How do we solve the poor ''people'' problem?

Poor ''people'' have
>lowest grades
>lowest income
>no manners
>no deep thinking
>incapable of appreciation of art
>easily entertained
>highest suicide rates (not enough though)

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Other way around except for suicide rates and income.

You can't other than find ways to stop breeding more portentially poor people. Most poor people have bad habits and choices, they are usually mentally ill, have personality disorders, bad with managing money, eat unhealthy and etc. The poor people I'm mostly talking about are poor in a country with lots of opportunities not shithole counties. Right now though the middle class is shrinking and becoming poor because their wages are stagnant while inflation is climbing. So now you have really rich people everyone else is a poor fuck. Also most elite rich people are mentally ill too but usually have high functioning ASPD and the ones I hate the most are the ones who leech and get bailed out by tax payer money.

Just bring in more poor people

Communism abviously

Automation will make poor people of us all soon enough user.

simple, we kill them

>eliminate poor
>now middle-class is poor
All you have done is shift the power balance, you fool. What have you done?

Actually the best solution would be the exact opposite of communism. Instead of killing all the rich people, as commies want, we should kill all the poor. It's the poor people who constantly have problems, riches just live their lifes peacefully, so killing the poor would just end all the problems


Good luck with that tho when nukes exist.

Exactly this.
If niggers and arabs did this they wouldn't be as poor.
A 400$ salary in a third world country is enough for two people people to live off but they birth kids and now that 400$ is distributed on 3-4 people. then they'll cry about muh children and blame the state for not covering their needs. It all comes down to quality education really.

There's no such thing as a poverty problem there is a poor people problem.

The government should pay people with low IQ to get sterilized. For every point below 100 IQ, the person would receive $1,000 in compensation. So a person with an IQ of 90 would receive $10,000. People with very intelligent, good looking children would be paid a certain sum of money to have more children.

We also need CRISPR, although I'm not sure how we could implement that into the system.

wars usually

also radiation

>The government should pay people with low IQ to get sterilized. For every point below 100 IQ, the person would receive $1,000 in compensation
jews would get all the money, they have the most people with these iqs in mental healthn facilities all over Illinois and New York

You get the job or get the rope

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There is literally nothing wrong with being poor. Materialism and consumerism are cancers that are destroying Western societies. If you disagree you are either Jewish or you have been infected by the Jewish mind virus, and you have no place on this board.

Well worth it.

This shit is all just more anti-white shit pointed at poor whites. Sure it all sounds good but remember the twisted demon world we are living in right now.

You better pray to God every single day that you do not end up poor, you out of touch lunatic.

we practice eugenics and let only rich and intelligent people pass on their genes

The free market will fix it

I've noticed a surprising number of posters who look down on "poor people" turn out not to be white.

More neoliberalism is the answer.

Based Reagan and based Thatcher!

Crash society with no survivors desu

"you" don't do anything about any problems because you lack any kind of qualifications to solve even the simplest of things. It's laughable that your type thinks that it has the clarity, or mental capacity to "solve" problems. All your types have ever done is whine on the net. You're all truly pathetic.

This is how it worked for thousands of years in Europe. Now poor, low IQ women are having more children than high IQ women.


And no answer to be found

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They honestly think they can advocate whites killing off other whites and everyone will just be like herp derp dats it!

Because poverty is a matter of choices and not a matter of race.

Whites are more likely to get out of poverty while other races are more likely to stay poor and blame whites for it.

As I said, it all comes down to education

Get rid of jews, niggers, arabs, and spics, and watch the world's standard of living rise for all

>poverty is a matter of choices
It depends, there are plenty of whites who are poor with full time jobs who work hard, just they have average IQs so are unable to get rich. And people with disabilities etc. Not all poor people are drug taking degenerates who chose to be in that situation, it's much easier to be rich if you come from a stable family who put you into good schools, had a safety net, inheritance etc.

IQ is more important than education. We know the races have different average IQs. That's why blacks and Hispanics are more likely to be in poverty than whites or NE Asians.

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Mandatory military service. Or dump them on an island like you did the Aussies.

This. However, unfortunately our society has decided that *intentional* eugenics should be forbidden.

Un-intentional eugenics, however, is fine. So you can't sterilize people (even voluntarily), but people can voluntarily sterilize themselves. It's weird. You need a middle-man factor, an invisible hand of market forces, and suddenly it's ok.

