I am mixed race, I'm a victim of decades of race and cultural blending since WWII and have been raised without religion and without any sense of attraction/praise towards European achievements.
How can I cope with that since becoming a civic nationalist won't be natural for me and won't be acceptable to your standards anyway? How can I find meaning without becoming a bugman?
Hey lefties, this is just a reminder that there's a way out. Fear and hate is born from ignorance, but once you let it go, you can begin to make things better for everyone.
Just move to the countryside and find something that gives you meaning (like church, farming, beekeeping etc). Then look for a mate and have tones of kids. Trust me you will have an ok life despite being a mulatto.
Jack Nelson
Are you desperately looking for an identity, is that it?
It wears off after 23-ish
Angel Morales
Nope, mediterraneans are not white either.
Charles Bennett
simple go to eastern orthodox church say that you want to convert chose your saint protector and at least church will accept you that's a start
Cooper Adams
Makes me want to fucking vomit.
Tyler Fisher
Sicilians are the shit in the bottom of the shoe
Dominic Wilson
Good advice, i'm currently kinda stuck in engineering studies but if that will permit me to find myself then i'll choose this path
What happens after 23-ish? You just stay with what you have acknowledged?
John Myers
you cant, your parents for their selfish reasons and sexual fetish made you to live a life of hell, you are their price, a living and conscious being who will suffer
Kevin Lee
Netrebaju nam brate crnci u crkvi
Michael James
I am Half Black and Half White. I consider myself Alt. Right. And I follow Conservative Values. At the end of the day the MAGA/New Right Movement is all about Self improvement.
This coming from an american, you might have sicilian blood. Need to I remind you that Sicilians have more culture and all of the Cucked States of American vombined?
Just chose a side from your ancestors, i chosed the side who fought for Germany
Oliver Long
Become a Mulatto Nationalist user.
Aaron Morales
You're not a victim of anything. You are an individual born into a prosperous country free to do anything you wish. Why should you dive into an echo chamber and follow alongside others like a school of fish?
Charles Scott
that looks cute to you lmfaxd
Grayson Morris
Luis Cook
Jaxson Gutierrez
shoe on head of gtfo
Carson Torres
You do like me, you find meaning in thing you love. For me its prepping the BULL
Alexander Gutierrez
As a first gen american from Germany, fuck Italy and fuck the half breed nigger sicilians
This desu. Pick the side that still has values & morals, denounce any niggerdom openly. And while its OK to get to know your black side for spiritual reasons & reflection, just hang with whites. You'll be better off honestly.
Blacks with their 75% being born to single mothers, crime stats, etc should be a fucking disgrace. But yet as a whole they aren't.
Julian Cook
>I am mixed race Pick the race you most identify with, or that you can best pass for. Become that. Embrace that. Protect that.
>raised without religion and without any sense of attraction/praise towards
This was failing of your parents, it does not have to be a failing of yours. Do better. Embrace better.
>won't be acceptable to your standards anyway
Don't worry about people here. Embrace the ideology, not the loudest jerk. If you are a good person and do the right things, people will embrace you.
Most people talk big shit about being racist, truth is they are not. It is more about ideology and culture. Take a black man who talks conservative and he will be embraced as a long lost brother by nearly every racist when meeting face to face. Don't let the words on this board deter you.
Luis Lopez
>How can I cope with that since becoming a civic nationalist won't be natural for me and won't be acceptable to your standards anyway? You might be surprised.
Michael Morris
Make some rap music?
Jace Long
Sicilians were spawned from niggers
Joshua Lee
Shut the fuck up
Austin Sanchez
Go to USA
Kevin Phillips
>Sicilians have more culture Get over yourself Mario. Sicilians BOUGHT their culture same as us.
Cameron Lopez
You let the ZOG make you think that. Whether you realize it or not, you are always a culture of One. You can make that what you will, but is blindly following a society that genuinely doesn't wish you good will the best culture you can commit to?
Angel Torres
Listen to the Anglo user, be quiet, you don't want to embarass yourself.
option 1) kill your race mixing parents and yourself
Isaiah Butler
Alright Merchant Prince just remember I'm whiter than you'll ever be. The Romans would have considered you African.
Tyler Morgan
Well your parents screwed up so its not your fault. I understand that your mutt brain cant connect with white pride but you can learn history nontheless to be smarter and better. You find yourself mutt gf and live your life as you want, end of story. >just no more white/nigger/chink mixing and creating abominations please.
