Mass terror campaign since childhood from feminist to dissuade men to approach women

>mass terror campaign since childhood from feminist to dissuade men to approach women
>men refusing to marry by fear of losing their patrimony in the aftermath
>social media and dating apps bringing crazy levels of competition between men while the average woman enjoys basically free attention from legion of males
>in consequence large part of perfectly decent men retreating from society to enjoy an asexual hermit lifestyle as they only get the crumbles of the top 20%
>career women unable to settle because of their own hypergamy
>all time high levels of those 30 something single women since the two WW
>probable explosion of suicide and mental issues from millennial women when they will reach their 40s

Can relationships between western men and women even be fixed?
We are reaching dangerous levels of antagonism in our societies: millennial/boomers, men/women, native/minorities, wealthy/poor, etc... they seem to all resent each others at crazy levels.

Attached: Stats.png (1920x1344, 1.12M)

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Where are the proofs? I don't disagree but you need statistics and evidence

Its just gonna get crazier.

user, nothing you just wrote even matters. That's not the reason why everything is shit, the real reason is that all women without exception hold high standards and will hold those high standards until the age of 40, when they're ready to settle down. Men can't get laid because there's a huge gender displacement. Boomers got laid because most of the male population was killed off during WW2, women had no other choice but to fuck ugly beta males that somehow dodged war drafts and survived, which in result caused the surplus of shitty kids with shitty genes being born, who have no chance for anything in this world, because if WW2 never happened, they would never have been born. WW2 made women go against their nature and fuck all surviving males, since not enough were around. Now the ugly offspring suffers.

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No Chad from tinder will be her partner. They'll fuck her, but that's it. Of course, making her delusional and searching for a chad husband all through her 20s. Her late 20s she still hasn't found him. She's now getting botox on her wrinkles and just had her lips injected. She piles on the make up while her depression sets in.

Meanwhile Stacie that manages to get a rich chad shows off on social media. So other stacies end up sleeping with older men to get them to pay for their Gucci bags.

It's kinda crazy to watch, but this is what I've seen. Not to mention the girls having kids, then before it's born they're single. I'm sure females put less effort in relationships these days thinking they can go back to their tinder days, only to find out no guys want a single mom.

Boomers were born after ww2. Fucking everyone and everything was considered cool. Don't be a potato.

pic related
Go check the stats on childless women too.

That's a crappy explanation, USA suffered very little casualties compared to their population and the scale of the conflict during WW2.
Also boomers aren't the generation of the people who were alive during the conflict, they are their children, people born betwen 1940 and 1965.

Attached: marriage_rate_usa.gif (624x440, 50K)

It might be a shitty explanation but it holds relatively true, it might not be as much for the USA, but it is more prominent in Europe.

Boomers should never have existed, their existence went against nature and natural selection.

The sexual market in western countries is definetely skewed in the favour of females.

I would say that, in the West, the average male has objectively become more attractive than the average female. This is most certainly the case in the 24 - 30yo range. The average girl here in Belgium is borderline chubby.
Just think about how many average females you see walking around with attractive dudes. What's also concerning is the sheer amount of guys in their mid to late twenties that are still single, despite looking okay, having a degree, a job, a car and an apartment.

Something just isn't adding up. The fact that more and more men are missing out on quality females and sex will lead to more men canceling out of society. Why would you still work your ass off and pay so many taxes when there's nothing really valuable to work for?

>Can relationships between western men and women even be fixed?
I honestly don't think so.

>probable explosion of suicide and mental issues from millennial women when they will reach their 40s
Yeah, the late 2030s through the 2040s are going to be fucking nuts. Think about all the issues we have right now and realize they're all going to be 35-50 with presumably careers and families and whatever their kids are going to be like, they'll be teenagers and adults by then.

It's gonna take a collapse, and then hardened, cruel, unabashedly masculine men will take over. They'll be the ones to establish a new order, and sexual morality will be shaped by their will because they will be the men strong enough to make it so.

