South Africa - Is this the beginning^copy|twsrc^android|twgr^copy|twcon^7090|twterm^3

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Wait till you see the white of there eyes lads!

white genocide

White people elsewhere will continue to glaze over, what will it take to wake them up I wonder?

I predict the moment it's at their front door, the moment that came too late.

we'll wake up when it's too late. when they're knocking down our door for our blood and out wives wombs.

some people are acting out here and there, but they just get caught or die and pol sits and memes about it

Farmers should skip a harvest in protest. See how people suddenly pay attention.

What do you mean elsewhere? The saffers are committing suicide all on their own.


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Going from 0 awareness to 1 instance of immediately refuted awareness is still big

All the white farmers should just move the fuck out and let the country go to shit, once all the niggers kill themselves and eat each other they can make their way back in.

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This. I have zero sympathy for whites who voluntarily live in Africa at this point. If you get slaughtered, that's on you.

Our governnents refuse to give them asylum

Has that ever stopped a brown person?

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The murder rate of white south africans is actually extremely high.
Comparable to the most violent countries on Earth, like Honduras.

Does anyone have that round table of white young hipster people in south africa just talking over tea about how fine things are for whites except their racism?

The difference is that they actually deport white South Africans.

so are you going to help honduras?

let other latin american countries help them

They can move to a US sanctuary city and use the liberal system to their advantage. Africa for the blacks, Europe/US for the whites.

I have zero sympathy for people that refuse to defend themselves.
Either things are near genocide in South Africa and it's time for a shooting war, or things aren't that bad at all. It's can't break both ways.

>for our blood and our wives wombs
Why do you have to phrase it like that? Fucking cuck

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>thinking lefty's have empathy

because it's the truth. face the truth desu

Afr*kaners need to die

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>They can move to a US sanctuary city and use the liberal system to their advantage.
Oh you naive child.
The liberal systems is there to benefit shitskins, not whites.

what do you think would have happened if bongland turned its back on the colonies and just let wild savages kill everyone?

these people were practically fodder for the communist jews. they should have been allowed to put these feral niggers down, but the international community not only condoned the communists, they practically cheered them on. and they still hold Mandela as some kind of god.

We were very lucky to have had so many good men like Thomas Jefferson who rounded up every savage he could find and booted them out. S. Africa would have been a much different place with men like that in charge. never trust a nigger.