Jow Forums you explain that majority white states tend to vote more republican...

Jow Forums you explain that majority white states tend to vote more republican, if that was the case then why do states like Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine always vote Democrats. Explain

Attached: why.gif (724x800, 63K)

Plan was laid forever ago

New Hampshire votes first for some reason and then the rest of the country follows.

That was a curse that Trump broke...

Because those states are heavily involved in government subsidized industries like miltech and academia, who get their funding and income from a government, so they vote for whatever grows the government.

They're more educated and more catholic.

>They're more educated and more catholic.

Literally wrong. Upper New England is not at all very catholic. Maybe MA, RI, and CT with all of the Irish and Italian settlement but upper New England is basically all old pilgrim stock.

NH here. Our schools are liberal cesspools that push liberal propaganda. Also, I don't have the picture but the best way to describe it is that picture of the dude walking down the street talking about how great diversity is, while being surrounded by all white people. Basically just blind ignorance.

The northeast is heavily infested with third wold leaches, the ever shrinking natives are also heavily employed in state and non-profit agencies to assist in the fleecing. The native whites employed in the private sector is an ever shrinking minority.


>The northeast is heavily infested with third wold leaches
>The native whites
Ok you lost me there bub.

Maine has some French settler stock, but not a majority of the population as well.

Yeah, there have always been French-Canadian catholics here but they're still out-paced by the WASPs who are either non-religious or protestant.

Go on a website for any CT or MA newspaper and look at the crime section. Literally 90 percent of the names of suspects will be Spanish first names and surnames. Then use some common sense and come to the conclusion that those people are not natives of CT or MA, they are first or second gen leaches. Then drink bleach and die

In most northeast states any alien can walk into any DMV with no more than a candy bar wrapper and a scratch off lottery ticket for the 2 forms of identification and walk out with a state ID card.

Domininiggers and Puerto Potty Spicans

Same reason Seattle, Portland, and other high areas of whites. They don't have to deal with niggers and a lesser extent spics. I wasn't racist until I moved to the South and saw a nigger chimp out.

This the right answer. Same thing with Nova Scotia in Canada. Most people work in government, military, or academia, which benefits from government bloat.

New England is racist in public but bleeding heart liberal in the voting booth. These states do not follow any of the typical procedures. As someone who has jumped from living in bumfuck West Virginia to Portshit, NH my entire life I can 100 percent attest to the fact that I've personally heard more audible racial slurs here in pozzed ass Portsmouth than I've heard anywhere in bumfuck St. Albans, West Virginia

>white people exposed to diversity vote red
>white people not exposed to diversity vote blue
Hmm, a true mystery.

>government, military, or academia

This is true and practically all of the best "private sector" jobs around here are all defense contractors like Raytheon. If you live in lower NH or MA you yourself probably have 10 relatives who are figha fightas and the rest were all employed at Raytheon cleaning toilets or building bombs

Oh and Boeing. The best jobs in New England are all in the business of selling weapons to the military.

New Englanders don't give a shit about anybody except themselves. They only vote blue or red to serve themselves financially. The only person that has a bleeding heart, is someone shot in the chest.

He lost all the states OP mentioned dumbass.

Don't forget about the Swedes. They are literally worse than Jews.

Attached: 555px-Swedish_Americans_2000_Census.svg.png (555x352, 236K)

Because the eastern northern whites are basically swedish europeans. They are extremely susceptible to white guilt

they're all atheists