Other urls found in this thread:
(((Alek Minassian)))
If he was a supreme gentleman he would have posted "You guys are ok, Don't walk down Yonge Street tomorrow" or some shit.
They're trying to cover up the Pedogate scandal.
Jow Forums kinda talks like that
lol this guy was a robot? 4chin is accomplice status
Newfags do.
I've said this already, they're trying to discredit Jow Forums and Jow Forums
beware the jew
This the ultimate fucking newfagpost. This is obviously written by a CIA-agent.
No one cares enough about Jow Forums to take the effort to disrupt or discredit it. As frustrating as it might be, we simply aren't that important.
Y'all niggas know this is why Jow Forums was frozen again, don't you?
Wow, the Left can't even meme IRL
This post is obviously done by someone unfamiliar with Jow Forums
Ever been to r9k? That's exactly how those losers talk
Jow Forums is a website of peace. This radical's words and actions do not reflect the beliefs of true 4channers or incels.
Sounds absolutely nothing like a Jow Forums user but ok
sounds like some reddit 'ooooh you don't want to anger Jow Forums lol. Pol will get you now. Based black!! Libtards are the real naziiis'.
Yea I've lurked pre happening, nothing like this.
Why are you trying to blame this on Jow Forums?
Fucking Jew
Only leftypol and reddit use the word incel.
>thinking this website has any credibility
If he would have been screaming about gassing the kikes I would believe he came from here
Look at all these shill-threads...
CSIS would love a reason to harass white leafs for not being lefties.
>Only leftypol and reddit use the word incel.
also not call woman a roastie because
(((That would be offensive to women)))
who the fuck even cares about Elliot Rodgers. he's a fag suckaroo
This shit doesn't even talk about Jow Forums faggot
Gas yourself rabbi
All of you seem to be forgetting that is exactly how every post looked at the height of "praise kek" and MUH MEME WAR
>fagbook post 1 hour ago
yeah right
Wrong CIA newfag
No one ever talked like this
>w-we can control the narrative
You can't do that when some people have been here 20 hours a day for 14 years.
>Jow Forums had to block the word s oy for the insane lvl of shitposting with that word
>"noneone talks like t-that!"
Go back to your discord
The Jew doesn't want to take this board down. They know better. Lets get real, if Juden really wanted this board gone they would pay off the right people and shut it the fuck down in a matter of hours. They want this board to exist because its a containment zone. They can easily achieve cointel because we are all in one place. In addition to this, it keeps us from spilling over into every sector of the net and of real life. The Juden wants this board to exist. They fear it. They hate it and love it, as they hate and love themselves. It is PRECIOUS to them.
This, what are these idiots even thinking
this so fucking much
its not even phrased like a real post
this is Jow Forums blame word salad
i thought this was a troll account
i think it will come out this is ether not his real account
>Calling himself Incel
>Using kikebook
>Military talk no NEET would know about
>Normie punctuation and gramma
>"Stacys" not Stacy
>Runs over a bunch of random boomers instead of going for Chad
>Is captured alive
Why are they so sloppy
Back in the days falseflaging was an art
Pretty pathetic.
> Sgt Jow Forums
>Jew doesn't want to take this board down
Sure Rabbi, we believe you
Wasn't a 8/Jow Forums that made this fake screenshot to bait the news media?
>Why are they so sloppy
>Back in the days falseflaging was an art
Because now 70% of the world's population is retarded, they don't know the difference.
Has any "manually count every person at a Hillary rally" level autist gone over the last few days of archives to see if maybe he did leave a hint, something obvious in retrospect?
He was never here leaf
How is the RCMP going to get their free lebour if they don't ask?
If anything I would assume that Sgt Jow Forums was the one who visited Jow Forums... There is nothing in that post that would make me believe that Alek himself ever visited this site.
Fun fact: there is a heavily financed online shill operation out to shut down all counter-jew discussion and promote the jew SJW agenda.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
Has nothing to do with him being Central Asian, Central Asia, a place in the world where Islam is popular.
Those numbers confirm
>Central Asia
it's only part 1 of the setup. Part 2 is much more.... explosive
If they can't stop the awakening now it will run away from them and reach critical mass
(((sorry sweetie
this is what you guys sound like
Other than that screenshot, is there any other evidence of that Sargent 4skin post?
There is 0 evidence of him ever having posted on Jow Forums
The only thing the media has is that Facebook post
No. (((They))) have allegedly confirmed, to several news outlets, that the post is not fabricated, but that obviously doesn't mean the identity of the poster is confirmed.
the whole thing makes no sense, unless its just an user who trolled through that guy's account. But maybe robots do call themselves incels. That would be a pretty sad admission.
