I am against abortion

>I am against abortion

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¡El feo monstruo murió de una muerte dolorosa!

They're all gods children you pasta nigger!

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It looks like it's having fun

I don't know if this pic makes a case for abortion as much as it makes it for euthanasia. can such deformity be detected with an echography?

stop behaving like niggers, these people deserve our simpaty not derision. fucking 13yo edgy faggots

>aborshiun is evul our precius little tumor is a speshul snowflake with a beatiful soul!!

>le 34% face

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fucking disgusting

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I think it’s trying to communicate with us.

They need to suffer like the rest of us

Welcome to Jow Forums.

late term abortions = murder

>those things
pick one

Why don't we just kill the people that are capable of creating such freaks? Killing the kid doesn't cut the head off of the snake. Gotta kill the snake.

Democrat voters

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Also, early term abortions = murder. Unless the baby will be fucked up, then it’s a mercy killing

>They're all gods children
Then send them to him

abortion on demand, yes.

Is that Mitty?

Fuck. Beat me to it.

She's get a nice mouth pussy.

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abortion is shit user its straight up a sin thus evil
but post more mutations to "disprove" why people hate abortion.

also you could just givbe it to the state and they would most likely murder it or a nanny or what ever this is why evil cunts are needed in a civilized country.

Me as a good christain would not lower my self to these murderers and they will likely go to hell but since most murders are athiest i see no issue.
can always call the cops to deal with a murderafter they did the service, have to be a model citizen and all that.

Logic > (you)

>abortion is a sin

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Abortion is ok when the unborn child might suffer from mental or physical issues


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Christianity was a mistake

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Is that a picture of you, Italianon? If you let Jesus into your heart, you might be able to find a fashion sense and stop wearing the atheist pope's mitre

Your birth too

Kill the mutant

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Ethical eugenics > Abortion

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Gee never knew outing a fellow /med/ fag as an athiest is so much fun

fucking classic
t.chrsitain greek bro.

Reminds me of that brain damaged kid that in my class as a kid. Fucking monster throwing rocks like some ogre. Now I know why people thought there were trolls living in the forest, look at that.. What the fuck

I dare you to google Harlequin Ichthyosis.

Oh I know about that. Absolutely disgusting.

I had this conversation a couple times in RL.

Turns out when you talk to lefties abortion is a ok, because "muh body muh choice".
Unless the kid is deformed or has a an early detected disability, then you're a monster for not bringing it into this world.
At that point it's not about what's best for you or society, but simply virtue signalling.

cheers, italianon.

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And pro choice believes that a woman can kill a fetus for whatever reason she have. Except for choosing gender, or if the fetus is a potato. Healthy fetus, inconvenient timing
>go ahead and abort it
Downs syndrome potato growing in her womb
>can't abort it, must give birth to it.
Potatoes have more rights than healthy people

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I feel pain seeing this for some reason. I hope her soul is at peace.

Aborting offspring of most single moms and retarded/very deformed children is OK and should be encouraged, no matter what cuckservatives say. Also in global scale the abortions of American non-whites is among the main reasons why USA isn't second Brazil yet.

>Potatoes have more rights than healthy people
So fucking true, expecially in Cucktholic Italy where being born disabled is actually a bonus.

Yeah I don't think it can be detected before birth

Gaping Dragon looks a lot less impressive in the remakes

Fucking hell, made me chuckle.

Jow Forums abortion policy

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Fuck off

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what about free spaying of divorcees?


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Sure am. Fix things, don't add to the problems.

”We can’t let it die, It’s not ethical”


Should be able to trust docs to try to improve things. Pulling the plug is the opposite.


Want to put my dick in that mouth, lads

I would vote for you

The most sympathetic thing I can think of is putting her out of her misery, unless of course she's somehow able to communicate and says she wants to live.

It seriously just looks so painful.

Bloodborne 2 is shaping up to be a monster

Probably appreciate sight etc more when that's fixed. Until then give her more of other things to compensate.

Maybe make her look like the princesses she likes before giving her a mirror. Or simply carve a face the best they can, what they consider to represent the best or her, or just have good functionality, expressive etc.

Let it perish on its own and do not interfere

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>"Mommy why dont I look like the other kids?"
>"Well, mommy liked to party when I was pregnant"

La creatura...

Seriously though these people will never live normal lives its just the moral thing to just put them down early.

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Since when is anything an absolute yes or no?
I think that a fetus is a human being but if the baby is deformed, mentally handicapped, interracial etc. abortion is the appropriate answer. Letting it live is only making it and everyone around it suffer. What can OP pic contribute to society other than misery and unhappiness?
Abortion should be only legal in these cases, aborting a baby because you dont think its the right time or you just dont feel like having it, is murder. Which is what the big majority of abortions are.
Further on the point of OP's picture, these kids arent being born fucked up because of random strokes of missfortune or genetics, they are being born like this because their mothers are drinking, on crack or smoking during their pregnancy.

