Admit he was wrong about peak oil. At the very least he was WAY the fuck off on the time frame

Admit he was wrong about peak oil. At the very least he was WAY the fuck off on the time frame.

Attached: about_mike_new.jpg (1204x1923, 477K)

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that guy is such a drama queen.

On conventional oil fields? He was right. He was dumb because he forgot that as oil gets more scarce we'll go after slightly harder sources of it gradually.

you oughtta hear him break out in French when he's talking. it makes me cringe so hard the corners of my mouth dig into the earth and strike oil.


i don't know. look up "michael ruppert is dramatic"

dunno. it's cringey enough when he pronounces middle eastern countries with the native accent

>michael ruppert is dramatic

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Yeah he really started to wig out toward the end, going more of emotional, if correct, general ideas, rather than staying chapter and verse as in his earlier years.

is this the guy who made that "documentary" in around 2005 where he's just sitting in a room alternating between smoking, running his mouth, and crying?

Nah, he's the one that used to talk about the CIA running drugs back in the day.

I remember when he was a wishy-washy 9/11 "truther" just to promote his book about peak oil. His family has a Fed roots and he's just trying to make a name for himself.

Found it

lel def check out the other link for all the merchant hand rubbing from teh (((cia director))) under question.

Also this is really what I mean by chapter and verse:

He was right about peak oil.
The mistake he made was in the development of technology.
He knew we had pleanty of shale oil and other non traditional sources, but at the time they were way to expensive to extract without greatly increasing the price. But new tech proved him wrong as it often surprises everyone how quickly we can develop cheaper meathods when pushed.

Even the deep down conventional oil was thought to be to expensive to extract but we're getting to it cheaper than we got to the surface stuff.

> he was right about peak oil
> he was wrong about extraction abilities

Attached: dogeswas.jpg (939x763, 119K)

Tldr; he couldn't have been more wrong and on more dimensions.

Look up Abiotic oil.
Old oil wells refill after a while.


B-but natural processes can't produce complex molecular structures of oil like they can with life's abiogenesis fucking heretic

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Oil isn’t ever going to be scarce because it’s a renewable resource. Every “tapped out” oil field “magically” comes back. It’s a naturally-occurring and naturally-renewing resource that has nothing to do with decayed dinosaurs and old plants. Fossil fuel is a meme that “officially” no longer includes petroleum.. yet the meme persists applied to methane and other natural gases despite the fact that Saturn’s moon Titan is full of methane. Peak oil doesn’t exist and will never exist

Poor mike. OD'ed on red pills and killed himself after going crazy. Fukushima was what really did him in. If you listened to his podcast you heard him getting more and more unstable. He saw the problems but not the solutions, and thus lost all hope, then his will to live.

He went up to that indian place and took a whole bunch of spirit journey drugs. I don't know if you've seen the footage, but it's like when your high school buddy starts to lose it except now he's like a naked fat 60 year old white guy who knows he was never going to touch the good days again.

Maybe he could have pulled out, but that was classic stall out and tail spin stuff.

Yeah, he went full Mother Gia. It was pretty rough to watch. To pull out I think he would have had to have found something, some hope for the future. People missed his most important message in all the rants about peak oil and radiation and collapse. "Until you change the way money works, you change nothing." It is a shame he didn't focus on that more, but he was so deep in boomer land I doubt he could have seen the Jewish connection to "The way money works."

A life of various kinds of abuse probably didn't help. Sad ending, but he did a lot of good with what he had, even if maybe some of the latter ideas should be taken as starting points rather than conclusions.

I perceive certain jewish characteristics in his phenotype. What's going on here?

By the time peak oil becomes an issue we'll have already moved on to something like fusion or other advanced means of energy production. Fuck, we probably have over a millennia worth of nuclear power that we can burn through if we need to.


>Admit he was wrong about peak oil.
"Admit"? I've been saying this peak-oil shit is nonsense for about fifteen years now.

From the Wilderness was great reading.


Peak oil is total nonsense.

>""I think we pump oil out much faster than oil can come in," he said. "But from a long-term perspective, I believe that hydrocarbons are coming in from great depths and are filling the newer reservoirs at shallower depths."

fuck archiving

>"It's impossible to put a number on the rate at which this goes on," Dr. Bissada said, "but I could imagine that this kind of stacked reservoir system, with favorable geologic plumbing between the reservoirs, might refill the upper reservoirs in, say, 10 or 20 years. If we were to go back to some old oil field that had been abandoned 50 years ago, we might drill a test well, and we might find fresh oil. The trouble is that that kind of experiment is too expensive in the present economic climate."

>A recent report from the Department of Energy Task Force on Strategic Energy Research and Development concluded from the Woods Hole project that "these new data and interpretations strongly suggest that the oil and gas in the Eugene Island field could be treated as a steady-state rather than a fixed resource."
>The report added, "Preliminary analysis also suggests that similar phenomena may be taking place in other producing areas, including the deep-water Gulf of Mexico and the Alaskan North Slope."

ITT: larping faggots who don't understand EROEI thinking they know more than professional petroleum geologists who got US peak oil right down to the year