25th of April

44 years ago this happened (Fascism was overthrown in Portugal).

Attached: 25DeAbril.jpg (600x400, 52K)

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I would say this, i prefer that the people can decide their future by vote, still 25 of abril of 1974 was the day that allowed the globalists to take over of Portugal, and because of that immigration is about to destroy Portugal forever within the next 15 years


Attached: 540--immigration_europe_001citiz.png (898x916, 122K)

Portuguese cucks!
I'm just going to leave this here.

literally where?

Also with our fall, only on the 25 November of 1975 pt army branch - the comandos (far right affiliated) the far right groups and the moderated (liberal, ps, psd and cds also the ctholic church) controlled the situation or we would endup in e civil war, far left (commies that were trying to create a new cuba inside europa) vs the far right. commie headquarters were burned to the ground in many cities, speciall in the north and in algarve.



And with Estado Novo fall, the Franco regime had no chance to go on too....

Franco last speach after the coup in Portugal:


>It is not the most important, although it appears in its appearance, the assault and destruction of our Embassy in Portugal, carried out in a state of anarchy and chaos in which the sister nation is being debated, and that nobody more interested than us in that it can to be restored to them order and authority. Everything obeys to a leftist masonic conspiracy in the political class in collusion with the communist-terrorist subversion in the social, that if it honors us, it degrades them.

>american education classics

Sorry I dont know about every irrelevant country on the planet

Thanks "irrelevance", we are not 56% yet.

Salazar had a typically sentimental and paternalistic view of society. He thought it is enough to have the military and public officed and others shall obey because it is a moral and orderly thing to do. Well, society is more complex than order-obedience. He had good intentions but in the end failed miserably

A very sad day for Portugal. Salazar was greatly responsible for creating the conditions that led to this event taking place. He should have killed Mario Soares and Alvaro Cunhal when he had a chance. Those two are responsible for destroying centuries of work. Salazar should have also brought back the Monarchy, invest more money in modernizing Portugal, and preparing people for an eventual political change once he'd be gone. It's in the past now, and nothing can be done to change it.

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He did a lot more than "have the military and public officed" to maintain the regime.
He established political police that frequently used torture, and spread massive anti-left propaganda and culture, he also censored newspapers and media.
Do you even know what the fuck you're talking about?

a terrible tragedy

Attached: 25 de abril prank that went way too far.jpg (720x726, 305K)

Intredasting. Because I've read that culture under Franco or Salazar was generally practically left in the hands of leftists. If it was otherwise, then Spain and Portugal wouldn't have been taken over by the Left would they

>He established political police that frequently used torture, and spread massive anti-left propaganda and culture
God Bless Salazar

He tortured leftists, censored them and taught right-wing catholic values everywhere he could?
What the fuck else do you propose he did?

First sentence was not suppose to have a question mark.
My bad.


God bless you Portuguese anons.

What i can say is, at least in those times Portugal was 100% native white.... what about now? tons of non whites - africns,indians, brazilians etc.
Of course i was against censorship


A lot of people can sense fakeness and intrusiveness. Sorry, it's not enough to shove something down people's throats and hope that you will win with bigger numbers. Catholicism in Portugal lost credibility

Generally dictatorships are only contemporary governments

>there was no debt and things were better aka the state had more money

And people walked barefoot in rural areas and some even fell on the streets from starvation. Also working on Saturdays. Good times!
The far right is a cancerous as the far left.

>contemporary governments

>Good times!
As opposed to producing money out of your ass? He was honest with people

>some even fell on the streets from starvation

>he was honest

Yeah. Like the ballet rose scandal where some of his ministers and close people fucked little girls. Also his mistresses.
All humankind is flawed. The difference is that with democracy they have more accountability.

>some even fell on the streets from starvation

dude this is an exageration, ofcourse Portugal now is somehow wealthy, but don´t believe everything the comies wrote on the subject. Estado Novo was 10.000 better than the first republic (in all the stats, from poverty, to literacy and so on)

Attached: 0540_wealth_2016_per6m0.jpg (1919x1336, 209K)

Subsistence agriculture was common throughout many countries. We weren't the only ones, if the state continued it would probably have been further industrialized in the future.

