USURY GENERAL - Get Comfy Edition

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>What’s usury?
There are two definitions among the educated. It can be defined as either 1) any interest on any loan or 2) any interest on any loan made for a nonproductive undertaking (sometimes stated as: without regard to production). Any other answer is pilpul nonsense. The concept of “excessive interest” is as redundant as the concept of “excessive theft.”

>Why should I care?
Well, for starters, every dollar loaned into existence begins at the M1 fountainhead known as the Federal Reserve, where it is ultimately owed back with interest. From that fountainhead, money is multiplied in banks through fractional reserve lending over and over, creating an environment where there is always far more debt than credit available to pay it all back.

>Yeah no shit, I’m against the (((Fed))), usury is more than just that, though, correct?
“Usury” conceptually encompasses all interest-bearing loans, or at a minimum (by the looser definition) all interest-bearing loans made for non-productive purposes (such as most personal loans). In the case of the Fed, the phrase “usury” encompasses the entire system of money multiplication, rather than merely its origination.

>This shit sounds esoteric.
Maybe, but for hundreds of years it was recognized by all Christians as a mortal sin akin to murder, and seen as a distinctly Jewish form of warfare, for various biblical and spiritual reasons.

>Ok user, but loans are taken in a freely entered contract. You can’t curtail muh freedom!
That may be, but the conditioning used to normalize debt was not undertaken freely. Such propaganda has been pumped into the minds of the people without their consent, predisposing them towards slavery.

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>Ok, but still, they should have studied the terms; it’s still their fault when they take on such debt.
Debt is often taken on under duress, i.e. to avoid insolvency and/or destitution. If you are dangling off the edge of a cliff, and I offer to help you, but only on the condition that you agree to be my slave, is the contract still binding? More importantly: is it ethical?

>That doesn’t account for all debt, though.
Perhaps, but remember: in a society where there is always more debt than credit, it is a mathematical certainty that some portion of the population will end up in poverty regardless of merit. In a game of musical chairs, it doesn’t matter if every participant is an Olympic athlete, each round one of them will be left standing. This is, in essence, a kind of financial Darwinism.

>So the shitheads get rooted out of society. I see literally nothing wrong with this.
The people who get “rooted out” are those less hell-bent on financial gain and more focused on other things. The people who prosper are those who are obsessed with material gain at any cost and with the fewest scruples - including the exploitation of their fellow man.

>But without interest, no one would loan money. The economy would break down.
There are many ways to loan capital that do not involve paying rent on the money itself. One way is equity stake, with or without buyback options. There are others, especially involving intellectual property. In essence we would have more venture capitalists, which means much faster innovation.

>But that’s business stuff; without loans no one could save enough money to afford a house until they were too old to use it.
First, in a society without usury, your average family would be much larger and have far more purchasing power than today. Large families are relevant because parents loan money to their children to help with such expenses, and brothers/sisters are able to assist with labor or other expertise.

Putting the family aspect aside: In the case of personal loans, the government has the means to loan to its citizens. For example, a government may elect to loan some multiple or fraction of a citizen’s annual income to any citizen who wishes it, and then reclaim payment via taxation. Citizens who fail to pay on time would be levied a simple penalty each cycle, and their future ability to secure credit would be reduced. These loans would be free of interest, since the government could simply create the money at the time the loan was made, just as the Fed and banks do now.

>So we end up with a bunch of people indebted to the government instead of banks, wow sounds great.
Unlike banks, the government could create and enforce work projects that extract labor from insolvent citizens, who then work until their loan-equivalent is paid. There are many other ways to handle this, but the bottom line is that these loans would be interest free, making them far less burdensome and disruptive to society, and the government has many creative options that banks lack.

>Sounds very pie-in-the-sky…
Maybe to you, but at times these were the norms. Can you imagine a time when things were actually built to last? Believe it or not, usury is a primary driver for planned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence should be thought of as the shadow usury casts over a society. One of many.

>Ok, I’m skeptical but interested in learning more, any books?

1. "Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money" by Gottfried Feder (the man who convinced Hitler to join the NSDAP). Can be found for free on PDF.
2. "Usury: A Scriptural, Ethical and Economic View" by Calvin Elliott. Can be found for free on PDF.
3. Most anything by Eustace Mullins (one of Ezra Pound's proteges); they too can be found free on PDF.
4. "Economics for Helen" which is probably the greatest economics primer ever written, and covers Usury. His niece's name was Helen, and he was determined to write it simple enough so that even she could grasp it (and hence the average uneducated Englishman along with her). A Google search will find you a PDF of this for free.
5. “Towards the Restoration of Property,” also by Hilaire Belloc.
6. “Barren Metal” by E. Michael Jones.
7. “Usury in Christendom” by Michael Hoffman.
8. “Usury: The Scourge of Nations” by James Harvey.

