Anyone who tells you IQ is genetic doesn’t understand genetics

>intelligence, and is almost certainly a proud racist, a friendly reminder.

Basically, you are all racist idiots.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cool story faggit

>all yuropoors speak english

>Americans are this ego centric and retarded

Learn what iq is and how it is measured before structuring arguments.


True has more in common with phenotype.

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What do these leftists propose we use to measure intelligence, then?

Success of nations? Then niggers are still at the bottom. Success in society? Niggers still lose.

There is no possible way to avoid the fact that blacks are dumber than everyone else.

Intelligence is absolutely genetic and those who deny it are as ignorant and stupid as flat earthers.

the fuck?
have they ever even seen an IQ test?

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Not a bad fucking argument on his end, not a bad fucking argument at all.

Attached: Whatnow?.png (200x200, 53K)

Anything that could possibly show a difference in race will not be acceptable for them.

so any measure will not be accepted then. intelligence will remain a total mystery lmao

heres a comic, faggot

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Isn't it sad that non-whites have trouble recognizing patterns?

Thank you, noble xir! I am here to spread the word this right-wing nonsense will not stand!

culture > genetics
o wait superior genes produce superior culture
suck my dick libshits

Smells like someone is menstruating pretty hard right now.

It's okay. We men understand. Here, have a napkin.

Then physical appearance must also "not be genetic" and come straight from the ASS.

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But IQ is genetic. No one in their right mind with any background in psychology would claim otherwise.

There are, however, socioeconomic and cultural influences but their impact is estimated to max out at about 20 points at it's peak and shrinks significantly at later life, according to seperated twin studies. Although the studies themselves have some flaws.

And a properly executed, valid IQ test such as WAIS-3 does measure intelligence in the way we know and define it. There's really no other known way of definition for the test to be significantly different

Anyone who tells you that eye color is genetic doesn't understand genetics, eyes, and is almost certainly a proud racist.

See, anyone can make obviously retarded statements. It's not special.

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Anyone who tells you cars needs gas to run, doesn't understand cars, gas or running, and is certainly a proud bicyclist.

They just make shit up and say it until it becomes an accepted truth.

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Don't use liberal lexicon.
Just say poor

>Anyone who tells you IQ is genetic doesn’t understand genetics

except for jewish IQ, amirite?

Fun fact: Soviet Unioin JUST 120 billon dollars (in 1970 price) in Africa.
Result? None.
Concludes? Niggers are still dumb, even in non-racist egalitarian society.

White people were the only race smart enough to create an I.Q. test.

>That comment
Except the man who created the IQ test explicitly said they shouldn't be used on Ellis island; dumb cunt

>I'm actually really smart but the iq test is racist

I actually have the world's longest penis but your rulers oppress me

>This test is free, right?


>Plus the model of the IQ test comes from old white dudes that made non-English speaking immigrants on Ellis Island take to classify them as mentally challenged.

If they could pass a fuckin' law to impose this test wouldn't they have just passeda fuckin' restriction on what country they could come from to begin with?

They are non-ironically against meritocracy.

20 points is a huge IQ difference. You're not exactly proving your point.

In 1973 the American Association for mental deficiencies had to lower the standardized IQ level for mental retardation from 85 to 70 because at that time over half of the African American population had been deemed mentally retarded and fit to receive welfare. Even after they lowered the bar black students showed double the amount of retardation that was repeated in white students. This was after civil rights movements, after the moon landing, Richard Nixon was president. The blacks that were part of this study almost certainly went on to have litters of niglets, who in turn had niglet litters of their own.

Attached: spacekangs.png (402x617, 309K)

Structuwhat now? Fucking racists OP was right, you want to make non-English speakers look like mentally challenged.

new pastetrends

Groid Facts
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He mentions the NCVS of 2010, despite there being a 2012 version. Anyway, I could not see any black on white or white on black numbers anywhere in the 2010 or 2012 reports. I even checked the 2011 one just in case.

