When will this meme die?


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fucking BASED

Never as long as the scourge of civic nationalism exists.



not baste

What do you have against the Based Black dude?

Nothing I hope my kids breed with them. That’d be pretty based. Also it’s like 92% based, the rest not correct?

The jews sure are scared aren’t they.

Then you’d have based black grandkids

Fucking BASED

Black people are our greatest allies, because they'd be willing to fuck off somewhere else if it meant getting away from whitey. Unlike the Mexicans, who are intentionally coming here.

Seems to be based.
Love his hat.

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Is this a BASED BLACK MEN thread? I think so!!


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pic related is barely black but its 2018 anyone can be whatever they want

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Get ready for stage 3 cancer. Full Israeli acceptance will be stage 4 and the last horseman begging for the purge of Jow Forums once again.

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I agree. It’s okay to be trans


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I'm ok with based black men, anything is better than a nigger. you stormfags need to realize we ain't getting an ethnostate and we are going to have to settle for reforming immigration and trying to make the minorities in this country not be shitheads while maintaining our status as majority. we aren't going to deport US citizens so be reasonable and start acting out of love instead of hatred. you hateful fucks aren't going to accomplish anything meaningful.

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Yes the Republican Party should become more moderate to appeal to minority voters


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Kanye not looking good here

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Not as long as Kanye keeps dropping redpills

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So what. You know I'm against forced mixing, like all this white girl black dude stuff... But on the occasion a real mixed couple who work, contribute, live life gets together. They will make a good family, then who fucking cares? Jews, that's who. You a BERG? you mad STEIN?

I think based blacks are BASED. We need to encourage based blacks to be based with our based daughters.

Based black blessings to you user.

>on the occasion
Yeah a miniscule percentage. Most pollute the gene pool and abandon their mutt children to a life without a father and cause a blight on society.
>the jews shill against race mixing
Your IQ must be below room temperature.

ur saying pic related isnt based black person? fuck off nigger

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Yeah jews hate race mixing

USA is the ONLY country for civic nationalism
it will never be a white haven, you niggers are retarded spergs if you actually think thats gonna happen

win blacks to the general rightwing side and it would be a net benefit

Europe for the whites, fine
but USA is inherently civ nat, the damage is done.
shut the gates ASAP and gradually deport large swaths of illegals
stop immigration for 20 years and regroup
black dislike the Hispanic hordes


>the jews shill against race mixing
>Your IQ must be below room temperature
They want us divided. They play both sides, and shill against both sides.
You're IQ must be huge, like your cock r-right user?

They hate goy. They want to win at any cost. They play both sides. If you can't spot them playing on our side, then maybe you need to lurk more...

If we could just show niggers how much they should love hard work, they will stop leeching off white families paychecks, r-right user?

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How come you can make fun of jews but won’t say nigger?

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Your nose is showing.

Because you retards don't understand that people like him are cancer to Marxists.

You subvert their voting bloc, you destroy Marxism.

Do you want to create a movement or not?

Hates Jews loves blacks okay

Yeah I’m a retard for thinking niggers won’t vote for muh freedom when the other party gives them whiteys money

> when
When he stops pushing motherfuckers into the subway tracks maybe.

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