How can you unironically hate black people?

How can you unironically hate black people?
I think most of us don't but sometimes I'm not sosure

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Because they're niggers.

> black
> people

Most people don’t hate all Africans. But most are niggers, and unless you yourself are similar to a nigger, it’s easy to get annoyed with them, or even begin to hate them. Especially with their very disproportionate crime rates, and the fact most of them are a little bit stupid, or at best some of them are mid-level IQ

Nobody hates black people, everyone hates niggers, even blacks and other niggers hate niggers, why do you think they cant stop killing eachother

If zionist globalist kikes weren't trying to destroy the white race by forcing race mixing and mass immigration, then racism wouldn't exist

>grow up in a mostly white state
>few interactions with niggers still led me to hate them because they're all wastes of space

I know. But you don't have to hate all of them for being born just like you were. Just because they are more likely to be a cunt doesn't make them one by default. Plus its only the ones who are brainwashed by shitty gang culture that the Jews forged by funding trash media for them to consume (Look at some black music from 70s/80s its completely different). Haven't you noticed dark skinned black guys over age 40 are usually decent people. I hate the thugs more than anyone but thinking they are all like that is fucking retarded

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13% of US population.

I literally wouldn't even think about them, ever, if the (((media))) didn't have a hard on for jamming them into everything everywhere.

>the only black person he's ever see is chef Ainsley on tv
>questions why anyone could have a problem with niggers