Listen very carefully Jow Forums

Listen very carefully Jow Forums

The current plan is for Kanye West to become POTUS in 2024.

He will run as an independent, VP yet to be picked (depends on how things socially progress). This will be possible because of the collapse of the narrative that news networks have had control of for many years.

Why Kanye? I leave that question on the table for you to decide.

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Will his VP be a LARPing faggot too?

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Fuck up.


liberals and their identity politics must die

He's our nig

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It's actually quite could say they're looking for a LARPer

It is the plan to kill identity politics. Oddly enough and more importantly -- the goal is to usher in a revival of intellectualism in the US under the guise of a self-empowering movement

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It’s impossible for an independent to get elected. Even if the Love child of Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders had the PR/media dominance of Trump, there’s just no way you can upset the two party system

Remember when everyone was saying Donald Trump could never become president?

As long as the Don gets his 8 I'm open to this.

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>Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear

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