exchange so everyone just denies service to niggers and niggers all die.

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Neither, BUT, take whats good out of both and utilize it, you have to shoot for the highest ideal, True Christianity (Traditional Catholicism) and Catholic Monarchies, the glories of Europe from the past were the result of Europe being Catholic, put God first and all else will be given to you

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because capitalists don't have ethnicity, they are all (((irish)))


I don't see that as a problem.

Globally, white people are a minority now and they will be a minority in the future. But unlike you, I'm not a coward about it. I'm from the southern United States and my forefathers were surrounded by niggers and lived that way fearlessly for a reason. Niggers are dumb. As white people see themselves become less and less of the world population, they will unite, and as the smartest group on the planet, we will dominate as we always have. A growing non-white majority will force white people to wake the fuck up and once woke, look out. History teaches us that we're VERY good at fighting.

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Depends on your race, whether or not you’re a mutt, exc.
Whatever you do, don’t cuck out to an ideology that ultimately has your destruction in mind. If you’re a pure Aryan, be an ethno nationalist, if you’re a mutt, be a civic nationalist.


>History teaches us that we're VERY good at fighting.
We were when we had the technological advantage, now we have negated that by allowing the enemy through the gates.

good answer

it basically boils down to whether you want niggers or not. At least nowadays.

Civic nationalism is a meme and only relevant in the amerimutt colonies. Rest of us want ethnic nationalism without any socialism bullshit.

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>not being a civic nationalist AND an ethnonationalist

Rookie mistake.

National transhumanism

>I’m from the southern United States

Of course a Cuckfederate would say shit like this.

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>0 replies for a non-meme question

This is how it works.

>Sweden worked just fine until mass immigration
You tell me.

Worked just fine in Germany. Worked just fine in Sweden until mass immigration. Working fine still in Switzerland.

Socialism can be used to practice compassionate governance. The issue is how it can be abused by outsiders seeking handouts.

There is no such thing as civic nationalism. It's a meme dumb whites use because they're afraid of being called racist, and they'd rather feel better about that than secure the future. Multiculturalism always breeds conflict because most people of any race put personal or group interests ahead of the overall majority.
A couple niggers wearing MAGA hats doesn't change the behavior of the majority, or the consequences of increasing that group's share of the population.

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Don't you understand, user, that we're putting facts aside for a while to make progress against the cabal? I know you are following what's going on over at infinity chan. Civic Nationalism is "his" current agenda, once the criminals are all locked up. After that? Who knows what.

Baby steps.

All forms of socialism are bad
All forms of identity politics are bad

You can take the best of both, you are able to think freely and shouldn't necessarily strictly follow an ideology.


A gun is the key to all of those freedoms. Without the freedom to defend yourself, you have absolutely nothing and are utterly dependent on the state. This is the same reason Europe has already lost half the freedoms you listed.

>we're putting facts aside
Fuck off you larping liberal retard in disguise.

Identity politics will never vanish so long as there is inequality among the different strains of human. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Wtf, commie? Ethnonationalist Democracy is our system. If you don't believe me, go ask Jared Taylor.
National Socialism is a left-wing ideology for weak faggots who are to the right of communists, but to the left of classical liberals. All socialism is gross and for brainlets. Free market capitalism and democracy by an ethnically cohesive group is the final level of society and gub'ment.

National Socialism

>unless business and government are functionally synchronized and ideologically prepared.
Government interference that is driven by ideology totally fucks up the free market. If you need an example, go see the Great Depression; made far worse by the government's attempts to interfere.

Right on, bro.

Not all socialism is Marxist retard. Why would you want to enable class warfare among you’re brethren in the ethnostate?

I'm going to search Dominican. I didn't realize that was a genre.

Are you kidding me.

Inequality is inevitable. Nobody is actually equal to another person because there's an infinite number of categories to judge peoples value. There's nothing wrong with inequality.

Identity politics makes the group identity the most important thing and that's anathema to western liberal societies which place the individuals competence as paramount.

People are the root of the culture, so yes. That doesn't mean other races can't have National Socialism in their own countries though.

You have to be retarded

>fruits or steering wheels
No, not essentially

NRX is dead. The very few remaining proponents got absorbed into the alt right years ago.

>faggots like degenerate shit
Whats your point???
Also there are gay black men, wouldnt you expect them to prefer black dick? Or latinos want latino dick?


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If your implying racial supremacy. Then no. If you’re asking if a society needs to be homogeneous. Yes. Look at Scandinavia before the migrant crisis.

Western liberal societies spawned out of 99.9% ethnically European countries. It worked because they shared a group identity. Now retards are trying to apply that to races whose individuals are on average not equal and do not share their values. Worse, you have successful races like the Chinese who are actively exploiting this.
You can't just tell them identity politics are bad and expect them to stop. Why would they? For them personally, they have more to gain by playing them. You're just expecting everyone else to shoot themselves in the foot like you did for a "common good" that they don't acknowledge exists.

Although I think a more fundamental problem is that the elite at least used to share a group identity and some common interests with the majority of the populace. Once globalism really took off they realized they didn't need their own people anymore and decided to sabotage them for profit. Bleeding heart idealists like you are a symptom of bad governance, not the cause.

>ever picking Germanic philosophies
>American flag

You are a fucking disgrace to your country.

>Only applies to Germans
Congrats for having the most idiotic comment of the day

The nsdap had the nuremburg laws which forbade inter racial relationships

You are a fucking retard pal - tell me a single thing that came out of Germany that brought anything good to the world, single one. They spend their whole history ruining civilizations and destroying everything they look at.