For those uninitiated on the Federal Reserve, here is a 20 minute video on debt-based monetary systems (aka usurious central banking systems) well worth the time.
>bump before viewing

Ezra Pound is fucking based. And I don't say that lightly after watching that one Murdoch Murdoch video. His Cantos is fucking fantastic, and ABC of Reading should be fucking required reading for all high school students every single year until they get it.

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>ABCs of reading
It's in my library, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'll have to prioritize it.

Oh fuck yeah my dude, you really must. There's a poem/song in there that I don't know what the actual source is, but it's so well written you can tell what the music it was written for was. It'll also set you on the right path of your future reading endeavors and help you avoid the /lit/-dumbass postmodernism.

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>Taking out a loan is mistrust that everything you need is in the Present Moment.

>In the Hebrew text of the Bible, we can clearly see that the Serpent in the Garden of Eden is a Creditor (as in Banker). We can see that most all the words for serpent in Hebrew refer to debt and lending. The serpent lends at interest to the couple in the Garden of Eden. This is taking the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Credit and Debt. And the son born of this loan is called Cain, which means "purchase".
>And Cain, "Purchase", is the very first Seed of Commerce and the very first Murderer. The word Canaan is a pun outgrowth of the word Cain. Canaan means "Trade", or "Commerce" in the Hebrew Bible.
This taking of forbidden Fruit is the beginning of a debt that keeps reproducing 7-fold (7-fold vengeance), as the Biblical Seven-Headed Leviathan, as the Canaanite Seven-Headed Lotan, as the Greek Nine- or Seven-Headed Hydra. In the Hebrew, the Great Serpent Leviathan also clearly refers to Debt. The root of Leviathan is Levi, which means "to bind" and "Debt". Levi is the Israelite tribe that brought in the Levitical Law of Moses, the Law of Credit and Debt. Leviathan is the Beast of Commerce. Leviathan is threaded through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, as the Seven-Headed Dragon.

One simple question: To whom does the US owe all of their "debt"?
>I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.

>Canaan means "Trade", or "Commerce" in the Hebrew Bible
Tribe of Dan loved to sail, and trade slaves.
They also loved to eat people too.
Locals called them "mw"
Ramses III called them "Sea Peoples"
The founded Babylon, reached Ireland (Druids, also the "snakes" that St Patrick chased away)

>The Hebrew Bible is filled with plays on words totally missed in translation. The word nasha means both 'deceive' and 'lend on interest,' or 'be creditor'.

>*[In Strong's Lexicon, 'deceive' is נשא (nasha'), {Srong's # 5377}, which also means 'lend on interest' {Strong's 5378} which is found in 1Sam 22:2, Neh 5:7, Psa 89:22, Isa 24:2, all of which, like the Koran, strongly denounce lending at interest}.]

Now look at the Hebrew word for snakebite, nashak [Strong's 5391], which also happens to mean both 'lend' and 'borrow on interest' (Num 21:6-9, Deut. 23:19, Prov. 23:32, Jer. 8:17, Amos 5:19, etc).

> 'The serpent bit me,' Eve says.

> 'The creditor charged me interest,' Eve says.

There's no question Ezra Pound was a literary genius; possibly the foremost of the 20th century. I once found his entire WW2 radio broadcasts transcribed. And yet he's largely unknown, a political prisoner even in his own time.

>1913 Federal Reserve Act enslaved the American citizen by first incorporating the name THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, capitalization is their doing, making companies out of citizens and selling their lifetime worth of tax payments to the Federal Reserve where it's sold again to the banking cartel in Basel (BIS).
These are the shadow investors that own the country by debt and usury and they are the European royalty, specifically the British crown.


