Why are white Americans so obsessed with black culture?

Why are white Americans so obsessed with black culture?

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How do we fix them

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You're an american too.

But are you white...

As a Canadian it is our national pastime to be nothing like Americans. You would know if you visited.

how does that type of physiological development even happen

There's no real white culture anymore, and some people have a weird inferiority complex that comes out as acting black

pick one

those who act black are uncultured.

Whites have no culture.

Also, Jews.

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What is white culture?

she is clearly being ironic though
you autistic canadian faggot

not true. blacks conform to their trendy clothing/ musical/idealogical styles obsessively compared to whites. thats the definition of culture.

Becase whites in America mixed with nearly every European ethnicity and therefore cannot connect with their own culture and have to resort to black culture.

they can keep her

because white culture is illegal in america

That explains the cuck leader and lack of military.

Thats a UK train ticket there you faggots

He never said pic related tho

Cause Americans are raised by the electronic Jew, which makes their brains stunted. It all leads to circumcision, Judeo-Protestantism indoctrination, mindless consumerism, and the package is completed, culminating in nigger like behavior.

>Thats a UK train ticket there you faggots

>being this autistic

Middle class white americans like to were the dress of the working class as a costume. This is how bluejeans became popular. Since the blue collar working class is greatly diminished to low cultural relevance, niggers took that spot.

what the fuck does that have to do with anything

I think it had to do with the 90s but I was just a young kid during this time. But I remember we used to listen to Eminem and wear wife beaters. I think it was all targeted advertisements towards us. I'm still shocked when I look back on that brief period of time in elementary school. It's really intense how powerful mass media is to young minds. I think most of us just got brainwashed and never broke the conditioning until much later in life.

It's like this bizarre post-"wigger" (as we called it) culture now. Like it's fused with far left politics and even more degeneracy than before. When we were kids, we just wanted to look tough and be edgy. Now it's something far more politicized, or maybe it always was I can't tell anymore. But I know for sure we were brainwashed as kids and I know for sure that brainwashing never ended. It's only gotten worse. It's just now that I'm older and have more common sense and concepts of dignity, self-respect, and ambition it all just looks so incredibly ridiculous to me. Even when I hear people imitate niggerspeak (and a lot of whites do this) I can't help but seriously cringe. I can't even go out to college bars anymore that's how embarrassed I feel for these complete lunatics. What's even funnier is how people dance now.

I'm hoping that it all comes crashing down. I think for most of these morons they'll realize only too late in their lives that they were taken for a ride.

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Liposuction where they take the fat from her gut/elsewhere and inject it into her ass. This is the kardasian method btw.

Yeah, I get this feeling too. I think of all the various sub and counter cultures that existed since WW2 and it all seems to stem from this strange worship of "the working man". Not that there's anything wrong with blue collar work, it's just a strange thing to have a cult worship on. I wonder what causes it.

Its not. For 99% of people the only nigger culture they consume is the odd pop/hiphop song off the top 40 list.

Because they're retarded.
Most people who are obsessed with black "culture" (read: whatever kike or dumb nigger shit they see on TV/instagram/snapchat) are genuinely borderline retarded if not literally retarded.

white culture is science and math. not nigaboo dancing

>white Americans
do they even exist


Fubu stands for "for us by us" (aka black people)

lol, dumb slut

Don't let black people steal these things. All of the clothes in these pictures are European style clothing. There is nothing black about it.

>I'm hoping that it all comes crashing down.
Nope. They’ll just introduce a social credit score like in China and racemixing and cuckoldry will be normalised. No white resurgence. We’ll be forced to watch our white daughters get BLACKED and if we try to resist we’ll be sent to a diversity re-education camp.

It seems the twilight zone is blending into real life

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You also have to remember that black culture was influenced by a group of lower class english that settled around blacks and taught them bad habbits and language.

