Has billions of dollars to live a life of extravagance anywhere on earth

>has billions of dollars to live a life of extravagance anywhere on earth


>desperately trying to leave the earth for mars

What isn't he telling us? We're all going to die to some sort of cataclysm, aren't we?

Attached: Elon_Musk_2015.jpg (1011x1484, 396K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>We're all going to die to some sort of cataclysm, aren't we?
Nah, he just wants to be THE MAN that made humanity interplanetary, and he has the means to do it. That's a pretty big thing and enough of a reason on its own. We're talking something that'll make him immortal.

This. He's doing great things. Without colonizing other planets we all eventually WILL perish. It's the right thing to do for our descendants.

The question is: "Has he sold his soul to the (((Devil)))?"

He gets marketing, government contracts, the whole packed...someone in the (((higher ranks))) seems to like him.

But i do give him credit for his talk about demographics and birthrates...he wasn't talking about African baboons or Arab neanderthals that's for sure.

No. He's one of the primary lib principals and he's seen the writing on the wall. He's hoping to build a sanctuary offworld where he'll be safe from retribution when Earth is finally united and centuries of modernist misrule are eradicated.

There are no other planets, normie fag

he is pretty redpilled on demographics. methinks he wants to establish a white colony on mars.

He's one of the few well known people who has openly spoke about being concerned about the decline of whites.
Pretty good lad imo.

>believing space travel is actually possible
>believing that red car was actually up there
>believing anyone is ever going to the moon or mars

>He gets marketing, government contracts, the whole packed...someone in the (((higher ranks))) seems to like him.
It's not a matter of someone liking him. After the Space Shuttle retirement America was pretty much dependant on Russia for launching bigger payloads as they didn't have any ready-to-go system of their own at the moment, having cancelled and/or delayed multiple projects of their own. Then came SpaceX as a light in a looong tunnel for american space program, so they've bet on that light, and they did right to do so.

he is a show man, most of the things he does dont really have any use, but his roket was pretty cost efficient if i recall correctly, but the landing of the smaller rokets is just useless show because they will not be reused anyway.

Attached: 8440e5aef9b34cf3.png (586x141, 18K)

Space is the white man’s last hope. The only place nonwhites can’t immigrate to

>Without colonizing other planets
we colonized other continents now look where that got us, have you no shame?
better just stay here and let blacks and africans kill yt off

earth cataclysm foresight my ass bruv

hes an adventurist, probably had a boner for the bald guy on star trek.

there aint shit on mars anymore.

>lets more to a place with no oxygen thats a fucking wasteland and fuck it up even more.

lets fix the earth first?

Attached: stienburgeroverhearssomeonedenytheholocaust.gif (202x360, 1.84M)

He’s doing it for selfish reasons like And said. That’s not bad though, it’s a key motivator for accomplishing great things and many technological advancements have been because of it. It’s a major component of capitalism as well.

You want to put niggers on Mars?

>but the landing of the smaller rokets is just useless show because they will not be reused anyway.
AFAIR the smaller rockets (the side boosters) actually WERE reused already in the Falcon Heavy flight, they weren't brand new. They were just Falcon 9 1st stages that have landed before.


Attached: FLf7s2HdxR-69qSToL8IRfqq9Ag.jpg (1600x1200, 325K)

Hes just uber nerd with lots of money.


Elon Musk is from South Africa. He knows.

Attached: aa5.jpg (473x480, 67K)

Coincidentally we Hollywood has hinted towards this in a few recent movies like Bladerunner 2049 and Elysium in which the rich leave an almost barren earth to live in space.

Yes it is, he har mainstream television networks defending him when people say Tesla is going to fail. Just look at this:

But how do you know if he's succeeding because someone likes him, and not that someone likes him because of what he's doing?

They will create a superflu. They will use mass panic to convince people to get a flu shot on a global scale. They will use the flu shot to further spread the plague. Anyone who has taken the flu shot will die. Nurses will be used as unwitting pawns for the genocide while the elite hide in their bunkers.

Its a major newsoutlet in the US which:
First: they have ties to corporations through PR-deals and marketing deals.
Second: every second of broadcasted news costs time, for the crew, newspeople etc, something covered during a timeslot means something else isnt covered.
Third: They are heavily downplaying GM as a company in the broadcast, which could mean lost revenue in the future.

>born in country with mostly niggers
>get out asap
>decent countries all have growing nigger populations
>use wealth to fly away where niggers can't go

is there any surprise?

interesting, i didnt know that, would be interesting if it was accually cheaper, i dont think they would just refill them without any maintainance cost

It is significantly cheaper, about 30% atm, but of course not without a downside. And that is that it has a decreased payload when planned to be reused, because it needs to have some fuel left for landing.

Elon Cuck is the epitome of onions boy betas and is looking to escape all of the chads and stacys

he grew up surrounded by millions of niggers.

now he's spending billions of dollars trying to get away from them.

mars = securing a future for white children

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