>"Being right wing is the new punk rock"
>/mu/ laughs it off
>Kanye West tweets today
>That reaction on twitter when everybody loses their mind
>"Being right wing is the new punk rock"
>/mu/ laughs it off
>Kanye West tweets today
>That reaction on twitter when everybody loses their mind
Other urls found in this thread:
Kanye is not punk or rock.
Being right wing was the old punk rock.
PJW is cringe, regardless if what he says is right or wrong.
have you never heard a variant of "x is the new y" before?
he is a mentally ill narcissist millionaire. no wonder he likes trump
>He is le ebil narcissist! *buys and listens to his albums*
I'm probably the only person who has never listened to a Kanye album or song in full.
Couldn't agree more. While I love political YouTubers, especially conservatives since those usually have the best arguements, PJW is pure fucking idiocy.
really.... makes.... me think
>virtue signalling
>supporting a political candidate
these aren't the same thing homeboy
The fucking president of the USA, as well as a majority of the senate and house of reps, are right-wing. how the legitimate fuck is that punk, or even any form of counter-culture?
because pop culture is left therefore the counter of that would be the right
Holy fuck you guys are dumb. Being unpopular doesn't make you punk. If Kanye came out supporting pedophilia I'm sure he would have caused an even bigger controversy. Being hated by the largest number of people possible doesn't make you a cool counterculture lmao
Okay, this is ___
>not reading the text below on purpose
fuck paul jewish watson
don't act like retards have been calling conservatism 'counter culture' for years now
fuck i'm not even a liberal and this kind of shit annoys me
>what are the culture wars
Imagine my shark
>le hollywood is the entirety of culture
mainstream media headlines don't reflect the opinion of the people
Dude how are we not the counter culture? Face it the media is all SJW pro black pro feminist bullshit, and when people call that out and go against it everyone goes beserk. YOu get fucking blacklisted for even supporting Trump, look at Sam Hyde or Kid Rock. It takes guts and balls to admit you're right wing in 2018 and to stand up to the PC bullshit, to pro black and tranny LGBTQ bullshit. If I say that shit grosses me out or I dont wanna listen to some nigger whine, guess what, I'm gonna.
are you going to pretend it doesn't have a monumental amount of influence? just lol
We're winning hard buddy, no one fucking likes the left, you're all fucking cowards. Safe space snowflake pussy queer faggots. Even your pet house negro Kanye West is leaving the plantation to join the side of logic and reason
>sam hyde
>kid rock
where's the loss here?
also, no one is being called out for being right-wing, they're being called out for regurgitating the same "anti-PC" bullshit that people have been saying since like 2012. dae SJWs and niggurs? xDD
>no one is being called out for being right-win
but they literally are though
Sam Hyde had a successful TV show of the most innovative comedy in years on Adult Swim cancelled because of vocal Trump support. It is obscene. Kid Rock had his career derailed for his political beliefs along with Ted Nugent. Look, these are great entertainers who just have beliefs that arent status quo. It's edgy, it's bold, and it pisses people off to speak out against the establishment line of pro queer nigger whatever bullhickey. It's pushed everywhere so pushing back is now the rebellion. It's risky, it's bold, it's counter culture literally.
sam hyde's show sucked and was too much trouble for what it was worth
kid rock's fanbase was pretty much 95% rednecks, i'm pretty sure they wouldn't give two shits if he supported trump. again, he was just fucking garbage
sam hyde was okay but he didn't know when to end a joke, and recently he's been bordering on alt-right edgy Jow Forumsthe_donald humor
and again, if it were pushed THAT much, the fucking president wouldn't be a right-winger
MDE wasn't cancelled because it supported Trump, it was cancelled because it was taking shots at God's Chosen people
ted nugent*, not trump. fuck i cant type today
and I guess we're going to pretend Fox News doesn't have a massive amount of influence and isn't the biggest MSM network, not to mention Sinclair infiltrating every small town and all of the Facebook conservatives with millions of followers
>Hey let's find what everyone hates, like that thing, and be proud of it just to piss them off!
This is a child's idea of free thinking
dude you get called out for being a racist asshole that's not counter culture
It baffles me how you can be white and leftist in current year. These people want to replace you with mexicans and arab immigrants. Wake the fuck up.
>everyone hates
>gets elected
something doesn't add up here
Wake the fuck up white man. Wake the FUCK up. You're welcoming in rapists for your daughters with open arms. You are surrendering what your ancestors built over generations to barbarian hordes.
they believe it's what they deserve for being """"oppressors""""" or something
cool can i get 1 white genocide to go
the best thing about these are that the guy is a mutual friend
t. all my highschool crushes sucked immigrant cock and now i'm mad at them
You disgust me, surrendering your own nation because you are brainwashed by silly little platitudes. Diversity spices up life, oh ethnic food is so good! Yeah, get out of here cunt, we will have nowhere left to go because of people like you. Our history, the world we built, we will surrender it all for temporary pleasure and virtue signalling, and the blood will be on your fucking hands.
spooked as fuck
fuck europe
fuck race
>we built
Still taking credit for what your ancestors did are we? Explain how you personally built any of this
imagine being THIS seething because it isn't the 19th century anymore
Ask a Japanese man if he'd willingly welcome millions of foreign immigrants into his country per year. Ask him if he'd be ok with drastically increasing demographic change, a 30%+ and growing African population in Japan? Imagine anyone speaking up against it gets branded a Neo-Nazi.
