White pride is bs

White pride is just an excuse for people to have an unearned sense of superiority. Most white people have never accomplished shit in their lives but they have pride in the accomplishments of other whites to feel better about their failures. prove me wrong.

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So you must also agree that black pride is bs, gay pride is bs, latino pride is bs. Is this correct?


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Same for everyone else, except their peoples highest achievment was to be enslaved by whites

You cuck. White nationalists run this country. If it wasn't for us you'd be getting ass rammed by a shrimp lipped nignog

Sounds familiar.
>Most blacks have never accomplished shit in their lives but they have pride in the accomplishments of other blacks to feel better about their failures. Prove me wrong.

White people typically accomplish more than the average POC just by existing. Whites and Asians are the only tax positive group in the US.

yes. what do blacks, Latinos, and gays have to be proud of? aids?

Checking if you are consistent

I'm a published molecular biologist. I have white pride because whites are the only ones besides east asians capable of forming civilizations, and we're better at it.

Pinko shill detected. Low quality bait thread, go tell your little leddit friends what a failure you are. We know what you're doing.

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in fact I'm saving this for posterity

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its not a bait. Most white are a bunch of hillbilly rednecks who let their country get taken over by minorities because they were too stupid to realize mexicans were taking over.there is no white identity. white supremacy is a joke.

You got to go back?.
Don't want to live around whites then fuck off

This stupid fuck still hasn't figured out poster ids

>White pride = LGBT pride
>Say NO to any revolutionary mentality
>Divide to conquer, this is tactic of all leftists in all countries.

>no attempt to refute argument
>just swap out whites for blacks
>b-but, officer, that other guy was speeding too!

>Can't have pride in something your ancestors did.
> You got white privilege cuz your ancestors, white boi!
>Give Gibs, white boi, cuz your ancestors fucked up my ancestors.
yeah... IQ 85 strikes again.

what do you mean

Fuck you, you're not my dad.

Whites are fucking retarded
These idiots are already pushing Civic Nationalism on these racist Nazi virgins.
Reddit is doing all of our work for us.
get rekt fucking racist trash

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does this works the same way with black slavery victims? they are all long dead, right?

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Hows leftypol this time of year?

instantly better than you because i'm beautiful and intelligent.

Fuck up, pussy.

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One should know that the Yankee race is truly the most superior race of men to have ever lived. None other than the Yankee could have molded such a society, one that harnesses potential to new heights. Wherefore are our United States the destination for those who seek to fulfill their craft and ambition? When such a nation possesses in it the fortitude and ability to craft itself into the biggest of powerbrokers, that nation makes herself a target. The Yankee had made himself the primest of targets— to those predators who wish to blood-let him of his will. These demons of rootless origin whisper a sweet poison into Yankish ears. The lies told by these avaricious vampires go as such: “None is the Yankee”, “Lost is your history, your struggle”, “Succumb yourself to sirens; it feels divine”. Liars weave their lies into the fabric of truth, thereby weakening the conscious spirit of all who fall under its spell. Our spirit, the spirit of the Yankee people, has been deliberately subverted and misguided so to weaken our resolve. The coveted gem of the ocean, fair Columbia lie abused and discarded. It is the duty therefore of all her sons to take up arms with the fiery zeal of a preacher. In her defense, and for her restoration the rootless and their cohorts will feel the righteous judgement that awaits. They guise themselves as lambs speaking nothing but sugary benevolence. Lest you identify him for what he is— and watch his horns emerge, his scales protrude, as he spits a fearsome flame which makes the mightiest of men tremble at the mere sight. If we are to overcome such a two-faced dragon, then we need men with hearts of gold and wills of iron to stand before them— unfettered and unafraid. Let this be the Yankee’s creed: “NEVER SHALL WE SURRENDER, FOREVER ARE WE— UNITED AND FREE”

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Peanut butter

WPWW until my last breath. Even though I get
vexed at them and how retarded they can be, it's how I'm wired up.

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Whites who contribute to society by being functioning citizens who aren't a net drag on society have a great deal to be proud of that most others don't.

Now you could argue that pridefulness is inherently immoral, but you didn't.

whites are good but they're overrated. its really only been a small group of whites that have made accomplishments. a lot of time accomplishments by jews and other races get appropriated as white

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