Hey dumb fucks, just marry, impregnate jewish women...

hey dumb fucks, just marry, impregnate jewish women, DON'T CIRCUMCISE YOUR OFFSPRING and raise them as Christians or atheists of whatever the fuck you guys are into, jewish intermarriage rate is already at 60-70%, we can just GOY them off the map.

Attached: jewish-question.jpg (342x257, 95K)

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hahhahhaaha, ahh you're adorable.
or just get infant genital mutilation banned for both sexes and watch the jew and muzzie run away

list the benefits of your ingenious plan

in a couple of generations jews will get so diluted they wont exist anymore.

Too bad we gave women rights, now marriage is about bending the knee to the female, literally.

No, just fuck them but dont nutt in them

1. No more Jews
2. Potentially more "whites"
3. ???
4. Profit

Even better. No Jewish blood at all

Unfortunately, this plan won't do anything that isn't already happening.

The only Jewesses that would marry out (read: let you raise their children) would be liberal/reform/conservative Jews who are already pretty much so diluted and out of touch with traditional line Judaism that Orthodox Jews don't consider them Jewish religiously.

As for the Orthodox, to cuck the Jews would mean they'd just raise your bastard spawn... which would be raised Jewish. To marry an Orthodox Jewess would require a formal conversion... which would arguably make you Jewish.

Attached: 1509920006386.png (886x482, 588K)

thats not how genes work.
let me explain

if you fuck a jewess and have kids you are merely increasing the amount of jew genes in the world. likewise you are reducing the amount of white children you could have produced since your ressources are limited and if you had fucked a white girl, your kids would be more white than if you had fucked an even mostly white jewess.

furthermore, jews are primarily a nuisance as beings who are spread out through the white population spreading their lies and propaganda. as outsiders they are much easier to counter. this is why deportation not genocide was hitlers method of eradicating jews. because as always, hitler did nothing wrong

Ashkenazis have some pretty good genes with easily bred out negatives.
Avoid other kikes like the plague. They're more Arab than hebrew. The ancient invasions really took their toll.

>mfw OP's uncircumcised son goes on a trip to Israel to get in touch with his Jewish roots.

Attached: 1524403699778.jpg (165x163, 9K)

irrelevant, you want to make the jews go away? fine, that's cool, obviously we can't just outright execute them, but we have the numbers for a soft genocide, just start assimilating them until they go away, are you really worried your great great grandson will have 0,001% jewish blood ? they will be gone, we have the numbers

>and cause even more inbreeding amongst the Jews?
>nice try schlomo

hey dumb fuck, you are the man in the marriage, you are supposed to have the control, just don't raise them as jews

you were literally born to do this, genetically conquer other people.

>just don't raise them as jews
this is bait

>wahhh 3rd worlders are flooding our countries and replacing us genetically

what's stopping you from fucking up the jews genetically? like I said, we have the numbers to do it

we can just give them a big hug and dilute their genes so much they wont matter anymore, we have the numbers and we should do it.

guys, if you can't kill them with hate, just kill them with love, dilute them and make them irrelevant. all you have to do is fuck.

I do not think that expanding the genetic diseases of them in the other populations is correct user

Attached: Jewish blood diseases.png (631x2798, 1.12M)

It's not the genes, it's the idea of being oppressed. Look at most mixed race kids. They choose to identify as the race that is seen as most oppressed most often, unless they are sheltered completely from black kids. Same with Jews. People love to be oppressed, and the lolocaust is the perfect opportunity

>what is matrilineal descent

you really think your 3rd generation offspring will identify themselves as jew?

you fuck a jew woman
babi marries goy
offspring marries another goy


With things like ancestry and 23and me, yes. You would have to be a retard or a shill to say otherwise. White people are reaching several generations into the past to be Indian. Elizabeth warren didn't even fucking need a DNA test to identify as Indian. You have been identified as JIDF and need to thusly GTFO this hacker community.

you are missing the main point here, if you think 3rd worlders are flooding our countries and demographically fucking us up we can do the same to (((them)))

Wait, why can't we just execute them again?


>or just get infant genital mutilation banned for both sexes and watch the jew and muzzie run away
Iceland is banning male genital mutilation soon, to match their laws against FGM.

Don't fuck jews moor or else they will come out retarded.

Attached: alberto_costa.jpg (600x584, 158K)

And get jewed in the divorce proceedings when you refuse to invest money, business partnerships and patronage into her extended relatives and sickening tribes businesses over your own and her family talks her into it?
Or maybe when you refuse to let them go to yeshiva to learn how the ”righteous” argue why killing 3-year old goy children if a yehudim rapes them is the right thing to do since the shiksa led him to sin and is basically cattle according to rambam?
Or, worst of all, they get to your grandchildren after you’re dead under the pretense of ”reconnecting to their roots”.