
If the B in LGBT stands for Bi, does that mean there are only two genders?

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This is a good point

Oh shit. This will surly stop the global homo gayplex

basically once strapon sex is more accepted people will stop identify as LGBT across the board.

less people will crossdress
less people will feel the need to come out as any thing
less people will feel like they need to brag that they are gay as it wont be that different to strait relationships with alternative dynamics.

pegging might seem like a start of this shift but pegging is basically like dominatrix which is still a fetish and the girls always act like cartoons and pretend to be their idea of "men" that's because the women doing it want to make fun of it and not do it authentically because they think it takes away their "advantage" "privilege" etc

Her stupid face is so punchable

You've got them there leaf.

Only truly the best words said by Trump Kek, kneel before him, we will destroy all democrats and narcissm to bring pur whiTe race back.

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it stands for 'bisexual' which means both sexes, of which there are two.
on the other hand, there's multiple genders

How many?

Kek just get a real dick quit being some roasties whipping boy

Soory to burst your rainbow Mr.Socky but if so many genders exist in this spectrum, so exist the Pitbullous-vomit-syndrmus, if not, check your privelage please and respect my rights.

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Nah fag just two.

The B stands for bestiality, leaf.


endless, I identify as Sock In A Toilet.

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>sex is different than gender
Lol nice meme

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This, I can't imagine having a piece of plastic jammed up your ass is any better/different than being fucked by a dude

Two sexes: male and female.
Three genders: Masculine (he), feminine (she), and neuter (it).

Endless genitalia's dear ol 'chap.

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the b stands for BIGOT now

saue on this image

gender and sex are not the same thing, so, no, you're wrong.

Neuter in English grammatically is "he" when referring to a person. Usually when the gender of an individual is either unknown/not specified or if you're talking about the concept of a person doing something. "It" refers to non-humans; as much as the Homosexualists want to contest this it's a fact of the language, and "they" is a plural pronoun 99% of the time

thats a boxer

Now bisexual begin hate as no really gay, make people start to use pansexual.

And pansexual begin hate as begin transphobia,making genderfluid as political correct.

Take your post-modernist queer theories and shove them up your ass. By decoupling biological sex from the way they influence societal roles, you lot have opened Pandora's Box.

Marry me

Oh sweetie, no it doesn't mean that at all!
It just shows how far along science has come in the last couple of years.. We've still got a lot further to go though.

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>If the B in LGBT stands for Bi, does that mean there are only two genders?
Nice catch, I'm going to take note of that one.

>Oh shit. This will surly stop the global homo gayplex
Actually, it will. Catching the enemy out on their contradictions and inconsistencies destroys their sense of self righteousness, sews discord among their ranks and makes them look stupid.
This type of shit, when circulated enough DOES cause major damage to the illusion of credibility and power that governments and "powerful" people NEED to maintain in order to stay in power, especially if their image depends on shit like "believing in gender".

Liberal lunatics already thought of this OP. Its been revised many times to be longer like this: LGBTIQCAPGNGFNBA. Nice try OP

Oh boy, i can't wait to air that concept tomorrow at our smokebreak.

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you do realize this is a scientifically backed fact?

Bifag there are only two genders, fuck your gender non conforming faggotry.

I've actually seen the defense they have for this. Basically bisexuals are only attracted to the two "cis genders" (male and female). Pansexuals are attracted to "all genders" (made up bullshit).

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're not the first person to think of this.

>trying this hard to bait
Dude get a job

"Cis" does not exist just as "straight" or "gay" do not exist. The whole concept of sexuality as promoted by Homosexualism is toxic

He has one, and it's spreading a narrative

You fucking idiot. SOme redditor is reading this. The will change it to trisexual to maintain stealth.

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