Coconut Pride!

You can only post in this thread if your country never lost a war.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>thinks wars can be won or lost
>doesn't realize that wars are only fought

kek, let's see the burger burn
(vietnam - never 5get)

So how did the Vietnam war end Yankie? Who achieved their strategic objectives and who didn't?

You lost Vietnam and a war against the Canadians, get the fuck out of here


jesus, Brazil has been victorious in every single war they were involved in

and people think that soccer is the only thing we are good at.

You lost the Russian Civil War brainlet.

>lost against the Canadians

um, when?

>inb4 this retard says the war of 1812

wooooohoooo, east germany is west poland now, we're fighting the long war

well you tried to invade Upper and Lower Canada a few times. Granted it was still a British colonybut it was named Canada. So Canada fucked you guys up a few times.

Since World War II, America has clearly won only one of five major conflicts: Operation Desert Storm. Korea was a bloody stalemate, Vietnam an “outright military defeat,” and both Afghanistan and Iraq — America's two longest wars — hardly look like victories

Brazil is still undefeated. so fuck off.

You lost to the Dutchy of Milan. Then later you became a French cuck state. GTFO Cheese boy.

Are you white, OP?

Is Bahamas a good place to live?

>well you tried to invade Upper and Lower Canada a few times

what the fuck when was this

The Korean war now is being cleaned up. The communist North Koreans took over the whole peninsula and the US swooped in and recaptured about half alongside the South. The negotiations are happening in May now that pressure is in North Korea to do something. In the long run the US/South Korea definitely won.

>Vietnam an “outright military defeat
US lost on strategy, not on might. It left ~50,000 American soldiers dead but ~2,000,000 North Vietnamese dead. Also wasn't worth the time or money. The initial war was started by France in fact and the US was asked to help while France left the agreement so the US had to clean up everything

>Afghanistan and Iraq

Still going on -arguably, there was
>the assassination of Osama bin Laden
>the defeat of the Taliban
>the current defeat of ISIS
>also taking oil while we're there

>Brazil is still undefeated. so fuck off

That's because Brazil's poor lmao

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You got your but kicked by CzechoSlovakia.

>triggered this hard cause you are 1-3-1

it was a time, when Switzerland didn't exist yet.
And if you insist: I come from a part of todays Switzerland that wasn't part of said "country" back then.

also: they "lost" one battle - 6:1 superior power of the enemy
but they won the war.

it's easy to say for a fucking island in the middle of nowhere to brag about not losing wars - Switzerland was in the center of all the major wars around Europe.

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Yes. I am white.
The Bahamas is a good place to live if you stick to the Duty Free Zone of Freeport. The rest is either uninhabited, or over-priced given the infrastructure available.


I once had a business lunch at Sir Jack Hayward's house in the Bahamas. What a character he was, had an obsession with Fererro Rocher chocolates, kept offering us some.

don't forget to sage if you want to reply!

You guys have been involved in exactly zero wars since the modern Swiss state emerged in 1847. If that is all you count, then you have only never lost a war because you never actually fought with anyone. If you count when you were a French client state, then you lost the war of the 6th coalition. If the old Swiss confederacy counts, you still lost the battle of Arpedo. The only way you can claim to have never lost a war is if you define the beginning of your state so that you never actually fought with anyone. That is pretty lame.

What is World War One?

>I have only never lost a war because I never actually fought with anyone

you were a fucking island in the ocean and didn't fight - we were in the middle of the heat all the time and didn't do so
now who's the big boy, faggot?

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We fought with Cuba in the 80s. They killed some of our guys. We didn't kill any of theirs. But, we did accomplish our original objective and get Cuba to pay $10 million dollars and issue a formal apology. I count that as a win. So ha, we have won all 1 conflicts that we have been involved in since we formally declared independence.

You say tomato. I say tomato.

kek, you "fought" with Cuba - must have been tough.
did they throw fishes at you?

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Gerlanio, in order to win or lose wars you need to be a country first.

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They used 23 mm cannons. Is that big enough for you Helviticuck?

Switzerland and the Bahamas must now go to war to settle this argument.

Bulgaria kicked your ass faggot. GTFO

good point.
Bahams, expect a lot of fondue and chocolate.
(we also have swiss army knifes - watch out, coconut-boi)

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How the heck would we get to each other? There is an ocean and several sovereign nations between us.

I would honestly bet on Switzerland. That molten swiss fondue is like fucking lava

>tfw emus

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>he can't afford planes to drop some cheese on the enemy

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Just you two guys, we bring you into the jungles of Brazil and recreate the Rumble in the Jungle. I will be the ref as I am currently the only poster from an militarily undefeated country

now that's unfair.
I'm only trained in mountain combat.

or are there any cows in the jungle I can ride into the battle?
no? I thought so

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Well seeing that you are from the mountains and he is from the sea, we can take you out to Corsica. They are literally a mountain in the sea.