This reminds me
>The love of money is the root of all evil
Usury is the multiplication of money, as in breeding, or fornication.
Root is literally translated as in 'tap-root.' Or that which brings sustenance.
This the correct translation may be much closer to
>The unnatural fornication of money is the tap-root of all evil.
The concept of "root" as in "derivation" (i.e. derivation) is modern. A root is merely that which brings sustenance.
Jesus very likely was not describing something vague, but literally explaining that the sustenance of evil is double-entry bookkeeping, which results in the multiplication (breeding, fornication, love) of money.
>The multiplication of money is the sustenance of all evil

two thousand eighteen years later and we're still allowing it, but the irony is the story is being taught by religious leaders but purposefully misdirecting the lesson to support the evil system from which it came from.
Very devious and sinister, pretty much on par with the people at the top.

Reposting without typos:
This reminds me:
>The love of money is the root of all evil
Usury is the multiplication of money, as in breeding, or fornication.
Root would be translated literally as 'tap-root.' Or 'that which brings sustenance.'
Thus, the correct translation may be much closer to
>The unnatural fornication of money is the tap-root of all evil.
The concept of "root" meaning "derivation" (i.e. mathematically derived from) is conceptually modern, and could not have been the intended translation, although that's how most conceptualize the verse today. In reality, a root is merely that which brings sustenance.
Jesus then was not describing some vague notion of money and evil, but literally explaining that the sustenance of evil is double-entry bookkeeping, which results in the multiplication (breeding, fornication, love) of money. Put another way:
>The multiplication of money is the sustenance of all evil

To think the average is a retard who will listen to reptilian and "breadcrumb" larps and won't dare to read this is mind boggling.

Agreed. I've always been interested in alternative currencies. Not crypto coins, but local currencies like Mountain Dollars and things of that nature. If I were a mayor I would do everything I could to institute a local currency to complete alongside the dollar, and to pay some portion of City worker wages with the currency. This is technically legal so long as taxes are paid in dollars and the currency is not used in interstate commerce.


And by taxes I mean state and federal taxes. The city could accept municipal taxes in the local currency.

I will come across as optimistic, and I am, I believe we are entering a post-scarcity reality.
It may take time to adjust though since we have been programmed for thousands of years to accept the concept of currency and fiat.

Jow Forums is pretty bluepilled, hopefully if we can get Usury Generals posted semi frequently awareness will slowly grow.

>if we build it they will come

I guess this would be the place to drop some info on the people who came up with the central banking concept and the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 for Americans specifically.

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the abject economic illiteracy on display in these kinds of threads never ceases to amaze me

It's a standard maxim in marketing that most people need to see a brand a few times before they will even consider purchasing a product. Consider these Generals to be the brand. Just having them appear on the board will eventually draw interest; once seen a few times anons will gradually begin to click.

More like jewsury, am I right?

>the abject economic illiteracy on display in these kinds of threads never ceases to amaze me

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I'll gladly add whatever I got when they are posted

great substantive point you are making. I'm guessing you don't care to actually comment on a specific part which you feel is inaccurate?

Of course not.

fun fact, without a credit usury based monetary system the strategy of inbreeding to hoard wealth becomes useless

Nah, it's past midnight and I've got better things to do than argue with people who failed econ 101. Got work in the morning anyways. Enjoy your circlejerk though.

you're saying that on the board that idolized Ron Paul?

what a shit shill, can't they send better trolls that these tards?

>econ 101.

how surprising.

If you find a moment to learn something new, perhaps you should read about psychological defense mechanisms like denial. Consider what it would feel like to be in denial. Let it soak in over the next few years maybe. The truth has no expiration date.

You had time to write two worthless postls, but not time to make a single point btfo'ing simpletons who failed econ 101? Seems likely.

He's mentioned here and there, primarily among the influences of Keats. My high school english teacher taught me about him. Speaking of which, I should look him up and buy him a drink. He might be interested to see what I've made of myself since acing his classes.

I'm not aware of Ron Paul ever using the word "usury" in his life. Even aside from that, the character of the board has changed a lot since those days. Most anons here aren't familiar in the least with usury, as sad as that is.

Friendly reminder to hoard gold and land with usable water.

yes, well they don't teach about it in econ 101 I suppose.

Daily reminder that octi milkers will feed the ethnostate.

I've got mixed feelings about Ezra Pound's poetry. He was a great critic, but he was a better collaborator such as with Eliot's Wasteland. The Cantos of Ezra Pound are pretty... convoluted.

Anyway, what he said about usury was right. No true Christian state has usury. It's not even condoned in the Old Testament, at least among the Hebrews, if not completely.

I love all those guys... Eliot, Pound, Hemingway, Lawrence, Joyce, Céline, Hamsun... good company. Much better than the postmoderns.

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