Instead of popping out babies after highschool at age 18-19 women hold of on motherhood to enroll in college.
Since they have student debt, they hold off even longer before feeling financially secure around age 28-30 to have a first baby.
By the time a man is 27-30 he no longer cares about starting a family and is content in whatever lifestyle he manages to create for himself.
You are correct that an epidemic of suicidal cat ladies will become a reality of the future. Invest in popcorn stocks.

>invest in popcorn
Invest in pet food and sex dolls, things the aging lonely types will consume until they die

I didn't have a problem. Try being awesome.

Adultery used to be a felony in the UK and women used to be executed for it. Now it is not even a crime. Even if marriage culture still existed whereby "incels" could somehow miraculously find themselves a wife in this day and age, even then they have no legal defence against Chad and his eternal prowling. Liberalism has literally rotted our societies to the point of near total collapse. Infected the organs by which it reproduces.

Sex dolls are a meme. Most guys will adopt VR porn and fleshlights instead of a massive toy to hide.
If investing in the pet market, become a Vet. If women buy an animal to be a surrogate child, they will pay top dollar for vet bills keeping little snowball alive.

Family law in the west is totally fucked up. In Belgium and France paternal tests are a tricky thing to do and according to the law the man who brought a child up, and not the natural father, is considered that child's father. They cut the natural ties between child and father

cuck white flag waving fag

>get a gf
>isolate her from her friends
>make her emotionally dependent on you
>never have problem with women again

Claim your women, faggot. It is all game. You are just mad because you are no chad

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That's generally a good thing. Leftoids are an heroing themselves out of populations while people who value family and tradition are shaping a new generation that will take control in the next 30 years and impose a new paradigm on Western societies. Most of use here will get take part in this historic event.

With alternative forms of entertainment, that strokes the ego of young men far easier and more often than female entetainment. Why bother?

>instead of a massive toy to hide
Hide from whom exactly? It's not like we get visitors every day lol.

Attached: Feminism.png (1500x3719, 595K)

31 here
Enjoying that young student pussy while I can but I see no marriage in sight. Every woman I dated were outright unfit to become a wife and even the mother of my children. So what's the point? Might I well keep shaging girls instead.

>probable explosion of suicide and mental issues from millennial women when they will reach their 40s
can't wait for that to happen

I predict 1 sex doll for every 100,000 fleshlights. It isn't going to be that big of a market. It's not like the doll can love you back or be a friend to go out and do stuff with. The point of wanting a companion is having someone to leave the house and chill with.

tee-hee user, I'm just not ready for you yet *wink. Now it's not a good time I've got so much going on. Give me time to explore and grow.
XOXO t.roastie

>Can relationships between western men and women even be fixed?
The better question is should they be fixed. Artificial wombs and sexbots will make women obsolete as a gender.

Attached: futureofwomen.jpg (1957x1296, 1.16M)

Both men and women have become less attractive, both physically and mentally. Both men and women are now fat office dwelling adult children. That in itself has to cause a lot of loss of attraction on both sides.

It's absurd to see people theorizing over what should be considered attractive. It's innate. The only reason it's possible to theorize like that is because people are so far away from what's naturally attractive that we have to ask these questions.

>because you are no chad
T.human sized dildo

You're as clueless as a rutting pig. You'll learn.

I would rather say the "normal" men and women are becoming more rare. The attractive ones are becoming even more attractive, thanks to money (if they can afford it) and cosmetic products, and the uglier are becoming more uglier thanks to moder style of life and mental problems


>Can relationships between western men and women even be fixed?
Pic related

Attached: sexbot-2025ad.jpg (800x800, 86K) that? No?

>Can relationships between western men and women even be fixed?
They certainly can but not through democratic means. National Socialism is the only way out. If the degeneracy of Weimar Germany could be reversed so quickly then surely our own degeneration can also be reversed by it. Conservatism merely delays the demise by a laughably short amount of time while libertarianism lacks the unity to resist collective efforts focused against it.