I will provide you with a zebu and he gets a dolphin, both armed with lasers.

As the Chilean country or in general?

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arnt you an island of niggers that were sold into slavery by the other african tribes you lost wars to?


it's fucking ooooooooon
(now please give me your bank account, since I'm a mountain jew it's obligatory for me to bribe the judge)

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The USA can't post in this thread, you have a loss to Vietnam and a draw with Korea.

Also seeing as your two longest wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) are still toss ups, you should just walk away, shit is not looking good for you guys over there.

You can pay me in coconuts when you get here to check on your Zebu jungle cow,

If it is from before political independence, then it doesn't count.

my last offer:
(coconut covered in chocolate)

It's way easier for me to count bars, since I do it all day long with nazi-gold

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ah, so now it doesn't count?

you better sign based Carnival-bros deal

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SOLD, I will take your offer, I get lots of American tourists in my parts, I can sell them for 10x the price they pay for them in the USA.

A real mountain jew would have stolen coconuts from the bahamas, shredded them down and pressed them as bars, covered them in Swiss chocolate and packaged them as Bunty - a Swiss treat.

>thread full of shithole countries that never had a major war

No. The only weapons should be barehands and whatever we can find. We want to test ingenuity as well as raw fighting prowess. I am an Island Jew because we also have a history of private banking. So, the Talmud dictates that I must exceed the Swiss poster's bribe by 10%. So, how much do I owe you?

>American education
Brazil has been in some fucking crazy wars.
We stole land like the Jews, you should love us as you love them

The Cuban incident happened in 1980s. The Bahamas achieved formal independence in the 1970s. The Old Swiss Confederacy had its political independence when it fought the battle of Arpedo. So, my victory still counts, as does your defeat at the hands of Milan.

Damn a bidding war.
Currently the Mountain Jew is offering Bounty Chocolate Bars instead of coconut. If you are ready to supply me with a container ship full of coconuts, I will take your Island Jew offer over his.

I get to keep the ship as well as I want to be a jungle jew


>A real mountain jew would have stolen coconuts from the bahamas, shredded them down and pressed them as bars, covered them in Swiss chocolate and packaged them as Bunty - a Swiss treat.
fugg, how did you know my plan

>I must exceed the Swiss poster's bribe by 10%
>implying that you could could pay more Bounty's than me

>shithole countries
the eternal mutt

yeah, we will discuss that in the great laser-fight in Corsica.
you know, I'm quite great at riding the Zebu

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As the Chilean country, starting from when you formally declared independence from Spain.

Great jew minds think alike HAHAH

Is it true that you guys have Anti-Aircraft guns hidden as houses and your bridges are rigged to blow in case anybody tries to invade?
You had some small part in both World Wars. Every other conflict is either a civil war or against some other shitty country like argentina

>Coconut Pride!
No mate your thinking of the US.
Peace to my Bahama brother, ill be leaving CuckCanada to start my new life in Eleuthera in May.

Deal. But the containership is going to have a leaky hull. No one will insure it and repairing it is going to cost $6 trillion dollars.

>small part in WW2
Same as you fuckers. Took all the glory, Russia did all the hard work.

>shitty country like Argentina
You were defeated by rice farmers.

Go away USA, you lost to a shitty country, at least we won.

No. No mounts and no weapons aside from what you find or fashion yourself.

Can you lost a war if you have never been a real country?

If we want to see who REALLY won Vietnam, let's look at the outcome.
1)a 12 to 1 death count.
2)sure, Vietnam is communist, but they spend their time making our clothes and being cucked by capitalism.
3)we beat those yellow monkeys SO HARD that we had to intervene with OURSELVES.
4)Vietnam was a CONFLICT, not a WAR.
5)We left, not because we were forced out, but because it was too expensive and cruel to burn millions of chink villiagers alive with napalm, for 8 YEARS

America mercy-ruled the Viet Kongs, and saying otherwise is like saying that you lose a fistfight if you don't beat the other person to death.

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yes, I grew up in the mountains in a village with a very important bridge (towards austria) - it was filled with explosives.
it's rather hard to invade certain parts of Switzerland

major keks

Rio-user, I will fix the boat with cheese strings.
so just agree to the deal, but remember who will be the last piece of the puzzle

hmmm, does Corsica have some watch-factories?

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No. You guys don't count. You would need political independence from the U.S. to be a real country.

No problem, I will crash it on some shore and sell it as a pre-fabricated luxury sea side favela. Then I will give you 50% (5% commission) to wash the money through the Bahamas and 50% (5% commission) to wash the money in Switzerland by you competitor. Never pay a cent in taxes here in Brazil. When I get sued, they will never be able to find the money

I will out jew Don King

>as if you lose a fistfight if you don't beat the other person to death
and who were the people that convinced you not to do so?
sounds really off-character, doesn't it, nuke-a-country-twice-because-of-some-ships

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We know you are hurt by your loss but you still did lose and will probably lose in Afghanistan.