So in conclusion, dont plan children with a woman you cant control, because they are all like this. Coming from a father of 4

>actually google it

Ohh my fucking god user.

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THis. I’m not huge abortion fan but this seems acceptable.

As she's treated well to convince her she is pretty she might make a good companion for someone bind.
Could eventually sort through her DNA and find how she could look.
The process of fixing her would have to be practiced in VR several times. Could be automated.
Good idea to keep people with wild differences alive. Information saying how their design was deficient might be passed on. So their kids form better.
Might have to get used to fixing adaptations that degrade function as more environments and more influences demand drastic changes.

Says the Mexican.

Just more cowardice to me. The bad guys all say the same thing.

Better sentiment: If you can't help, fuck off.

they deserve merciful deaths

I'm against using sex purely for fun.
I'm also against raising a freak baby that won't ever survive on it's own.
My position is morally perfect.

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I'm not.
My wife found out she was having twins and so they did a series of tests as they do as there is a marked up risk to multiple baby births. Private health care - love it. We found out they were girls. So we terminated them. No way I was going to be a father of liberal taught focus sluts hell bent on sucking nigger dick.
Terminated the useless fuckers.
They are probably 2 of the 72 virgins someone like Osama bin Laden is fucking. Suit that pencil fucked dune coon down to a t. Fits like a glove.

Embrace timonism.
Embrace the coming race war.
Embrace nuclear Armageddon
Embrace abortion

Dios mio...

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We should be focusing more on gassing pedos and hebephiles than worrying about this shit.

I hate it so much.

Well I don’t want get to stuck with handicap child that’s probably gonna die with in 5-10 years loving me emotional destroyed and probably in huge debt.

Doctors probably assumed that the child would most likely die as a result of he condition.

This. Agreed, Italy-bro.

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Death isn't mercy done by someone else. Very predatory. Asking for it is stupid, you shouldn't depend on people being sensible and unchangeable in the face of constant stupidity.
People would conform and normalize whatever bad idea intrudes. The medical field has massive potential for corruption without being encouraged to be so.

holy shit thanks for reminding me now i can't stop laughing

> aborted 2 perfectly healthy girls
Found the Indian. You probably started shitting on the streets thinking about having to pay double dowry.

Nothing survives on it's own. Good people say thanks by trying to help similarly.

anyone else think postnatal abortions should be a thing?

>Nothing survives on it's own.
that's not true, a person can survive on their own. even easily if they trade their excess value for someone's excess value.

No white English living in the garden of England.
Just not raising nigger fuckers sorry.
You can diss sanjeets and pooinloos all you want. I'm pretty sure if there was no such things as the negroes and the worse there was was doctor pooinloos I'd be disgusted if a daughter of mine brought home a curry coon.
I'm not fathering slit asses. They are stupid, liberal and self centered.
Lennon was right when he said women are the niggers of the world. The only thing wrong in his assessment was for bloody good reason.

The absolutist stance against it is insane.

Don't know if any of you folks are in local gov't, but kids with disabilities are tremendously expensive for everyone. Where I am, it costs us townspeople (collectively) around $8000 per child per year. This comes out of property taxes, which average between $3000 and $4000 per year. So if you move in with kids, you're already a burden. Kids with small disabilities can push that cost to $25000 per year. Extra teachers to ensure they can read, speak, behave, etc. properly. Once you get into kids that require special transportation the costs jump again. Next, are the kids that are too disabled to attend normal school. They are still the responsibility of the district, and therefore the town. We pay for their care, and we pay for their transportation. We're a small town, and we have 4 special children that cost us about $100k each. One recently required outside placement, and jumped to something like $170k. If a blind child were to move in, he or she could cost us $330k, the cost to educate 40+ regular students, or the cost of five police officers, or the best part of two ambulances, perhaps a fire engine.

Schooling is already nearly 75% of our town budget. So these costs are significant. I appreciate that some people believe that every child (or fetus) deserves to live and grow to be as happy as possible, but most people aren't aware of the costs, and they are huge if your kid is seriously disabled. So that should perhaps be a consideration when considering abortion.

>these people deserve our simpaty not derision

The sympathy they need is the moral okay to let the poor deformed child go. Most of the hardest suffering deformed people come from religious countries for a reason. Europe has a 94% abortion rate for Down Syndrome because it's easily detectible in prenatal screening, and EVERYONE would really rather not, religious or not.

If you gave people even better prenatal screening they'd start a eugenics project all on their own.

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>gods children

Early christians weren't rallying against them.

Looks like a regular Asian baby to me user. Even the sideways pussy is right where it should be

It's a double edged sword.
If they were god's children then I'd say with such an asshole of a god that invents eye worms, cancer, aids etc that doesn't discriminate against kids then maybe they are better of terminated. Why would you want to raise kids under the cloak of such a despotic uncaring evil self obsessed dictator.

This is what a harlequin baby looks like as an adult.

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Bruh, I've seen shit during my years here, but this is fucked.