Austin Taylor
56% white, noted.
James Lopez
You still never contested the statement that you bought your culture.
Ian Rivera
Don't kid yourself mate. You are 100 % french
Tyler Scott
suck my dick
let me fuck you
no we're obviously not the same and I dn't care about your 'views', just try to act civilized
I won't treat you like you're trash or anything, why would I? I'm a normal White man oh wait your not that thot from the pic are you? gtfo faggot
Austin Bell
Because it makes no sense.
Liam Allen
>listen to the anglo why the fuck would anyone do that? what's wrong with shitaly? didn't you use to be 'extremely racist' and 'proud' to be shitalian?
Christian Ward
>Lithuania Bunch of irrelevant finnish tribes.
Aiden Kelly
giroud, griezmann, lloris, haylie noire, ludivingne sagna (look her up, you must). that's 5 people already, faggot!
Go to muttland. You'll integrate great since there are a lot of mutts.
Jack Cox
>check flag >"I'm a victim" checks out sage this shit
Jose Williams
>i-i am a victim of- stopped reading.
Adam White
you are FREE you can do whatever you want me? when I was born I was bound by my pure blood to this eternal struggle I can't just walk away from this fight...you however can be anything,like a chameleon
>tfw we all get triggered by liberal buzzwords and automatically shutdown to the rest of the message
Jow Forums is doing a fine work
Justin Roberts
>How can I find meaning without becoming a bugman? People like us will always be a minority. While I'm not mixed-race as such, none of my many European ancestries is above 30%, so I have a similar lack of cultural identity and was treated like a foreigner in school.
We will never truly belong, our children might, but not us. You can still support proper nationalism though. No sane person is against 1-2% of the population being something other than native if birthrates are acceptable.
James Rivera
that hair is literally disgusting
Luke Bell
me too im only 1/4 black but i hate my grandmother so much fucking charcoal burner anyway france is 100% fucked my neighborhood must be 80% arabs 19% black and the only french i see are oldster 70 years old+
You find other mixed race folk and unite against every other race, violently.
Only then when we attack each other as enemies will we see which race is better. If it's us, we'll you'll be dead but die knowing you fought for something important. If it's you, then take the pride you earned and build something truly beautiful.
I wonder if a half-white with brown eyes mixes with a full white with blue eyes, what color will their eyes be? How many generations does it take to mix back into colored-eyed whitedom?
Brody Gutierrez
Are Estonians negro loving cucks? You know that race-mixed chicks are all leftists and therefore way more promiscuous ?
I feel you bro. I can't even think of how it must feel to be a nigger. I already feel bad that my eyes are green and hair dirty blonde. Imagine being 1/4 nig...
Leave Estonia and the Baltics you race-mixing cuck. Once Estonian indentiterians will take over they will not allow any race-mixed degenerates in Stay with your race or go to Africa and fuck the negros locally. Though the would rather fuck you with knives as the animals they are
I live 20km away from Paris and I don't know any Black or Arab who lives in my neighborhood, that's just social / racial segregation m8
Aaron Green
Insecure poor slavmutt cant even handle his own women.
James Torres
Better than you race mixing cuck. Don't you even dare to call yourself Estonian. Estonia is one of the last White countries and those who want to bring stinky negros are fucking traitors
That's you who is insecure. I love women of my kind. Meanwhile you hate your own kind and your ancestors cause you want to race-mix with some third world negro and africanize your genes
Lithuanian is so desperate to be percieved white like his northern neighbours. Vikingar frä Eisthland and Curonia always brought back exotic cuties from raids while you sucked on the polish dick.
Gavin Wood
Download this, thanks
Hunter Clark
But since you admitted you're a subhuman archaic porch monkey with an IQ barely above room temperature OP. I might as well dump my nigger folder.
Baby will be very very light brown. Hair like a white person, but very curly. Probably brown eyes. You will be able to tell it's not 100 percent white.
Adrian Clark
Lol no it’s not shill. It’s about saving the white race and rebuilding its civilization into something better than this consumerist Jewish hellhole
Jonathan Barnes
Nope. Estonians are one of the Whitest nations as Lithuanians. They never brought negros or breed with them... Eeek how disgusting would it be. Why should they destroy their white looks?