>study history
>become centrist
did this happen to anyone else?
>study history
>become centrist
did this happen to anyone else?
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh history repeats
No idiot, your brain that recognizes patterns says ''look that reminds me of (example) , history repeats it self duuuurrrr''
>>muh history repeats
did not say this or even imply it
>not becoming a singularitarian
Unfortunately, twenty-five years ago
Seen this thread a dozen times before. Newfags and retards will still reply and continue bumping it to page 1. Use sage you stupid assholes
>not taking the bogpill
>Seen this thread a dozen times before
Made this thread a grand total of 2 times leaf.
If your IQ is over 100 you're pretty much immune to wingcuck shilling so yeah
you aight white boi
No I studied history and shifted hard into black pill
We're a species of blind crabs fighting in an eternal bucket. We make the same mistakes every generation. Every generation reacts to the other in a horrifying, inescapable, self fulfilling circular prophecy.
Its very disheartening.
>We're a species of blind crabs fighting in an eternal bucket
that's an overly nihilistic view user, our civilization has its issues sure but you ought to have a bit more faith in people
>study history
>want to rebuild Rome and forcefully civilize the world
Too bad the Mediterranean is a shithole of arab rape babies and unpaid denbts now.
I exaggerated for rhetorical effect but the diagnosis is true
I don't think so, this for example:
>We make the same mistakes every generation
is true, we've managed to avoid any major catastrophic war or conflict since WW2. In fact, the time period between the end of WW2 and today is called the long peace by a lot of academics.
*isn't true
It's always jews, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
You said that before. Slide thread
It isn't just one person being an unoriginal faggot then
Yup. I moved away from Republicans and right into independent
And here we stand on the precipice of another world war.
And to you, comfortably sitting in your home in the United States, you could claim that this has been a period of long peace. Syrians and Ukrainians would disagree
do you call the tv station to complain every time there's a rerun?
Lol the precipice of another world war? You're delusional as fuck lmao
why do you have such an issue with this thread? literally the most non offensive shit lol
Somewhat true. /pol actually has very little understanding of politics. You've been warned---you'll have a very different take on most of our nonsense, a few years from now
Shut the fuck up you syrup snorting ice nigger
I became a full blown Marxist after reading history. Not the modern, transgender kind. I mean the real shit like in the Soviet Union. Militaristic, almost no unemployment, great healthcare, eventually no more famines, high literacy rate, and the space race. The SU had a bumpy start, but they were doing pretty well by the 60s.
Wicked ad hominem
Why don't you explain to me how we aren't close to a global war if you're truly so well informed.
E for effort on that bait user, very subtle
Its easier for you to explain exactly why we will have another world war as opposed to me trying to tell you that we wont have one
Do you really believe those in power would upset such a highly exploitable (profitable) system? Ain't happenin'
multiculturalism is BASED
hey bro just some advice but you should stop typing like that
>tfw I'm a jewish demon subverting the west
War would be welcome, it's the only thing that can save us from the current degeneracy.
why do we always predict that tech will continue improving exponentially forever?
There's about a 90% chance ww3 happens this year, 99% it happens within 5. If this isn't obvious to you, you need to read more.
China has claimed sovereign land in the South China sea to be Chinese territory
Japan mobilizes sea borne defense force in anticipation of Chinese aggression
China takes active steps to dismantle United States' hegemony by created their own petro currency
The United States sends a massive fleet to the South China Sea for an undisclosed reason
I could go on.
I admit that the Russia-UK angle has deescalated.
Reruns are a rhing of the past for Television slobberers.
You van wath your favorite show over and over know and giggle your ass off as if you are seeing it the first time!
"Unspoil Me" promises to let you rewatch your favorite TV series as if it were the first time. Here's everything I experienced while trying to forget "Big Little Lies."
>War would be welcome
no user, I don't know anything about you but I'd imagine we've both lived sheltered lives to an extent living in the comfort of the first world. War, true war is not something to be desired, it is something to be loathed and feared
>I have participated in two wars and know that war ends when it has rolled through cities and villages, everywhere sowing death and destruction. For such is the logic of war. If people do not display wisdom, they will clash like blind moles and then mutual annihilation will commence.
-Nikita Khrushchev
I’m okay with this. I want to see the Fallout universe come to life.
Wanna take a blood bet on $50,000 that it wont happen?
Lel what a dipshit.
I study history and I am as right wing if not more so than ever, where did this centrist history meme come from anyway it makes little sense, to be centrist is to ignore just about everything in society currently and in the past as well as the future.
Of course. This is purely speculative but I believe the purpose is to engender a meaningless mass casualty conflict to foment public outcry against rising Nationalist sentiments.
I believe that want to manipulate The Mob into demanding more Globalist policies
Only uninformed/ad-drunk peasants perpetuate this notion...
>to be centrist is to ignore just about everything in society currently and in the past as well as the future.
how so?
lobotomite detected
This is just me but the way you type screams "teenager who just got into an intellectual phase". we are on an image board, no need to type so formal
he cute
>no need to type so formal
This is how I fucking communicate you asshole do you want me to intentionaly mispel wods 2 mk u fl comfrtbl??