>with democracy they have more accountability.
Kek. You think people observe what bureaucrats, politicians and judges are doing and then hold them accountable? People are susceptible to propaganda, vices, passions, emotions, caprices. Not to mention that we don't have a democracy because we're ruled by undemocratic bureaucracy, courts, central banks, media and such exclusive and not elected bodies. Get a grip on reality dude. "Character is destiny"

Its not. My grandfather started working at age 8 and told me so. My other grandparents told me similar stories and so did my father. None of them were ever communists. It was not NK tier but it did happen.
People walking barefoot inside major cities were fined so people looked better at the eyes of foreigners because many of the portuguese people could not afford shoes (very common in more rural areas). There were occasions where foreign tourists tossed coins in the sidewalk while having fun at portuguese kids fighting each other to retrieve them.
Greatness my ass!

>*tossed coins on the sidewalk while having fun watching portuguese kids fighting each other to retrieve them

You aren't even 1%

More exagerations and not a definition of those 40 years, the rest of europe had similar and worse situations due war and recession. He avaoided war and destruction
Still, imagine what was the 1st republic 1910-1926 (when the poverty levels we much higher).
And what future we have with the modern liberal-marxist elites? more immigration, more recession.

>inb4 faggot Marcelo on all channels for the entire duration of tomorrow's broadcasts

Trips don't lie.

Democracy is good system in practice, but it implies a system where rational, intelligent people observe the values of a candidate and choose who is best. In modern (((liberal democracies))) this is not case, half of people are retards who are not informed on anything and take their information from corrupt media with ties to certain factions of society pushing their own interests. This gets me on other point, freedom of press is good in practice but in the end these medias usually form monopolies and control the information.
For example, in US there are only two campaigns that are publicly shown (Democrat and Republican). The only chance for third party candidates is campaigning at local rallies and town center debates, which is useless since people are too lazy to take part. Look at any local election turnout, it is pathetically low.
Democracy only works with a rational, informed population who are about their nation...

Jaime Neves e Ramalho Eanes
VIVA o 25 de Novembro!


The separation of powers is, by itself alone, one big advantage. Unless some power hungry autocrat wannabe captures the vast majority of the house/parliament and changes the constitution. It doesnt even need above average levels of public scrutiny.

It has to do with Anglosaxon idea of constitutionalism and contractualism. Anglosaxons believe that they are ruled by a professional bureaucracy that makes the best decisions possible, which is limited by written constitution which means that everything is settled and you can proceed to engage in entertainment because observing the rich and educated elite makes no sense. Basically social contract constitutionalism is a call for ignorance and hedonism. Muh constitution is supposed to work like some kind of magical barrier against excesses of the state. But for instance, does constitution say anything about multiculturalism?

Sure sure jamal, more like 85%

Those things still happen today, your point being? you commie fuck

You are right. Constitutions are often very vague and can be interpreted anyway person wants it.
Separation of powers is irrelevant if some guy buys all the media so he can get elected as a majority, and his new parliamentary-majority just reforms constitution and government structure to suit him. Constitutions have safety-checks, but they are weak.

Sorry last time I knew relevance isnt a measure to being a country

Yeah, but if he commits embezzlement or favors certain groups with public funds he risks having the judicial system on his ass because they still act according to the constitution. It literally happened here recently to a bunch of ministers from a past government.

>if we surrender we'll feel better about ourselves
I like how Portugal had all but won two out of three of their colonial wars only for fucking communist agitators to piss it all away.
Whenever people cry about how 'you couldn't win a colonial war hurp durp' I tell them about Portugal winning so hard the CCCP gave up foreign aid to the rebels.

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>if some guy buys all the media so he can get elected as a majority, and his new parliamentary-majority just reforms constitution and government structure to suit him.

People, who have aspirations, often follow modish polite society and when this number hits critical mass, then separation of powers or constitutions don't matter. Leftist polite society has dominated channels of communication and ignorant people have started to follow them without any own and independent thought. This is why sheeps in Western societies are now shocked at immigration and multiculturalism, because they didn't know what kind of a country should they have because why bother even thinking about it if everything is settled by bureaucracy and constitutionalism


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Wars without sense... those lands were not our's, we are an european nation. It's because of that that now we have tons of blcks in our country.