We all know that our modern society is an environment which selects for a certain set of behavior traits (low impulse control, low commitment, early childbirthing ages, ie: "poor-people traits"). We allow ourselves to try to adjust the conditions of society (sex-ed, the pill, tweeking welfare benefits, etc). But we can't say we're making these adjustments for the purposes of improving the genetic lot of our population.

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Change the system entirely. System we are living right now will always create poor. If we purged the poor, the next income level would regress to new poor.
It's one of the flaws of the system.
Other flaw is infinite economic growth demands infinite population growth.
System is so fucked it can't even manage small population change.

Education spending. Also expand welfare, unironically. They will either spend on things to better themselves because they will be less encumbered by utilities, rent, gas, food costs - or just spend it on bullshit generating growth in the economy.

I have a question about IQ

are people just born with high IQ or do some outside factors play a part in developing it.

Because that worked so well with HeadStart. Over $180 billion down the drain because idiotic liberals can't understand that pre-school doesn't enhance people's intelligence. There's absolutely no proof it has any benefit, yet our government gives more to these pre-schools every year.

Combination of nature and nurture as most psychological and physiological attributes are, Had Stephen Hawking been born into a chav family he probably would have just been above-average

40-80% genetic. Although I'm more inclined to say it's 80% genetic. Read this for more info:

Also poor people people fall the most in the trap of consumerism and marketing ads.

A woman living in the projects will have things like LV bags or the newest Iphone. They desperately crave the feeling of being rich so they make financial choices that prevent it on the long term.

>You need a middle-man factor, an invisible hand of market forces, and suddenly it's ok.
No one likes taking responsibility.

>how do we solve the poor ''people'' problem?
The definition of poor necessitates that poor people will always exist outside of a communist utopia.

You are always the poor of someone else and everyone is poor in his own way.

In others news water is wet. Op should die in fire.

Literally described a kike

genius sperm hybridization therapy. It would only take 1-2 generations of crossbreeding with sperm from a genius donor to make them productive citizens.

What is the data source for this? None of these correlations are super strong so I'd like to do some regressions on it to complete the stats

But genetic selection based on environmental forces *WILL* happen. It's unavoidable. The environment in which we live and breed is mostly artificial. We need to be honest about that fact and take some accountability in how we craft that environment.

>The environment in which we live and breed is mostly artificial
Damn right

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Give them money?

As a sociologist, the biggest problem with poverty isn’t work ethic or financials, but generational poverty and the psychological mindsets behind those in poverty. There are “hidden rules” behind each social class and the lower class’s hidden rules prevent them from advancing into the middle or upper class most of the time. Another problem is that others within poverty discourage change and get offended if you try to better your situation especially because that means less benefits from them. Work/education=less benefits=harder to survive. You cannot solve poverty through programs or money, if you could the US would have no poverty. Poverty is a mindset passed down from parent to child (also often they have broken homes; single parent, cohabitation) therefore, really the only two options is to either 1. Take children in poverty as babies and have them raised by middle class families/military 2. Sterilize the poor (this is the ideal, but hard to sell to the public) it’s very complex.

A complete replacement of current media and establishing the principles of honour from a young age.

Pump gas into Lidl

> how do we solve the poor ''people'' problem?
"A Modest Proposal
For Preventing The Children of Poor People in Ireland From Being Aburden to Their Parents or Country, and For Making Them Beneficial to The Public."
by Jonathan Swift.

tldr; process them into food.

-Purge the elite (the state of the world at the moment is proof they are incompetent)
-Set up government at a local level where everybody knows the real resolve of their leaders

>be poor
>out perform 98% of my peers
>read lord Byron
>teach myself how to paint, play several instruments and write poetry as well as fiction.
>become biologist
>read beguassie scum's post about his disdain for the backbone of civilization

Your free helicopter ride is incoming

By poor, do you mean literally homeless/neets that are unwilling to work or just people slighty below middle class ? If the latter, you're fucking retarded

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A huge portion of our greatest advances as a species came from people who were poor/disenfranchised. There is no greater motivational tool than discomfort.

Also, I was born into damn near poverty and have become reasonably successful financially and in my personal life and intend to continue growing in that direction.. Fuck you, OP.

Feed them to the homeless. Solve 2 problems.