Der letzte von Spandau

Its his birthday Jow Forums
Say something nice about him!

Attached: Hess.jpg (900x750, 74K)

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fuck off

“Was der Tod der Elf einmal bedeuten wird, vermögen heute nur wenige zu
ahnen — noch weniger kann ich darüber schreiben. Wir stehen mitten in
einer grossen Zeitenwende. Was wir alle durchmachen sind ihre
Geburtswehen. Alles scheint negativ — und einmal wird dann doch Neues
and Grosses geboren werden....”
(From a letter to his wife, written on the 28th
October, 1946, — twelve days after the hanging
of the Martyrs of Nüremberg).

True hero for peace. His courageous flight to England will go down as one of the most daring but devastating flights of all time. He was loyal to the very end. Heil Hess!
>video is him doing one of the greatest salutes

Attached: RudolfHessLastWordsBeforeFinalJudgement.png (1920x2268, 1.2M)

There will come a day when churches are consecrated in his name thoughout the Galaxy.

incredibly courageous, unwavering in his support/loyalty.. he may look like a retard, but a heroes heart beat in that man

very powerful.

the real german. absolute icon.
I dont even want to know what kinda stuff he knew that they kept him in prison for so long.

How do I get a gf as loyal as Hess

And then they killed him.. I’m almost certain of it. He would have been released if he had survived the collapse of the Soviet Union.