>those lands were not ours
i bet you also "blame hitler for killing millions of whites"

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They were your colonies, if i am correct, many Portuguese citizens lived in Angola.

Yes, you are correct.

ww1 and ww2 were brother war's that should never have happened.

How can we protect our nation and identity if some of us still sigh for a multiracial empire of eusébios, don´t you understand the contradiction? I'm proud of our achivements around the world and stuff, but empires are in the past.

ww1 and ww2 were brother war's that should never have happened
and the hundreds of wars that came before weren't?

We had a lot less niggers in Portugal during Salazar's rule than we do now, so no, I don't understand your contradiction. Having a colonial empire does not mean the colonized should come to the mainland and integrate with the locals.

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Salazar was a great man. Most of the negative stuff about him in the media is leftist propaganda. Poverty is a relative concept, and poverty in Portugal was not misery, not for the majority. People were poor because they did not have luxury, but lots of people had the basics taking care. And there was some starvation, but it was during WW2, not afterwards. At least that is what my family tells me. They had a farm, and they had to give part of their production to the government to be sold to the Germans.

The biggest problem with Salazar is that he stagnated after a while. He stabilized the political situation, and the economy, but then he sort of ran out of ideas on where to go next. I find it tragicomic that leftists portray Salazar as Hitler, when he was nothing like Hitler, and had he been more like Hitler, and endeavor to create a more technological advanced society it would have been better for the country in the long-run.

Salazar forgot that Portuguese people are ambitious people, and Portugal is in Europe, and while the rest of Europe was advancing Portugal was stagnating, and over the long-run the situation would be unsustainable.

It's in the past now.

Attached: GU_00.jpg (200x278, 15K)

Angola was progressing and developing, and I recall reading somewhere, it had the 2nd biggest economy in Africa, behind South Africa. Therefore, if the empire remained, and that process continued, Angola and Mozambique would be more advanced than they are now, and no blacks would have any reason to go to Portugal.

That's the tragedy of the fall of the European African empires. It stopped a process of development that was producing results, and would have lead to a present day where Africans would have no reason to leave, and come to the white man's land.

So that's what the portugese flag looks like? Never woulda guessed. So what's your guys' deal, you got like a queen or what?

He was a great man and scholar, everybody except commies respect him, problem is that all systems start to become arthritic when not properly managed.

Portugal was on its way to incredible wealth but we sold it for fast and cheap access to the modern world.

I don't know what lies in our future, but our Myths are strong, our language robust. Maybe we can still salvage something of the coming global information age. And maybe, even maybe the Fifth Empire will be true.

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>44 years ago this happened This. | Discuss | le Bump
>in rules -Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts,
Another thread ignored. No wonder I got to the university course that I've wanted so easily due to lack of competition of lazy high schoolers around this country shown by people making threads.

You can build up the third world or have the third world come to you. You have cause and effect exactly backwards.

>inb4 founds first global empire

>So what's your guys' deal, you got like a queen or what?

Do you know how America has a president and Canada has a prime minister? Well, Portugal has a president and a prime minister at the same time.

It's an absolute tragedy that the Portuguese empire had to deal with the liberal wave from the French Revolution and then the postwar anticolonial revolts.

Portugal and her colonies would be far better off of the empire stayed intact.

Fuck Kennedy for arming rebels

Salazar sentimental... somebody should do a little reading desu

DESU, Portugal was already massively lagging behind when he came to power, so irrelevant

Salazar's mistresses? if you're referring to that Garnier affair, you clearly know very little about it

He was more wise, and not a revolutionary in nature even if his own regime went to power with the so called national revolution - nationalist coup in Braga in 1926, but only in 1933 he went into full mode rule

They were actually stable and future proof. It actually is kinda sad.

Fascism wasn't overthrown, fascism was installed.
Furthermore, Salazar was not a dictator, he was merely the head figure of a rather paternalistic regime.
Fuck Mário Soares.

Salazar seemed like the most moral of the anti-marxist authoritarians in the 20th century.