The hardest Red Pill ever: NoFap/NoPorn

>All the western men do it and we will overthrow the jews in less than 5 years.

>pic related.

Attached: HeilMeinFailure.png (701x509, 574K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The greatest mass weapon of political control ever made...

Attached: PornParasite.jpg (1471x3886, 794K)

But (((how))) his behind the hollywood's sister industry, the adult industry...

Let me guess...Pic related.

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What a (((chance)))

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Control your reptilian brain now.


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Burn your Birthcertificate and ID's and we overthrow the Jews in one week

Don't forget to go outside and breed white children as pic related advices.

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No need for that my friend.

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Non-Catholics BTFO

Wut ?

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Watch this if you want to know why the Jews have distorted and destroyed sex.

>879 KB
Whoah, that's a lot of videos.

TL;DR? gonna save and watch later but I want to get an idea.

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basically religions have been distorted to hide the truth. Universal truths that the elite use to manipulate the reality and keep us in ignorance. For instance you find out that the holy trinity isnt the Father the Son and the spirit. it's the Father, the Mother, and the spirit. It's all about creation and humans are creators themselves. We have god inside us and it's about unifying both sides of yourself.

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Also stop smoking weed

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You think that´s enough?
What about your dreams Padawan?
You must learn to be aware of them too, or else everything is for naught.

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Video games and TV will have to go too, anons. Or else you just become little boys again.

Yeah. but video games can be create sometimes though but yeah, you have to moderate a lot. Maybe something like 5 hours a week maximum.

Thanks to Metal Gear Solid, I was red pilled hard for example. And the music in video game surpasses 6 gozillions times the music of shit pop music.

Why searching lucid dreams ?

It seems to me like seeking a virtual world, escapism...Is there any benefits other than the experience itself?


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(((Who))) is behind porn industry?
>(((David Marmorstein)))

Here is an article about [[[Mindgeek]]]

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