Studies show approximately 1-6 people are "extremists", that means about 90% of people are centrists while the other 10% are the ones who control/change society. This makes sense, most people are followers not leaders
>study history
>realize everything I was taught about WW2 and Nazi Germany was a lie, Hitler did literally nothing wrong
>become fully NatSoc
>he cute
It's taking a fence viewpoint to situations requiring rightist or leftist practices such as the economy or society.
>prep the bull
>stop being racist
Did this happen to 1nybody elze?
you don't have to type like a retard but you don't have to type like your filling the word count for a college paper either. Take this for example:
>a meaningless mass casualty conflict
mass casualty conflict? you mean war? lmao so needless
So you believe we should all cheapen ourselves. I hate you
>study law and constitution
>become far more libertarian
>study history
>become extremely fascist
It's such a massive change. I think the only point on the political compass I haven't been yet are the leftmost extremes.
That said, authoritarianism has the best music and uniforms.
What you're thinking of are moderates not centrists my man
Centrism is being red pilled faggots. You dumb fucks need ideas separated into a red team vs. blue team dynamic. Issues are issues. Just because some dude in a fancy suit says X idea belong in Y system is the opinion of one person that the human herd ends up taking as gospel aka. Marx, Hitler, Plato, etc. Nearly all people have left/right wing thoughts. It's a false dichotomy to keep you fighting over semantics and who's team you're on. Unironically, apathetic objective discernment would a good trait for a philosopher king, and pol leans toward monarchism anyway. Society needs the best decisions, not the ones an individual personally wants.
>have history degree
>study tons of non-white history on way to earning degree (also studied white history of course)
>Central and South American, Middle East (modern and pre-1900), African, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, African American
>only non-white group that doesn't seem like total fucking backwards savages and on par with the white man are the Japanese and maybe the Koreans
>start college as libertarian
>leave as 1488 Hitler did nothing wrong, ethnostate NOW
I don't know how you can spend years studying the histories of the people of the world and become less racist. This wasn't some snap judgment. It was the result of countless hours of studying and reading thousands of pages of scholarly materials.
How thin skinned must you be to believe that I sincerely meant:
>we should all cheapen ourselves
in pointing out your grammar? I'm just telling you nicely man cuz people can spot that shit a mile away.
Centrism requires centre-right and centre-left cooperation and generally ignores the fringes which is bad if you want a good pie, Personally I advocate the hybrid approach where in circumstances requiring hard-right social policies and hard-left economics should be practiced.
Thats the first stage man.. But you will understand later that its not a solution to all problems in world. Its too reformed aka cucked.
If after studying history you want to emulate rome then you're all that is wrong with the world burger. I suppose there are comparisons to be drawn between Nero's rome and Modern Burgerland anyway so i shouldnt be suprised. Take that from a literal Mediterranean.
Holy shit m8 you sound pretentious as fuck
>wedge issues gonna wedge
Did you enjoy Japanese history thoroughly like I did? I'm no weeaboo but their politics and wars are amazing. It's no wonder they produce so much wealth.
>Personally I advocate the hybrid approach where in circumstances requiring hard-right social policies and hard-left economics should be practiced.
That fits into centrism just fine. Again, centrists don't have to be moderate on issues the centrist label is moreso a label for the hybrid nature of the ideology
That's my intent you ape
>I was only pretending to be retarded
We're on Jow Forums
We're all retarded
lmao I thought you were the other guy
are you actually waiting for my responses? Gay af
Will I be a robot one day? And if so, how big will my robot cock be?
nah I'm finna intellectually dick smack you
History Grad Student here
Yes, it was very interesting and I'm not a weeb at all. I don't watch anime or play any Japanese games besides Nintendo. I thought it was really fascinating how their economy was based on rice and how often they bitch-slapped China.
I believe a distinct adaptive organic form of my interpretation of centrism should be distinguished from the bureaucratic moderate appeasing system widely practiced. What it should be called is a big question.
me no liks meanie me maks u burgr i cn shart at mart
Please do
you haven't been bullied enough kid. getting bullied proper gives kids the self awareness to not type like a fedoralord online
Are you transhumanist?
>i have to talk like a fool to fit into le speshul club
Commence with the intellectual dick slapping please. I'm looking for an argument here and you're just a tease.
This is my last post before you derailed me with you began to complain about my diction.
>study history
>become far right because see that only strength and authority wins history
I guarantee I know more than you. Probably a fucking college casual
I'm a Trans-humanist. I have been pissed at Humanity for too long enough to advocate a new separate lineage. All this cybernetic bullshit will weaken any species however, gene editing is the key.
>War, true war is not something to be desired, it is something to be loathed and feared
Actually I'm looking at your other posts in this thread and you're being overtly romantic and verbose in your own responses.
Have you been drinking?
Bankers said that very thing before ww1.
Considering the only subject at hand is the fuckin gay ass way you write I feel that you've been dick smacked pretty throughouly. Don't get so defensive kid, I'm just trying to offer some advice. Seems like I struck a nerve tho
Right um a labotomite because I'm saying there isnt going to be a world fucking war in the near future
You sound actually crazy
>overtly romantic and verbose in your own responses
lmao feel free to post an example, genuinely curious
This. It's actually pretty disturbing how many people haven't taken it.
Prep the bull? Do you stormfags always think about dick?
Did you major in history in school?
Why can't we go back to this
Would be nice if you told us what kind of history and some examples.
Christ you aren't even following a coherent line of logic. Have I really wasted 15 minutes talking to you? I guess I truly am the fool here.