Where did the numbers come from?

Made up bullshit. So let me give you something actually sourced:

FACT: - Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38.3% of the total of all welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the total.

FACT: - Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38% of taxpayer-subsidized housing

FACT: - Blacks are responsible for 40.8% of all domestic violence cases, despite being only 13% of the population.
See page 28:

FACT: 28% of Black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males.

FACT: - Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children

FACT - Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2005"

Fact is black teens comprise only 15 percent of all U.S. teenagers but were 70 percent of all news AIDS diagnoses in 2012, according to CDC

Fact is Black privilege in America means that Black people find nothing at all wrong with excusing away the deplorable actions of 20 Black men who raped an 11-year-old girl.

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I know, I'm just trying to be intellectually honest.

Girl she eatin that child's food. She too big to be hungry. Hangry maybe,

IQ is Jew BS.

Fun Fact: only 25 percent of Black males are graduating in New York state, and in New York City?which has the largest Black male enrollment?only 28 percent graduates.

Fact is research shows black women, many living in Atlanta, are being infected with HIV -- so much so that the new cases are being compared to African countries.

Fact is Black Privilege means being responsible for virtually all crime in Atlanta: Blacks are 54 percent of the population but are responsible for:

- 100 percent of homicide
- 95 percent of rape
- 94 percent of robbery
- 84 percent of aggravated assault
- 93 percent of burglary

Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012

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>genetics determines every physical characteristic in your body

>just NOT intelligence

why do scientific illiterates speak on things they know nothing about

>soiboy and tumblerina talking about IQ

FACT: Most inventions attributed to black people are myths.

FACT: - 62% of ALL Black births are paid for by the US government [archived]

FACT: 68.7% of Blacks are born out of wedlock [archived]


Total Murders committed by blacks in 2011: 2925
Total Murders committed by whites in 2011: 2823

White victims of black murderers: 448
Black victims of white murderers: 193

Murdering rate for blacks 7.1 / 100,000
Murdering rate for whites 1.1 / 100,000

Victimhood rate for blacks 6.7 / 100,000
Victimhood rate for whites 1.3 / 100,000

Rate of black on black murder: 84% of all murders committed by blacks
Rate of white on white murder: 93% of all murders committed by whites

Rate of black on white murder: 15% of all murders committed by blacks
Rate of white on black murder: 6% of all murders committed by whites

Attached: 1522428682162.webm (480x270, 2.77M)

Dick size or how well you can deepthroat

>he doesn't know that IQ has a heritability of ~0.8 by modern estimates
>his face when he sees this

They are just being emotional. It's reality.

Nope. It is a well-established psychometric tool that has been refined over the course of a century. Not acknowledging racial differences is Jew BS.

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Not an argument soiboi

the hungry need more space pennies.

Blacks though representing 13% of the data set committed over 50% of the murders

Numbers are arrived at using rounded percentages. National Population was rounded to 13% Black, and 78% White. The 78% White includes Hispanics because that is how the FBI tracks murder statistics. Worth noting that this inflates white crime rates.

Raw Data used:

In the United Kingdom:
Approximately 2.8% of the population is black. (Source: 2012 Census)
In 2011-2012, 23% of arrests were of blacks, 4 times higher arrest rate for blacks than whites, taking population into account (Source: MOJ publication, "Race and the Criminal Justice System")

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They've already proved IQ was genetic with adoption studies.

In Australia:

In the UK, ethnic minorities disproportionate source of crime and asocial behaviour:

UK has more blacks in jail proportionately than the US:


Demographic breakdown of America

Whites (not counting hispanics) are currently at 63.7% of the US population.
African-Americans: 12.6% of the US population.
Hispanics are at 16.3% of the US population.

Source: wikipedia, which has its own sources at the bottom.