I bought this model two years after production launched (circa 2027), the AI still had some funny quirks but neuromorphic chips allowed it to have the awareness of mentally-impaired human (IQ & memory were obviously superhuman but she/it had problems stringing abstractions together).

It was the most fulfilling 3 years of my life.
That is until the singularity at the end of 2030 wiped the slate clean. I wonder if this is a loop or we make it this time.

Attached: 1523134653688.jpg (2000x1333, 1.46M)

I think in the west we're seeing Calhouns mouse utopia experiment in human level. This thing will go on untill society collapses. Meanwhile we have to suffer from incel/muhammed truck attacks and feminist harpies. Best to just enjoy the ride. - here's funny interview unrelated

That was interesting reading, thanks.

However, the number of jobs isn't fixed or static. When women came to workforce, new jobs were also created. Simple math dictates that families wealth should have doubled. Nope. First taxation increased in direct proportion with the families new income, so that two people were needed to acquire same wealth than previously only one did. Most of the jobs to the women were created to the public sector, which in essence, are just putting a piece of paper from one stack to the other (bureaucracy).

Hence the exponential growth of the bureaucracy at large.

Women should have right to work, but government should have restrictions on it's growth. Women should be directed to being entrepreneurs.

Housemaids should make a return and be normal thing.

It does seem like the Left is gradually losing all over the western world.

>Can relationships between western men and women even be fixed

Yes it's called honesty, we have to find it again.

Socialism doesn't work in any form. National socialism is still socialism. No matter how hard you try to wrap your delusional brains around it, it never works.

So, for your own sake, just quit being a moron.

Of course they lose. It's just a question how hard they hit their heads when they reach the ground.

It is still possible to have a soft landing. All it takes is to red pill people. All of them are ex socialist who had a soft landing.

Who dis?

Attached: gib.jpg (778x512, 41K)

>Can relationships between western men and women even be fixed?
When women start feeling the consequences of not being backed up by men of their own race as they'll always be outsiders to other races

So basically when the government gibs runs out for single moms

Anyone remembers the name of that anime where men are litterally from mars, women from Venus, and total war between them broke out? Because it might end up as a documentary (So will Chobits while I'm at it)

It is very strange how the Left have become the Establishment now.
look at for example the policies of Banks, Government, Police, Education, Big Business.
They're all raging SJWs!
But the weird thing is, Leftism is to be anti-establishment. It's the "Left", the "Gauche", the "Sinistro", the "Other Way".
Left is the natural viewpoint of a rebellious, stroppy teenager.
But now they are controlling society!
But the thing is that their contrarian viewpoints are at odds with being in power.

The whole show will come crashing down!!
How are The Finns doing ?

>>probable explosion of suicide and mental issues from millennial women when they will reach their 40s
The attention this will get in media coverage in just one month will probably eclipse all of the attention given to men's mental health since the dawn of time.

Very true. I'm in my late 20's now and finally have a routine that gives my life comfort. Adding a gf or wife would just waste my time and force me to watch brainless television.

I need a girl that I can train.

Momentum for the modern left started in the 60's.
KGB in the Soviet Union boosted the momentum with their (30+ years) four stage plan of subversion of the west. The leftist momentum is designed to fail, and drop the target nations on to their own footprints.

>How are The Finns doing ?
Finland is soon taking it's first real steps out from the socialism. At the moment, nobody really want's to declare him- or herself to be socialist. It takes about ten years from now and we are back in business at the top of the world. Which isn't much, since the whole world will be a shithole mess. The world to recover from socialism, takes at least 30 - 50 years.

This is the result of money no longer be backed by anything. Leftists lie, cheat, and are corrupt nepotists, but now this does not have an economic impact to them, as they can print more money to themselves.

>>mass terror campaign since childhood from feminist to dissuade men to approach women

This literally never happened.

Actually, feminists protested that the propaganda was painting women as too competent, which was making them all frustrated because women deeply know they suck.

>probable explosion of suicide and mental issues from millennial women when they will reach their 40s
I don't want to be a jerk, but... idc, lol

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