Alli Mack, now this
When did you first realize pizzagate was real?
Alli Mack, now this
When did you first realize pizzagate was real?
threads keep getting nuked
da fug mods
Since I read the Godfather, the book by Mario Puzo. I was 16, it was over 10 years ago.
>all these kids are being found
more like they're being released back into public as they're now a liability, as soon the raids will begin
When my CSIS friend said (((they))) are here and untouchable. She told me who the judges are and they are in for life. Why certain organizations are above the law. how it's fully controlled via blackmail.
>When did you first realize pizzagate was real?
For fucks sake, it's not. There's no proof for this shit
Trafficking, sex crimes, potential ways to find victims
Wtf, I'm a stormy-normie now.
It's coming.
ruined implies that there was something of value to begin with
golden age incoming
I never really doubted people like Cathy o brien or bryce taylor, but with podesta emails and with jimmy comets Instagram I realized it was full on true a few days before the election.
God I hope so. If people simply couldn't ignore it anymore, the streets would fill with blood.
Allison Mack just got charged with child sex trafficking.
Pedogate ia real. Wealthy entertainers, businessmen, politicians and heads of state participate in pedophile networks.
Billions of people are about to wake up to a reality they never thought imaginable.
Your efforts are futile.
I wish, but I doubt it. Every time the truth gets close to coming out the story is squashed
I feel like it's such a large conspiracy that everybody but me is actually involved
I remember that exact statement....where was it from again? Oh yeah, pizzagate
>Allison Mack just got charged with child sex trafficking.
fake news. imagine having to resort to kike tactics and lie to prop up your bogus skizo pizzagate conspiracy lmao neck yourself nigger
Family member use to work in an industry with heavy government interaction. When I was 8 (3 decades ago), this individual explained to me this is how people would manipulate politicians (through gay interaction and kid sex). This has been going on since Hoover was at the FBI. How little has changed with all the crooks within the FBI (ie Oklahoma City Bombing, NYC bombing, Vegas, Parkland, Trump Investigation, etc)
Do you prefer to play dominoes on pasta or cheese? Or do you like walnut sauce in your hot tubs for your entertainment?
And that's what made you a pillow bitter
I don't know about her, but the guy Ranier is accused of assaulting underaged girls. Maybe you didn't see that part, because if you're trying to say that this cult did nothing wrong and is not a story, then you're a shill.
Well gee golly, is it that time already?
Faggot kiddie diddlers.
Imagine being this retarded
Neither Allison Mack or Rainier were charged with child sex trafficking. Rainier fucked a 12yo and a 15yo years before he even started that sex cult and he needs to be be publicly hanged for that. but stop acting like this was a massive pedophile satanic sex ring when literally no children were involved during the entirety of DOS; only depraved rich women wanting to be sexually humiliated. it doesn't help your autistic conspiracy cause trying to relate every little thing back to pizzagate.
did you read the article?
this happened in india
>I fucking LOVE science
When the emails leaked and they had all the codewords, it was pretty damn obvious, im not sure why people still doubt it
I facial recognized this.
Why is she being charged with two counts of child trafficking then?
fuck off glow nigger
>more kike tricks to try and convince people pizzagate is anything other than a retarded skizo conspiracy
source those two counts of child sex trafficking user. because the 10 sources i have ready say otherwise. also the official court papers say nothing about children.
Nice thumbnail.
.....what now shill?????
For you also you dirty liar....either that or you need better sources.....
Praise kek
Ho Ho Ho... How artistic...
I don't even know if I'm joking anymore. The implications are so fucking horrifying I'm just numb.
The only truth I know is that it never stops getting more horrific.
ctrl+F child
>no results found
hmm, getting real kikey in here.
the trump curse gets everyone even anti-trump shitposters
can any of you autists pull up the Podesta wikileaks links to (((Lynn Forster Rothschild))) and where she tweeted John Podesta and really let him have it for his exposing the emails and the fallout for Hillary in the 2016 election. Also look up and search the nexus between (((Lynn Forester Rothschild))) and (((Jeffrey Epstein))) and (((Alan Dershowitz))) the sauce on these links on all social media platforms... unleash the "storm"... #the storm #thestormisuponus
Was the image captured from a Polaroid photo of a CRT monitor displaying the oringal and blown up to that size to feign clarity?
>robert nixon (not sure if real father of maggie nixon) is a shitty filmmaker
>obama meets 10 year old maggie in the basement
>robert nixon gets an award
really makes you think
go on PACER and look at the docket brainlet
elaborate please
name names
God damn this is not just a creepy looking fucker but a goofy looking one too. I laugh but feel unsafe looking at his face. Those beady eyes and that thin grin. Horrific.
If you keep being a cunt nobody's gonna tell you how to get the real picture, phonefag
or just facial recognition trap thread...
ya' know...?!
1984 to save the Shildren...
Looks fine.
>When did you first realize pizzagate was real?
When I first started studying the occult.
It you do real research into the occult you will realize this shit has been going on for centuries Jow Forums just gave it a name (pizzagate) that actually has nothing to do with the reality.
The time I 100% confirmed the existince of these pedo cults was when I started noticing all the occult symbolism used by the elites. Particularly symbolism that deal with child sacrifice.
Nothing concrete, but anyone being honest with themselves can see what's going on.
What novel form of clickbaiting is this?
Open image in new tab. Go to address bar. Delete the lower case 'm' before the .jpg. You're seeing a shit version because the site downgrades big pictures for mobile.
Except it is....
Pic related
Holy Fug
Many thanks.
She gave them up?
Trips. Check
>Allison Mack just got charged with child sex trafficking
Well, yeah, her and that pile of pedo shit Keith Raniere we’re both charged.
>muh fake news
Allison Mac is facing life in prison, the bitch was Keith’s “Master Slave”, and Keith is being charged for fucking minors as young as 12 and trafficking them. She knew what was going on.
You think the bitch didn’t know? You think the spineless pedo-cunt isn’t sqealing like the fucking rat she is? She’s spilling all the goddamn beans and it’s opening a giant can of worms that will lead to more famous fucks facing the prospect of going to prison as convicted pedophiles, traffickers, etc, et al.
> imagine having to resort to kike tactics and lie to prop up your bogus skizo pizzagate conspiracy lmao neck yourself nigger
Says the obvious fucking glow in the dark pile of shill shit.
You’re witnessing the next phase of the Trump Administration rolling up America’s pedo networks. And there’s nothing any of us can do to stop it.
its all over the news retards
All throughout the military spec. ops as well.
They all just don't get how ugly things are about to be.
>found 3000 missing kids
So where were they?
How many sealed indictments???
Betcha think ya hawt shit...
Wait until it balances the budget.
Whats the qrd on this video? 1 hour 55 minutes for part 1 is torture.
fuckin saved
When nigger? I’m sick of waiting for justice. I’m sick of being called nuts
This is "art" from Tony Podesta's favorite artist.
Is this normal """ART""" that sane people enjoy? Kids being tied up and hanging on walls. Meh, just normal shit, right?