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Taking the current population of the US (2014 estimate is 317 493 212), that would give us:

White people: 202 243 176
African Americanas: 40 004 144
Hispanics: 51 751 393

Now, the number of people who receive food stamps (in 2012, according to US department of Agriculture): 46 609 000

Now, according to SNAP ( the percentages are as follow
(percentage of the total number of people on food stamps)
43% white people
33% african-americans
19% hispanic

Now, in terms of numbers that is:
White: 20,041,870
Blacks: 15,380,970
Hispanic: 8,855,710

Attached: 1522428900508.webm (240x360, 2.86M)

"Racist" and "racism" don't exist. It's not a valid concept. Everyone that uses it is a moron.

>muh old white ppl argument

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>im going to state an 8 digit number, please repeat the number back to me
>unga bunga gibs me dat
>no, the number, repeat what i just stated

This is what these fucking kikes and niggers are saying about IQ. They arent language or socio economic or any other bullshit. Tell me what the next sequence of this pattern is. Repeat this number. Repeat this number backwards. You can "study" for these tests, which many asian cultures do with their prep courses and school requirements that end up helping you score higher on an IQ test than you should, but they are not somehting that you need any schooling or studying to take.

So far so good, right?
Let's see what PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE PER RACE are on food stamps:
Whites: 20,041,870 on food stamps out of 202,243,176 people. Gives 9.91%
Blacks: 15,380,970 on food stamps out of 40,004,114 people. Gives 38.45%
Hispanics: 8,855,710 on food stamps out of 51,751,393 people. Gives 17.11%

Give or take 2-3% due to SNAP statistics being about 2012 and US population estimate for 2014.
But the conclusion is pretty much:


38.45%? Thats more than 1 in 3 blacks vs whites at 1 in 10. More than 3 times more likey to be on stamps than whites.

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>They just make shit up and say it until it becomes an accepted truth.

Yeah, basically. (((They))) don't even argue, they just repeat feelings until other people give in. They will not stop until they are all dead.

Pic related.

Attached: shitty-jew-communist-media-propaganda-designed-to-shame-not-argue.png (1059x1054, 232K)

>why do scientific illiterates speak on things they know nothing about

they aren't scientifically illiterate.... they are just lying.

If all blacks suddenly left America...
(keep in mind blacks only make 13% of the US population)
>The prison population would go down by 37%
>There would be almost 50% less gang members
>Rape would go down significantly
>Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 10%
>Average IQ would go up 7 points, putting the USA tied for third with Japan
>SAT scores would go up by about 100 points
>ACT scores would go up by 5.5 points
>AIDS and HIV would go down by over 67%
>Chlamydia cases would go down by 50%
>Gonorrhea would go down by 69%
>Syphilis would go would go down by 58%
>The average income would be over 20k more per year
>The amount of people in poverty would go down by over 30%
>Homelessness would go down by 57%
>And the number of welfare recipients would go down by about 40%

Attached: 1522431617439.webm (404x720, 2.75M)

>genetics define everything about you, even personality has a hint of genetics.
>but not intelligence, it's surely the only thing in humans that genetics have nothing to do with.

>chick has 4 last names

KIKES invented the IQ test
KIKES promote genetic supremacist bullshit
To distract YOU from focusing on the (((TRUE CAUSE))) of crime, low IQ uneducated retards, and gang culture.

POVERTY + (((entertainment & music))) that glorifies stupidity and gangster crap.

Kikeonomics is a game of musical chairs,
MORE DEBT exists than money
A percentage of the population, NOT MATTER HOW HARD THEY WORK, will be broke & bankrupt.

This system of perpetual debt and scarcity is to keep everyone running on the hamster wheel.

Those at the very bottom have NOTHING to lose and little to live for, so why not steal, deal drugs, murder.

Attached: the american DREAM.jpg (377x450, 52K)

"IQ is not genetic - that is racist!"

- Genes determine organs and their properties
- The brain is an organ
- Intelligence is a property of the brain
- ergo, intelligence is genetic

Unless Liberals believe in a soul, there is no other conclusion to be made.