Plot twist: OP wanted the immigrant cock himself and grew bitter after being rejected in favour of his GF
literally just WE WUZ KANGS but for alt-right neckbeards
how do they not see the hypocrisy THIS obvious in their own fucking arguments?
i just gave my nigga head
>the right is still trying to make xenophobia and laissez-faire economics cool
This is your brain on Jow Forums.
because whites actually did build shit, blacks didn't. copts did.
Blue states are better off than red ones. It's a simple fact, it would be suicidally stupid for me to not vote for them.
I don't want my people to be lost. I don't want my nation to be a relic in a history book. I want my daughters to look like me. I want the achievements of Western civilization to continue to flourish. If you take away the people that made Western civilization possible, it will not be left.
A nation is a collective group of people, Anglo-Saxons have contributed numerous inventions to the world. Without their precense on the globe or their own nation, humanity loses that valuable contributer.
Lmao Murican Christians are so cucked that they think Jesus was a capitalist
That's not true. You have niggers and rape.
This is your brain on Jewish degeneracy. Thinking about cocks all day huh?
Racism and capitalism are not only fucking awesome, they make logical sense. Welcome to the real world buddy.
Jesus certainly wasnt a fucking communist.
Fuck off.
yeah can i get a source on that
literally how are whites going extinct? a few "lol whitey bad" articles from huffpost aren't proof btw
hate-bred paranoia at its finest
>Anglo-Saxons have contributed numerous inventions to the world
Yeah, but I'm guessing YOU didn't
Yes, putting your people first and advancing your group's interest and turning your race into the best it could possibly be is indeed fucking awesome. We need that sense of purpose, that mission, that collective unity again. That kind of pioneer spirit that led us to conquer the New World, the Manifest Destiny, the Christian missionaries, a spirtual yearning for the white man to spread his way.
>capitalism are not only fucking awesome
was with you until you said this.
>inb4 communist
He was even less of a capitalist
okay but why not work with people of all races so that humanity can become collectively better
What's wrong with it? Free market, free choices, those with ability and will make it, those who don't want to put in effort or just don't have the guts or skills, well they wash out. Life is a game, differences exist, and they should be celebrated. Capitalism encourages innovation and competition that makes humanity achieve.
Because other races are too fundamentally different to work together and have different goals, abilities, aesthetics, skills, personality, culture, everything. We are distinct tribes and you cannot erase this fact of life. We must advance the most superior race in terms of intellectual achievement and aesthetic beauty: the European.
what a fucking LARPer
Racism is good.
Not to mention race is a constantly changing category and certain groups like Irish and Italians weren't even considered White until the 20th century. So it's pretty clear how dumb and arbitrary it is. This isn't about tradition or "respecting your ancestors" because your ancestors probably would have fucking disowned you for considering potato eaters the same thing as Englishmen
that's a really fucking primitive viewpoint, but i'd expect that from someone with such a primitive brain
Cucks ITT, fuck anti white nigger lovers
based /mu/ mod for moving this fucking garbage thread to Jow Forums
You'd let a nigger cum in your mother
i've said it before here but t. all my highschool crushes sucked black cock and now i'm mad at blacks
Youre unpopular i was alwzys tge cool one
Good for you nigger lover, I wouldnt have that problem
>meme flag
This isn't /mu/ anymore lil faggot, not your safe space anymore. You cant be a self hating race traitor safely here or you'll get torn apart.
>We're winning hard buddy
You're spamming your own echo chambers 24/7 and think that's real life.
>You cant be a self hating race traitor safely here
Unless you attack white women, the current white meme country (UK, Sweden, Germany, which one is it right now?), attack rival white nationalist organisations...
Wow is /mu/ really this bad?
Kangye is a faggot and a kike and so are you.
It's a good thing they're completely irrelevant and have no impact on Jow Forums as a whole.
It's worse.
Nice turd on your head, fuckface.
Look up Johnny ramone antisemitism
Jow Forums incarnate
Paul is so cute. I'd love to tongue-punch his fartbox, if you know what I mean.
He takes dicks in his ass
>/mu/ is unironically more redpilled then current Jow Forums
How fucking sad
god his face is so fucking punchable
gavin mccines said it first iirc
Lick it before you stick it honey
I fucking love him
He’s so fucking obnoxious. He puts his face like 2 inches from the camera and says the sassiest most annoying shit ever. It’s like a right-wing buzzfeed video
Why do you think it triggers the left so bad? It’s like the right-wing version of sweetieposting. They’re still talking about his s()yboy video
Looks better than Jow Forums currently. At least they aren't sucking nigger cock.