Greatest philosopher?

Is george carlin the greatest philosopher of all time? >

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He was probably the most un-funny male comedian ever.

he was a socialist cunt who thought he was smart for criticizing 'society', he was funny that was it. comedians are for laughs mostly, now go back to beating your meat

yeezy is better .

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well with his type of "humor" you certainly couldn't call him a comedian. dude just rants




You could tell how at the end he became a bitter, angry moron because he realized that the 1968 that he loved to much was a bunch of Jew horseshit and that he was a tool all along.

For anyone who understands that at some point EVERYONE in showbusiness knew that the Jewish Conspiracy is very real, Carlin bitterness and misanthropy is very revealing.

>Muh everybody’s stupid
>Muh your a sucker if you work
>Muh I said shit fuck piss cum on stage
>Muh no-one can think for themselves
And then the camera pans to the audience and everyone is nodding obediently and grinning like they’re in a cult. The guy was a fucking retard and so are you for pushing his degenerate shit.

This guy was an edgy contrarian regurgitating the same platitudes that thirteen years olds do. Fucking faggot.

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jak 2 was a good game

Well, this is basically a question of context in the time period. At the time he was pretty goddamn cutting edge with the social commentary, but his stuff become popular decades ago and that means modern comedians have essentially been copying and refining his formula for a long time, so now it seems downright quaint.

An analogy I could use is with the show Seinfeld. People will complain that Seinfeld is boring and cliche, but only because it was so popular back in its time that it has been copied and refined to such a high degree that, as the grandfather of modern media of its type, it is now the very picture of "generic as fuck".

In conclusion, George Carlin was extremely revolutionary for his time but his time has passed.

Wrong. He was washed up by the end of his career and was only a funny face making, dirty word saying caricaturist during a time when he and society at large was hyper stimulated on fucking drugs. Once he quit drugs and society changed he became the posterchild for anti authority, even though his medium was a million dollar production, in front of an audience of well off white people, played exclusively on the pay channel HBO. He literally just became a caricature of himself for years until he switched his act to fucking angry old man rants and cringy sjw punchline payoffs.

Fucking faggot beloved by normies who think they're smart

You deserved the quints for that

>Being this ass-savaged because George Carlin made a career out of calling out snowflakes like you

>implying cucks think smart

You want to run that one past us again, Tinkerbell?

No. He was an unfunny comedian. Can’t believe I used to like this guy

Best train conductor ever

>that id
Fellow perubro you aren't making us look good

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> Polishposting

>~"the world's going to be fine; we're fucked!"

>Muh I said shit fuck piss cum on stage
Do you know what website you're on, nigger?

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>Meme Flag
>Meme Fag
You seem pretty pissed no one else here likes your hackneyed "comedian." Maybe you fuck back off to /b/.

I guess the reason Jow Forums invented the "leaf" insult is because you fucking morons form sentences like you're high on PCP.

>Well, this is basically a question of context in the time period. At the time he was pretty goddamn cutting edge with the social commentary, but his stuff become popular decades ago and that means modern comedians have essentially been copying and refining his formula for a long time, so now it seems downright quaint.
>An analogy I could use is with the show Seinfeld. People will complain that Seinfeld is boring and cliche, but only because it was so popular back in its time that it has been copied and refined to such a high degree that, as the grandfather of modern media of its type, it is now the very picture of "generic as fuck".
>In conclusion, George Carlin was extremely revolutionary for his time but his time has passed.

George Carlin first hit it big with his "Seven dirty words" bit in the 1970's. he actually fell into obscurity in the 1980's and had trouble finding an audience.

George Carlin practically re-invented him self in the 1990's and took some notes from another famous "black pilled" comedian Bill Hicks.

George Carlin's Jamin' in New York special from 1992 was where his career rejuvenated. He had a whole new set of jokes in the form of short essays. George found a new audience with disenfranchised gen-xers.

George actually had an axe to grind with baby boomers, as George was born one generation before them in the Silent Generation.

>This guy was an edgy contrarian regurgitating the same platitudes that thirteen years olds do. Fucking faggot.

Shit post. The man was quite a bit more sophisticated than 13 year olds. Carlin had 70+ years of life experience behind him, and he could give you a much greater breakdown of hos things went to shit. He experienced the world between 1937 and 2008. Not many comedians will ever have that fleshed out of a world view.

No everyone knows Stefan Molyneux is the greatest philosopher of all time

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Carlin seemed real funny and edgy, back when I was in my late teens. I recently watched him again now that it's been years, and I haven't laughed once or thought of anything he said as deep or meaningful. I'm sure he was an alright guy but I doubt he ever named the jew.

Hard to believe he was born in 1937

kek not many of us here though

>but I doubt he ever named the jew.
I can think of at least one instance where George Carlin flat out said "The Jews own everything" , but he also must have valued his life and walked around them when talking about "the real owners of the country".

Cracks a joke about Barbara Bush, next thing you know he's dead.

He kvetched so much I thought he was Jewish.

After a depression and between two world wars, yet too young to fight.
Old enough to see the more-true narrative of what went on between the 50-90s.
A very interesting view on the world.

He's right the fuck up there.

He absolutely called what voting was over ten years ago and who really controls our government.

"Businessmen" is interchangable with you know (((who)))

Curt Doolittle is our current greatest philosopher, probably

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George Carlin said this in 2004:

"I hope all of you good loyal Americans understand that in the long run the Islamist Extremists are going to win. Because you can't beat numbers..."


I mean, if you're a retard I could see how you could think that.

Eh, but you're Polish.

And you're Hispanic.

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>What time is it? I DUNNO LMAO