I've outgrown Jow Forums
Feels just like when I had to leave /b/ years ago. Newfags will always come in and ruin everything but this whole culture around this board created by the election and Reddit as a response to the crazy left has just made everything worse. You faggot kids need to learn how to be individuals instead of needing to be apart of some group to feel like you have any purpose or self worth. None of you can think for yourself and you jump at the opportunity to put anyone on a pedestal to worship because you never had a strong role model and you want to romanticize an ideal. The current state of Jow Forums is just a bunch of kids in a hugbox larping. This place is cancer that needs to end along with other group think echo chambers like Reddit.
Think for yourselves.
I've outgrown Jow Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
You outgrow these things because you are changing and they aren't. That's the same reason you outgrow an e-celeb or political fad. The ideologue is comfortable growing moss.
cool story shlomo
You gonna copypasta this all over our board tonight?
Good now go on to 8ch
It's where the old-fags have gone. It is a safe haven free from redditors
you are ready, young autist
your wizard training begins today
They suck too. Read some books and think for yourself.
I decided to make it my last thread on here. But hey I'm a kike shill because I have my own opinions. Why can none of you do anything but parrot buzzwords and memes. You've all been conditioned to use the same language to reassert the collective.
Have you joined the cause or are you just complaining on Jow Forums?
Whos the girl
>clickbait pic
>im sick of newfags and Reddit
good, don't come back
>1 post by this ID
>3 posts by this ID
>Joining satanist skinheads
Crawl into an oven, degenerate scum.
Jow Forums became a legit echo chamber though.
>1 post by this ID
>Jow Forums is a hugbox
>a place where everything you write is routinely under attack is now an hugbox
Don't worry about anyone's opinion here man.
degenerate larpers
Ideas aren't routinely under attack here.
Nice blog, where do I subscribe?
Oh, you are JIDF shill. Lmfao
>Obvious JIDF shill is obvious
>joined the cause
Another brainwashing tactic designed to destroy individualism and individual responsibility.
maybe the left shouldn't have gone full assfaggots on video games years ago.
All I wanted to do was play some games, own guns, and be left alone. Now I think the left as a group needs to be hustled into the gas chambers before they go even more insane and destroy this country, if not the world.
Evil Jews asking you to read books. Someone needs to stop these KIKEs. You can help by liking and subscribing based Youtubers.
>pol/ is a hugbox
>>a place where everything you write is routinely under attack is now an hugbox
I wouldn't have a problem with joining a group, provided that group was actually effective.
>Jow Forums is a hugbox because you are attacking me!
This place is gay as fuck now and doesnt even carry the slightest resemblance to what it used to be. Its under obvious attack from post farms 24/7, and along with the reddit fags its nothing but a sea of toxic fucking filth with almost no originality. The only reason I still browse is because news often gets posted here that isnt posted anywhere else.
mine sure are dunno about you faggot
k jidf, keep us posted!
Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the SJW globalist jew agenda.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
Did you really just "Bye I'm leaving jerks" on an anonymous message board?
You are either a shill or a faggot, either way no one cares. If you are a shill, your tactic is terrible. Me like everyone else just rolls their eyes and moves on. If you are not a shill, you are so desperate for attention, why don't you just go and call your mom. It is a proven study that people with continuous contact with their mothers, those mothers live longer lives. Go do something useful rather than claim you are quitting shitposting on a japanese anime board...and call your mom faggot.
it is pretty funny that because of an ignorant extremist faction of the left, Jow Forums seems to think the new punk is larping as racist 90 year old conservatives that dresses like mr Rogers.
None are.
The key to a better life for everyone is individualism not collectivism. Every group has a leader and you're just a pawn being used by them to reach their goals. Some of your ideas my intersect but reducing yourself to a drone when you could change something yourself is pointless. People need to take responsibility for their lives instead of needing to fall back on someone else to make decisions and speak for them.
>Read some books
Like what the communist manifesto fucking kek
Ask yourself which group of people is trying to ban material (books or otherwise) and which group is most often the target of said bans
You memed yourself friendo
Instead of having a discussion they follow their programming to regurgitate "shill" "kike" when presented with anything that's not a meme
>individualism not collectivism
Kill yourself, neoliberal.
You sound like the newfag. We did that a long time before chanology 2.0.
name of model, pls
>shut down any counter-jew discussion
That's what you're trying to do.
I think responsibility and collective action can intersect. The decline of communities and families in the West makes this hard for us to even imagine though. If you have a group of people who understand that each one personally has to be active it could work. Of course such a group would have to be carefully indoctrinated and managed to abide this way.
The truth is though that most people are peasants. Half the population is below average and barely any are capable of high level thinking. I think that coming to terms with this is important, but not necessarily a blackpill. Having realistic expectations ensure that you don't get excessively disappointed or demoralized.
Aww poor baby is mad his autistic safe space is being ruined
Grow a pair you fucking faggot
See you tomorrow.
>Bye I'm leaving jerks
Yeah that's what I said
your attempt at tempting me to masturbate in your picture is nothing but a fruitless effort kike.
8ch is boring af
>Preaching to the frequenters of a Taiwanese tree stump removalist forum.
k fuck off then lol
Maybe read pd ouspensky or some shit fag
good for you OP now piss off to hot wheels because Jow Forums is as good as it gets on 4cuck you fucking faggot
Been seeing this lately your new tactics is utterly pathetic.
