Bouncer Throws 3 Women To The Ground Who Were Attacking Him

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Banshees. I'd say a sizeable percentage of punch-ups are started by women acting like that.

I worked in a casino. The women were the worst. The men treated you with at least an iota of respect. If they fuck up they know you will call backup and kick their ass. The women though were absolute batshit insane harpies that yell and scream because they know you can’t do shit. I applaud that bouncer. Lord knows how many times I wanted to 50cent pimp band a bitch.

>I applaud that bouncer
he showed an unbelievable amount of restraint

women really are the niggers of gender

The fuck is a punch-up?

Vulgar Display of Equality.

What was their end game? Fight their way into it and then part the rest of the night like normal?

I was waiting for them to be body slammed on the concrete. Disappointed.

they are that delusional that that was probably literally their plan

The result of women being shielded from consequences all their fucking lives.

Where someone gets punched. Like getting beat up but with fists and not one sided. Basically it means a fight.

can you imagine dealing with entitled drunk white women for a living?

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This is what we have done. By letting the Jews convince us that this emotionally primitive creatures are supposed to be free we have ruined them and our civilization.

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a fackin barmy m8

Man even in retail when I was younger. Women were the bitches complaining about the littlest things.
I considered quitting my job then slapping a bitch more than once.

equality in action

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anglos deserve a holocaust on their own


ur fuckin tard'd m80

>The fuck is a punch-up?
it's baby-talk for a fight. You see, Brits aren't allowed to say words like "fight" or else they get imprisoned for a hate crime.

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The dark haired ones look like gypsies to me - in which case, I've seen this happen many times. The men are exactly the same. They have a culture which takes pride in fighting.

I admitted, i didn't fit with this western values

>women are the niggers of gender


day of the roast when

it's pronouced foight

He was nicer than I would have been. Equal rights means equal fights.



>ahmed telling others how to pronounce english

friendly reminder the clearest english is spoken in the US not anywhere else.

Ever been to Glasgow on a night out? You'll see this and they aren't even gyppos

This is one of the many life-destroying things alcohol does to a person. The toxic poison, legal. These alcoholic Irish roasties are a great example of why it's bad for society. Yet some anons still have the audacity to attack marijuana. Hey ya know what? Go fuck yourself if you're one of those anons.

They deserve to be stripped bare and flogged through the public square at noon.

I apologize for my retarded brethren. While punch-up is not in the vernacular here as a fight, it's pretty obvious what it means. People getting punched.

couldn't tell tbqh
>trashy chavs
it's an honest mistake lad

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i love that they stay down to try and act hurt, but when nobody cares, they just get up again and proceed to continue the fight

yup, act like a nig get treated like a nig

Its meaning is pretty obvious to people who don't use guns as their first means of settling differences.

I love how the orange one overplays it and lay there on the ground like she got knocked out but you can clearly see her gently lying herself and play dead. Fucking keks

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it's hilarious when women do this

Bump of excellent bounty

What the fuck

i wish those roasties where dead already

Scots might as well be though.

Look at this dumb bitch in yellow diving harder than a soccer player and going limp like she's been KO'd . Damn I didn't need this rage in the morning.


It's all the beta and incel losers from the past, and today's world, that are responsible for this state of affairs in the west. It was those pussy worshiping manlets that made, and continue to make laws that protect these bitches from getting what they deserve.

110kg bouncer and bodybuilder here.

I have many, many stories from my job. Its destroyed what small faith in women i may have held before. Ive seen hens suck different guys dicks in the toilet, ive had women offer me blowjobs and sex for entry to a club, ive had women write their number on a piece of paper, ive had women feel my arms in front of their husbands. I get offered to go back to their places a lot.

The pretty ones are entitled and scream whenever you throw them out. Its the fat ugly ones that will glass you. Some of these hambeasts are fucking huge man, im 6'2 and im looking up at these gorillas.

Women know the law is on their side, all they have to say is "he touched my breast!!", and not only do you lose your job, you'll get put on the sex offenders register. Its a legitmatetly dangerous issue.

In America you'd call it a dust-up.

ive said it once and ill say it again. women are niggers

2:35 is best part.

My sides!

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Sounds like the job benefits are pretty good compared to its downsides? I dunno if a woman was coming at me like that I'd be really tempted to stomp on her leg at the knee or below and break something. Godspeed man.

Lol, does hens have the same meaning in the UK, as chicks do in North America?

Who gives a shit

A hen is a bride to be. The guy is a stag.

that nigger must be a professional soccer player

IMHO, the bouncers were in the right. Those women deserve to get put on their asses if they are going to fight and throw punches.

She used the Feign Death skill

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top par

They had a strict roast beef policy

beta men are created by single mothers. Single mothers are created by alpha men that ditch their wives or women that hate their beta husbands. Dont blame the betas for this when society created them.

men sharing alcohol together forged the links of society you faggot.

USA would literally not exist if there was no ale.

Worse, he's talking about hens nights.

Even worse then. Damn slutty bitches are shameless, and those poor idiots that marry them.

bet you go to poofy places like the garage ya prick

meant to reply to

More likely cider

no worries m8

kek at the old gentleman removing himself and his drink from the scene once things get crazy.

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Men have physical strength to just take what they want when push comes to shove. Or get their asses kicked. Women don't. They have their wiles. Deception and manipulation. The ones who put those to nefarious use are exactly why men have dominated women throughout the majority of civilization.

Women need to quit being cunts, or we'll take their rights away. And there's not a goddamned thing they'll be able to do about it if men collectively decide to do so.

am i the only one having flashbacks of goku beating up the ginyu force right now, that video was hilarious

Can you imagine his thought process?
"Look at these girls, back in my day they never would have acted in such a manner".
Thanks for keeping the civilisational seat warm for us old timer.

>the black chick cheering and pumping her fist

Women's rights were a mistake.

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To be fair, stag dos are usually just as bad. Doesn't make either right though.

Yup. There's a 99% chance these people were drunk at the time, and as many chances they would have acted as normal human beings if it wasn't for Alcohol.
Booze is to Whites what Crack is to Blacks.

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Fast forward to modern times and it's cum.
Literally a bukake sword fight party, basedmilk on tap

Is that Jerry the king Lawler?!? It looks like him...

Seems like hitting them quelled the situation
>Maybe if men in the UK hit women more


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heh those roasts are overcooked

Stags are a little easier to deal with, in a group theres always a nutter, and one who keeps the nutter under control. Get him onside and they'll generally police themselves. Although i have to be ready to defend myself. Out of 10 lads, 3 will be up for a fight, the others will kinda look on.

Unless they are gypsy or polish. Then its a nightmare. At least they dont fight *that* dirty, but ive had some nasty experiences with both groups.

Just imagine the confusion in those women's little minds.
Rage, oh I am on the ground, rage intensifies, I'm on the ground again, my bum hurts, raaage, reeee, reeee, reeee, on the ground again, knees hurt, reeeEEEeeeEEEeee..