*thug culture

hiphop and degeneracy are not Black culture

Because America
One Nation = One Race


Nope. We're all black here. Fuck off, we're full.

because this is the ideal american family

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also wearing sports jackets isn't black culture at all it is a manufactured culture sold to poor (black) people
full tracksuits are quite expensive and having the latest gear is considered a sign of high status, corporations have and will always exploit and push for this

Because they've been told from kindergarten that they are bad people and that they have no culture.

HipHop black gangsta rape culture throughout the entertainment industry assaulting our minds day and night.

It is black culture, it's the majority among niggers in JewSA, btw BL don't M

Did they teach this in your white guilt high school module or mandatory African studies at university?

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>Implying niggers have culture.

How is it by black people when half of it is just fruit of the loom with Fubu printed on it and the other half is plastic clothes made in China?

She got that for $100 from some vintage store and thinks it looks cool, but it's in such good shape cause the nigger that bought it realised how ugly it was.

I don't think it's going to be this bad for those who have the mind to resist it. I mean seriously, I'm already immune to this shit and I've still got friends, relationships, a job, etc. I don't really think defeat is possible and I always look towards history to use that as a guideline. Given the hyper-materialism and mass media culture prevalent today, I can't see a sustainable outcome in its future. What I mean: I don't think it is possible to continue as is. Hell, even Donald Trump's election underscored this reality. A president won an election and there were borderline race riots on the streets of every major city. We are still having meltdown rages over it. It only amplifies from this point forward. Things naturally get worse during a decline, and a decline leads towards some form of action. You only sit around and "watch" if you let yourself do this.

Yes and no. Given what we know of African history, modern politics, and economic situation is obviously to follow the direct line of "progress" for African biology. It's no surprise that the advent of "Black culture" in the US is directly linked towards a time period of mass consumerism and hyper-materialism (Dwarfing even the period of the 1920s).

But American fascination with gangsters is nothing new either. However, in the past the gangsterism was infused with a romantic "Robin Hood" flair whereas now it's all about a general outlook of nihilism (most modern rap is hyper nihilistic) and self-annihilation. It's why it's not sustainable. The energy kills itself. Multiculturalism works only in violent police states. Look at ancient Rome for example. There was a constant Roman discipline of violence that kept the various peoples in check. But always there was this concept of an "Ubermensch" in the Roman itself. What I mean to say is: without this concept of superiority any species is bound to destroy itself as witnessed in the West today.

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Yah hihi! I'm so random.

Monkey see monkey do. You put negroids up on
a pedestal and exalt them as heroes and people
will imitate them. Life imitates art. The same
reason blacks and mexicans used to dress
well when well dressed white people were exalted on screen and in music. Negroes and
mexicans used to where suits and ties like
white people back in the day. That is why
multi-culti and race mixing harms everyone.
Each race should have their own media and heroes.

Read a book you fucking moron.

>black culture

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I don't think a social credit score will work in the US. They're not centralised enough and people tend more towards the anarchic part of human society.

The reason it works in China is because they have a strong central state and they actually believe that without strong oppression they'll start warring against each other again like they have throughout history with countless 100s of millions dead as a result.

FUBU was popular with nogs (and wiggers) like 15 years ago you fucking leaf

This is somewhat true, it is socially illegal, I wear a black BDU and get weird looks, or look like a working white man and get weird looks, it's kinda funny. I got called racist at my last job for working better than my co worker nigs.

>Black culture is mass produced sport wear made by child labor in Asia.

>They're not centralised enough and people tend more towards the anarchic part of human society.
It would be impossible to implement in the United States. We have reached a level of multiracialism that is incompatible with social stability. Anytime an election happens from this point forward, there will be a chance that the entire society goes into full chaos mode.

The whole world is. You know that whole gay British slang bit? That was their attempt at having a "street" culture, because they saw a nigger dancing on the tv, for which they didn't have a license.

Brits have always had "street" culture. Mods, Skinheads, etc. The modern "chav" is what you're referring too.

>meanwhile the rest of the world has its own rappers and garbage as well
The globe has been blacked you dog fucking maple sucker

Hahaha Jow Forums lately, so much fucking censorship.