There use to be actually interesting people on here. I remember back when you could have really interesting convos on here, but now it's just a bunch of fags bumping retarded BBC and bait posts. This place really has declined
Here's a start. Download books here:
I know about Jews. Between the Culture of Critique, 200 Years Together, and The Jews and Their Lies I understand their playbook and why they use it. If you learn nothing else about Jews take some time to look up "pilpul". Pilpul is a traditional form of Jewish sophistry which values cleverness without reason.
The reason I recommend reading is this. Youtubers are epigonic, as in they give you third hand information. Here is the life cycle of a good Youtuber's video.
>An interesting thing is written
>The Youtuber reads it
>After reading it he dumbs it down for his audience and to maintain his brand.
>The listener gets a watered down version of the content.
Eventually I cut out the middleman. Not everyone likes reading or can do it quickly enough to make it worthwhile, but I highly recommend it if you can make it work.
If you work really hard researching a subject before making a thread and you start it with good discussion questions it can be alright. Sometimes.
Lel this is what OP is talking about. A pol does now is call each other kikes, cucks, niggers, or basedboys. According to pol, 99% of those board are black kikes whi drink basedmilk
No it 404s
blame r/ptg who brought plebbit retards and boomers and made them feel like home after the election
You were once a New Fag, I was once a New Fag and everyone else on here was a New Fag. Sure the current New Fags are just a bunch of brainlets who can't see the difference between who is being a faggot and who is not being a faggot but weren't we just like them? It's like being a child user, you're young and fucking stupid but when you become older or an Old Fag, you're more wiser and intelligent...and you can easily spot a faggot. So when you see a New Fag being a New Fag, don't forget that was also you a time ago.
Go gape yourself fag.
I know what you mean. Jow Forums right now holds absolutely no beliefs. It's a contrarian board. If you're grown up, you don't need to go somewhere to have your political views validated.
t newfag
Who is this titty Tabitha ?
Usually yes. There has to be a point in contention so that discussion can continue without finger pointing or greentext story time.
wait, you actually aren't a black jew? The fuck are you doing on our board, goy? You're breaking immersion,.
the only validation i have found in Jow Forums is the utter destruction of the fucking kikes narrative and i believe it is beautiful.
but yeah were contrarian as fuck. in the end...
>we did it for the lulz
honestly, I don't get that individualism vs collectivism discussion
you need both on some level. Both are bad on extreme levels
Who is this breasty Bessie ?
Who is this mammary Mary ?
This. Understanding a multiplicity of power centers is important too.
>we did it for the lulz
That was a long time ago, user.
source please
Kill yourself, you fucking Satanist scumbag.
I hope Slavros is enjoying his time in the gulag for allowing degenerates like yourself to propagate themselves on his website for years.
kikes preaching for individualism while they practice collectivism and in-group preference, how new, how fresh, just wow.
My reasoning is scattered throughout the thread. I understand the need to work together but not at the expense of becoming a drone. Individualism is never bad. You're thinking about snowflake mentality.
Lol fuck outta here negro. If you can't speaka da english, fuck off to afreaka my guy
show me the leader kike.there is not one, that's why you are so desperate and afraid, that's why you try to promote some ytb faggots as "alt-right e-celebs" and only tiny fraction of people gives a shit about it.
yeah i know now we affect geopolitical paradigms. i still lul at it, /b/rethren.
>Individualism is never bad.
When it stops people from getting shit done it is. That's why the left kicks the shit out of the right because the left knows how to organize. The right is prone to conspiratorial thinking because they can't imagine competent people making, implementing, and revising a plan. That sounds like cheating to them.
>Read some books and think for yourself.
This. anything you read on Jow Forums, even on /lit/ is just an echo of something else. Nothing here is original anymore.
How you got any of that from what I said is schizophrenic mental gymnastics
Ah you think Jow Forums is your ally? You merely adopted the Jow Forums. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light from my basement until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding! I then was forced back to my mancave to mold the new fags that tried to adopt the Jow Forums.
8ch has a weird and annoying format but you can definitely tell the difference between the two sites
You've outgrown Jow Forums so that's why you insert some big titties into your post?
It's like you're reading half of what I
That was a pretty good
>left knows how to organize
They know how to pay people
it always was a contrarian board tho
It's not just that. Understanding emotional appeals also puts them in a better position. We like to think we can change minds with information, but more often you have to change someone's mind to get them to accept new information. You and I want to be correct. They want to be socially acceptable.
>You've outgrown Jow Forums so that's why you insert some big titties into your post?
No I did that to make people see my thread. Points out another problem with this board. Unless it's a hot girl, doom Paul or a Twitter screenshot you won't get anyone's attention.
Wow, you're right, guy that is completely sincere and using a degenerate boob pic to attract attention to his post. I think I will forget everything I've learned here and leave Jow Forums, too!
dae le think 4 urself sheeples???
dae Jow Forums is an echo chamber? Cx
You are right.
I am considering leaving this place forever.
Can you help me find unaltered version of "10 days that shook the world" by John Reed.
It's has a key to defeat left wing.
I've been to hundreds of leftist marches and rallies over the past few decades, and have still yet to see these paid protesters you all are always going on about.
I'm with you, OP. I think the "BASED KANYE" threads really solidified this decision for me. Didn't think it would get THAT bad, but holy shit.