You have to go

Lol gay

That is fucking awesome. You also have gun rights, so that makes you guys a bad ass country.

that's the most jewish thing I've ever read

Bahamas, have you ever considered fighting on my side?

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Can't stay Germany, sorry bro.

So OP you NSA having a LARP?

Corsica has no watch factories.

Q: What's the difference between a nigger and a Bahamian?

A: About 50 miles

>No. You guys don't count
Good. #neverconquered

and yeah, kinda. at least it was before the Yugoslavian war, i.e. in the 80's-90's

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My imagination is jewy as fuck. Eating lots of pork products keeps me from acting out my jewry.

If you ever think about siding with the Bahamas, you will regret it, we have a written contract, I copied your posts

>Same as you fuckers
America was crucial in winning WW2. Brazil did fuck-all.
>You were defeated by rice farmers.
The war ended because the American people wanted it to end and were protesting it openly and sustainedly. In terms of the conflict, America destroyed the vietcong. To call it a loss is like a guy in a pool of his own blood with all of his limbs and his jaw broken claiming he won the fight because the Chad that wrecked him stopped fighting when his girlfriend told him to go back home.

No. If I were, I certainly wouldn't admit to it.

I would gladly make common cause with you to destroy the Rio-Jew, on the condition that all the qt Brazilian shemales belong to me if we win.

So what is the worst thing about Switzerland at the moment?

Yes. Of course someone who tried to bribe a Judge in a contest would honor a written contract that doesn't have their name on it. Why wouldn't they?

You lost bro, stop with the mental gymnastics

Here is a pic of a cute puppy, go to your safe space and calm your triggered soul

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>p-please stop :(
Brazil a shit

The National Security Agency is secretly intercepting, recording, and archiving the audio of virtually every cell phone conversation on the island nation of the Bahamas.

screw that place

Sorry. But since you aren't a real country, you can't post here.

>If you ever think about siding with the Bahamas, you will regret it, we have a written contract, I copied your posts
what about we all go to fight this faggot:
(we could all have Zebus and Dolphins and Bountys and containerships)

hmmm, my mountain-nose tells me, that there's something wrong with that offer

that the city-parts aren't purely Swiss anymore.
we're a really kind Volk - it's hard to live with no trust in your neighbour nowadays.
I remember a time, when everybody knew everybody.
It's still the same in the mountain parts though

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I will promise 20% of my earnings from my pre-fabricated sea side favela to the JIDF so they can kill Jow Forums for a few hours while I pay a russian hacker in Vodka to erase the bribe and keep only the posts where you agree to the terms of your two man war (photoshopped by an american that I will pay in cheese burgers and a jew lawyer from LA that I will pay in bagels and Chilean salmon).

Although I am not a jew, I can become one if you force me! I will even give up pork and watch SJW garbage for a month in order for the jew brainwash to take hold.

And its all high speed island to island fiber fastness.

Tell you what. As I am already the official judge for a two man war between the Bahamas and Switzerland I will let you stay in this thread and post under one condition.

In 50 years, after you claim to have "won" in Afghanistan and Iraq (and Syria and Iran) by that time, you can come back to 4chan2.0 and post in these types of threads.

>what about we all go to fight this faggot:

He isnt' even supposed to be here. So sure, on the condition that I get all the qt American shemales if we win. I am a man of simple tastes.

>hmmm, my mountain-nose tells me, that there's something wrong with that offer

Then make a counter-offer.

jesus, I take everything back.
the contract still stands

>Then make a counter-offer.
I'm sorry, since Jungle-user revealed his power-level I'm not down to negotiations anymore
see you at Corsica

Everyone in the UK is supposed to be deathly scared that blik pepo might be sent back to your country from our beloved utopia.
How do you feel about that?

Fuck yes, let us fuck up the triggered American that is posting here without "official" proper merits!

I think every major city at the moment is facing the same SJW infused retardation. Besides, it could be worse, you could be living in my luxury sea side favela in Brazil! (or just Brazil in general LOL)

If it were not for the fact that I actually live in a jungle and have access to thousands of fruits, millions of plants and wonderful nature, I would consider myself living in hell.

You don't have the authority to do that. Your authority only extends to the Bahamas-Swiss conflict. Admitting anyone previously denied requires unanimous consent.

Good idea. You saw what jungle savages like me do to people who mess with us (the canadian guy in peru, wink wink)

God dammit, I was going to get a container of huggies diapers from the american to use in order to bribe the IDF.
Diapers for the IDF is GOLD!