Why do leftists love islam?

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who doesn't?

they dont, they just tolerate it.

just like the right tolerates their fellow racists, white supremacists like they're that uncle no one likes, but always shows up to family dinners. You're nice to him because he's family, otherwise you ignore him and his drunken loudness.

>they dont, they just tolerate it.

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sounds like you had a rough reunion lol

They love anything "anti-christian"

it's cool to hate christianity, and atheism isn't inclusive enough.

because they don't know a thing about it

They don't. They just have a knee-jerk reaction that forces them to worship anything foreign/non-white/non-western.

Islamic tradition is actually the opposite of liberalism which why conservatives (if they were genuine) should welcome it. But of course conservatives have made a deal with the Jews so that will never happen.

They don't. Leftist hate Islam as much if not more than right wingers but they do not think it should be feared whereas some right wingers do.

Because they met 1 high class "liberal" muslim in college, then assume all muslims are the same.
also this

It's their latest pet demographic, they'll throw them under the bus when it becomes politically expedient.

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Because they were brainwashed.
Islam embodies everything they hate... Sexism, racism, nigger slavery, religious extremism, animal abuse, patriarchy, bigotry...
It's horrifying how leftists are unable to think for themselves.

There are some aspects of Islamic state that are understandably appealing to socialists. Like guaranteed food and shelter or prohibition of interest. Furthermore, because a lot of Middle East countries have young demographics and crumbling political infrastructure there is a lot of activism, innovative government theories and potential for revolution. As always, leftists think this means that the result will be communist utopia but then end up surprised when brutal Caliphate appears.

You’re so much better and smarter than those evil far right racist Nazis

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Because they hate Christians

Fuck off Muhammad

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because it's in opposition to western civilization.

And? Is there a problem with what they do to gays? Its the right thing to do.

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because they are weak sheep in search of a strong shepherd.
this shepherd however, is their butcher and they don't even see that

Their head-in-the-sand position is very similar to the praying muslim silhouette

>expecting liberals to have an internal consistency to their bullshit/views
It's similar to how SJWs at once think that gender doesn't exist whatsoever, but in the case of trannies, gender is entirely real. Don't look for a sens of logic in it. Some right wingers are like this too, with the inconsistencies, but it's not usually as severe for them.

The Leftist reasoning works like this:
>If it's White or Western: Reject it
>If it's foreign: Embrace it

They don't. They only love Muslims insofar as we can be seen as victims

They don't love Islam per se. They often claim to dislike all organized religion (although Christianity is usually the one they openly hate the most, and Judaism is the one to which they're most blindly sympathetic).

What leftists love is brown people, foreigners, deviants, outsiders, and anything that straight white men don't typically like.

In short, they have a grudge against Europeans and the West.

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I reverted to Islam and it was the best décision of my life.
Also youtu.be/FNL8Z4ZbJ30

For the same reason right wingers hate it: it’s practicioners are brown.

It's their latest "pet" project.

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For the same reason they are drawn to ideas like Marxism, they are idealists (as opposed to pragmatists). Having become disillusioned with the shallow and vapid form religion and spirituality has taken in most parts of the western world, they see the percieved sincerity and devotion of muslims to their ideals and glorify it. In the past it was buddhism or hinduism you would see them fetishize. Everybody needs a spiritual base, both the fascists and the marxists saw this and sought to incorporate it into their political system, look at the nazi's concept of volk for example. Modern leftists while being nominally secular have created their own "religions" in the absence of this spiritual center, be it marxism, enviromentalism, veganism, or the aforementioned fetishization of other, more "sincere" religions.

t.Sale pédale

Once upon a time there was this piece of gold. Wherever he went, he saw people holding their noses with loathing expression. This piece of gold then wondered: ”why people are holding their noses? Why are they doing this to me? It never occurs to this gold piece tahat in reality, others see the reality: this piece of gold is a stinking turd, literally a piece of shit, who, in its folly and hubris, thinks it is gold. Lefties are the ones who believe the stories of this gold nugget, for they too, never took a look towards the mirror.
Lefties and islam love each other, for they are in the same boat. They both do not want to see the reality, they both love stories.

There are so many stories in the world. Look at the actual, real stories going on in the middle-east: grudge spanning over generations! It’s crazy! It is almost as if they are crazy! They are believing that thoughts or collections of them, are real! Lunatics! Their stories, their long string of thoughts have grown so big, they span for decades! And they have dragged that rope with so great effort, that it would be crazy to believe someone who says that just drop it. They hate it, yet they cannot but love it in despair. They have attached themselves so dearly to their stories that they do not want to hear anything that threatens it. They love their stories so much that they cannot drop them. Yet the paradox is: if they would just drop them, there would be peace. Same goes for lefties, only the stories are different. The world is getting colder, and they cling to each other only to survive longer. Quite human, actually. In he end we all are humans, colors of our skins are but a fleeting appearance. Even in the end, there is nothing but bones, and after that, nothing.