So, the current state of Kanye West?
So, the current state of Kanye West?
Why not both ?
>triggering the ever living fucking beejeezus out of liberals
What do you think user?
This makes no sense newfag
They both could be the same button
Also stormfront or plebbit is that way
Can someone give quick rundown?
What he done?
Kanye is no nigger. He is perfectly aware. It's in his songs, too:
>"Now everything I'm not, made me everything I am."
He knows that the human specimen is both individual and collective, he's got a pretty zen-like feel for what's going on.
What's going on is that show-business treats the collective (the audience) as figures, and the individuals (the stars) as cattle. I guarantee he knows every single speck of debauchery that goes on within the star-studded societies. He knows about the sexual scandals, past and present. The point is, he knows.
He's just found out he can't speak out about any of it, and Kanye and his (perhaps egocentric) value he places in his individualism is now at odds. He's just learned he is a puppet, and it's making him crack.
I guarantee you he will either be dead in the coming years, or they will ''find'' compromising pictures/videos/browser history on him soon.
Check Twitter
He's gone full redpill and libshit twitter can't handle the bantz.
black man ≠ nigger
He's a nigger. Every time some groid vaguely aligns himself with us, people go crazy and call him "based" and make a big deal out of him. It's only a matter of time before he changes his mind or does something degenerate. You can't count on niggers to stay consistent or be a good representative of any ideal.
>rich nigger wants more tax cuts for the rich
Makes sense.
My nigga
Pretty much. It's interesting that one of the more aryan looking nogs gets called a nig when he casts off the zog chains.
Whatever pisses off the kike is fine in my book.
it's because the JIDF don't want them breaking their chains
The man still praises Google, he is nothing more than a goodgoy nigger playing his role as they want him to.
Wasn't he in the (((hospital))) recently?
Leave him alone we can only server to derail his train and it seems to be a good thing. The other half of us cant talk about him without saying nigger.
So dont talk about him just let shit be focus elsewhere.
>you can only be racist if you are white and have power
>Kanya is a racist
>not a nigger
>uses Ebonics
Man, this topic is really stirring up the stormfags. I don't care about some stupid ethnostate or whatever, I care about protecting our Constitution and way of life. You wanna live in the USSR or modern day bongistan, just let the leftists shred the laws that protect us
Summer look is gonna be 500's and MAGA hats get with it
He is our nigger. OP is not our kike.
>republicans are nazis who hate black people
there is the source of your profound confusion