Anthony Walsh (January 2004). Race and crime: a biosocial analysis. Nova Publishers. pp. 23?24. ISBN 978-1-59033-970-1. Retrieved 1 October 2011.

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>Unless Liberals believe in a soul, there is no other conclusion to be made.

Now that is a Catch-22 for libtards to ponder.

>IQ tests are racist because only Europeans are good at them except asians also do well at them

>accidentally acknowledging that there are different thinking processes between ethnicities

>completely incapable of coming up with a test that your average European isn't better at.

That's not fair...were all the same but you've created a test that only Europeans are good at!!

So why do asians beat us then?

The model of the area in a circle comes from old white dudes that made non greek people learn a bunch of numbers and symbols. It's not a measure of anything but Euclidian centricism.

To claim that this retard is equal to me in any way is insulting. Jews should have never given niggers rights, the Jews should have never enslaved them, whites should have demonized niggers and eradicated their kind upon first contact.

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Blacks have low morality and an inability to empathize at the White person's level.

From Greenville, SC:
>A woman in Greenville County, South Carolina, had just returned home after dropping off two kids at school Friday when she caught wind of an "unusual smell, an odor, cologne or whatever," the woman’s uncle told the Greenville News. She suspected someone had slipped inside her house, the uncle said, so she started looking around — but only after she had grabbed her gun from her car.

Also this:

>Deputies say the resident fired at least one round before going outside to call law enforcement.

>Officers responding to a reported burglary at the home found the subject dead in a closet.

>Quentin Ramon Oliver died from a gunshot wound to the chest after what appeared to be a home invasion.

Nigger stench saved a woman's LIFE.

Attached: quentin oliver.jpg (406x517, 75K)

OP, how many Nobels do you have?

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Your forgetting something.
Intelligence is LEARNED.
There back high IQ geniuses
IF it was genetic, this wouldn't be possible

Grow up in a poor black neighbourhood, go to the shittiest public school imaginable, surrounded by drug dealing gangsters, and high school drop-outs, while listening to (((gangster rap music)))

TADA magic!!!
A self perpetuating low IQ, high crime, society.

(((white))) dudes

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why do chinks fresh off the boat dominate all these culturally biased tests

LeL they do stink

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these are facts. people don't like facts, particularly the left, all that matters to them is how they feel about something

WTF, I want to move to Detroit now?

>The average income would be over 20k more per year
I would love to see how 13% of the population leaving would accomplish this.

your genetics literally determine your range of possible IQs, where you fall in that range depends on your development in life, sage

I got this three days ago does it mean I'm a super racist?

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They'd get around it the same way they do with the Jewish Atheism angle. They aren't really atheist at all, they believe everything all the same just not the way the Bible told it so they make shit up or compare it to Harry Potter.

the reason why all those GERMANS were put down as retarded is because german literally sounds exactly like english being spoken by a drunken tard


If intelligence is learned, then there is no such thing as smart people. Einstein just had more schoolin'

Even niggers hate niggers, if they don't value each others lives why should I value theirs?

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>FACT: 28% of Black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males.
How do you argue when they say "that's because they get profiled and the whites that do crimes aren't caught"

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>It's a test given by white guys that's unfair to blacks you racist!

Even though Asians and ethnic Jews score on average higher than whites?

crime statistics

>FACT: 28% of Black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males.
>vs. 4.4% of White males.
WHAT? That's fucking high, is it legit? Link's dead

Gtfo leaf Jew

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dam, that long ass workin nigga manhandling that wild hippo at the end tho

Of it makes niggers look smart and everyone else dumb they will say that it is literally the word of god which will be a tranny midget nigger


legit asking cause I always get btfo during debates

in violent crimes, the descriptions the victims give of the perpetrator have the same percentage of whites/blacks as the actual crime stats.

Nice "jews are smarter" myth spreading, Chaim.

Attached: Born to shill.jpg (400x400, 44K)

>old white dudes
Anyone that unironically uses this phrase should be beaten with iron rods with steadily increasing ferocity until they repent of their ways or are dead.