>implying Jow Forums is a person
facebook "confirmed" it was from his page
Facebook literally has no way of confirming his identity.
except that they're the one who took down his facebook page?
no, it was not.
Nobody from here would talk like that in that facebook post
Clearly false flag.
Normies won't know better, but you lads should
unless you're implying that what facebook took down was a fake page. that had a posting on it from march 10th...
They confirmed that it was posted from his page but theres no word on if he actually posted it
Seriously, who the hell talks like that. It reeks of a forced, and severely out-of-touch CIA meme. Just screams false-flag to me.
so did Jow Forums get hit with a honeypot when it was down this morning?
I hope they fucking shut this shitty baldcel breeding ground once and for fucking all. You all need to get kicked out your basements already.
Adolf is right
What pedogate happening?
The guys a fucking prick and I want to punch his stupid Ralphie face for mentioning us in his spazzy freak out.
Check. Nigger that’s not true.
Ah. It makes sense now
No shit Sherlock
Nigga bullshit. Any given day I see it used here
Allison Mack
Always avoid meowing cretins is the lesson to be learned here,
How do we keep them out?
I posted some nasty sarcastic comment in his thread if it was him OPing those threads about torture devices and
>do you know any easy ways to kill people
Fucking cretins don't take a hint though.
Pedogate is the Eternal Happening
Who is this hacker named Jow Forums?
Who tf is Sgt Jow Forums lol
t. Brainlet
I think it was a redditor or funnyjunk faggot, because why is there no OP that predicted the attack? If he was truly a visitor to this site, why wouldn't he make a post telling us it would happen?
If only this fucking loser had listened to Roosh V he would have realized he needed to lower his expectations and get out there to achieve results. Love him or hate him, there is something about his clam delivery that instantly sobers raging incels.
Meh. Cut off one head 3 more will take its place. Any faggot with a server and some bandwidth can start a chan type website. Even if they somehow manage to shut down a 100% legal website people will just move to other similar ones.
Get fucked kike
The entire creation and propagation of the term "incel" is a psyop helped along by reddit who gained headlines by "shutting down" Jow Forumsincels SPECIFICALLY to create controversy and spread the knowledge of the made up concept.
No one ever heard of this word, even among Jow Forums, before reddit shutdown Jow Forumsincels and then everyone got to read about the controversy.
Anyone using this term "incel" without criticizing the psyop behind it is either a victim or part of the group spreading this.
You have to conceptualize an enemy before you can identify and attack it. The bullies on the left created this "Everyone on the right is virgins har har har not having degenerate orgies like us cool lefties har har" slur.
Marketers are using it too:
>You're an incel
>You should feel bad about not getting STDs
>Here buy this shit so you can feel better about feeling bad from not having sex.
Reeks of a /leftypol/ FF to me
>Only leftypol and reddit use the word incel.
Amen. Glad I'm not the only one who realizes this whole conceptualization of "incel" is a psyop.
We already had enough terms like virgin and bachelor, etc. and it is OK to not have sex, but these faggots on the left had to conceptualize a slur over it and propagate because as they think, "If you aren't getting pussy then you're one step away from being a mass murderer."
Thanks for agreeing, but please use "Amen" or "ditto" or "I agree with this post, very much" instead of "THIS".
Jow Forums is a Christian board of peace, it is acceptable and encouraged to say "Amen" instead of the secular "THIS"
If it’s a fake it’s a pretty fucking clever one. Jow Forums is freaking out. A lot of people seem to be buying it.
Wait that post turned out to be real?
Last I heard it was obviously fake.
no one is freaking out jidf
this is a quintessential r9k post
>hollywood/government sex cult
Exposed by catching second in command and recruit
>Maggie Nix
>look into NIX
shes a child STARlet......
>Obama the horseback rider
>Broward county deputies being murdered
Numerous cops are dieing and being murdered in FL
>what do they know!?
One was definitely OURGUY , with his Facebook being purged but pixs mocking HOGG in nazi outfits
>what did he know in Clinton controlled JEWWARD county FL
The enemy is being exposed!!!! Stay on target
>No one ever heard of this word, even among Jow Forums, before reddit shutdown Jow Forumsincels and then everyone got to read about the controversy
>newfags actually think this
wtf is that shit?
I'm going to reeeeeeeee AND I'm on top of this shit.
Their needs to be some kind of drugs involved. Shit just isn't adding up.
fucking exactly!