Pig brains are kept alive OUTSIDE their bodies for the first time in a radical experiment that could allow humans to become immortal
> The brains of hundreds of pigs survived for up to 36 hours after decapitation > Each organ was pumped with oxygen-rich artificial blood to keep it alive > The radical experiments could pave the way for human brain transplants > They may one day allow humans to become immortal by hooking up our minds to artificial systems after our natural bodies have perished >Researchers were able to successfully remove the heads of between 100 and 200 pigs and resuscitate their brains while detached from the body. The organs were connected to a closed-loop system the scientists dubbed 'BrainEX' that pumped key areas with artificial oxygen-rich blood to sustain life. dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5659235/Pig-brains-kept-alive-WITHOUT-body-time.html
they'll just put our overlords into them so they can rule us for hundreds of years.
it will eliminate the one weakness all powerful tyrants could have, death, and just like George Orwell predicted, the future will be a boot (mechanical) stomping on a face, forever.
That will give us time to research how to upload our brain into a electronic or nano brain, and even make copies of ourselves so we can be truly immortal. I want first an spider robot body myself.
>what's that user? you don't have the $45 billion for the procedure? guess you don't get to see the future then. sad, but true lads >a single ER hospital visit would bankrupt half the country >some fancy futuristic procedure will be available to peasants pick only one
Dominic Jones
you'll get nothing, the Elite will control this with an iron grip, it is their ultimate goal, to live forever so they can rule forever.
The Universe will fizzle out in some way, nothing lasts forever, it can only be drawn out, which isn't a defeatist view just a practical one, why would you want to live for longer than you need.
Matthew Sanchez
Afaik computers can operate regardless of entropy.
David Bell
just make babies bro, natures rebirth
Jack Nelson
Alex Jones has been talking about this for a number of years now
Replace immortality with "extend life indefinitely " would make this far more accurate
Nathaniel Murphy
Delaying the inevitable. Entropy destroys all.
Wyatt Ramirez
You'll need energy to function for infinity and the universe won't have any after a point
Evan Myers
Because we can continue to find new means of living, you could have a whole new worldview if you were an ancient being so it can't even really be properly thought about. Plus there is time to find ways into other universes and continue.
But if you want to just die at 80 then whatever, but don't start getting antsy and Ric and Morty nihilistic when others want to live longer.
There is far more energy in empty space (Dark Matter) than the entire universe. So the future intelligence could possibly harvest it somehow (As if they would want to)
Benjamin Jones
in order to establish a reigning household.
extending life is better than just living out the shortest possible amount.
its like how rockefeller had 7 heart replacements to extend his life an extra 40 years.
Jose Gomez
Except that Yuri is extremely intelligent
Jacob Smith
Entropy approaches zero but never reaches it. Afaik as entropy decreases so does the power required for computers to work. (I might have mixed more and less entropy.)
William Carter
>this must have been hell >Muh Dr. Mengele >Was ebil, ebil man >Must save humanity from his ebilness Our current crop of Frankenstein's pull a Dr. Mengele every few minutes - and no one thinks this shit is evil ... which it is. I'll pray for those pigs who suffered God-knows-what hell. Incredible how inhumane we are. Torture is okay if it avoids death. These people are cancer.
Kevin Morris
You lost me at "hooking up our minds".
come back when you can prove, by pointing, that a mind exist's?
We can say a table exist by describing visually, finger pointing evidence. However, where is a mind? Some point to their head, but how do we know a mind is in the brain? Some say it's in the head, roman's say it was in the heart, maybe it's all around us, in other people.
It can be difficult to prove what we can't point to.
Ryan Rodriguez
1v1 son let’s see who’s the smarter
Kayden Morgan
*takes control of your body*
Daniel Howard
After a certain point thete will be NOTHING in the universe. No matter, no energy. If you want to exist past that you'll need your own stored energy and since you cannot store an infinite amount sooner or later you will run out. Don't be purposefully obtuse.
What part of entropy do you not understand, it isn't something that can be painted over, it's fundamental. One world view is no different from another apart from how they're worded, whether you live to a trillion years or 2 the experience is still the same. Entropy isn't some evil force to be prevailed over by the forces of good, they are the same. You seem to think I'm speaking nihilistically but I'm not, the lack of greater purpose is the greater purpose, in the sense that it makes everything the face of god.
Benjamin Watson
well all that energy has to go somewhere, we can just find where it goes. Don't be arrogant dipshit.
I understand thermodynamics but I’m no physicist. I recall however reading that changes in entropy alter the amount of energy which computers require in order to operate.
Nicholas Long
These faggots will literally be resuscitated by Roko's Basilisk and saying "Lol its not possible faggot" as they are being tortured for eternity. Literally they have no idea what is in store for them.
Jason Phillips
Aiden Parker
Just imagine Immortal RoboJews running the world forever.
Irony when they discover it was tissue function only and not cognisance. The lengths they're going to avoid losing control on a small issue is getting increasingly pathetic. That said, no one seems to be aware that if they ever do manage to work it out, the real problems start with societal collapse due to social stagnation. Just saying.
Bentley Ortiz
>becomes mind slave for large corporations
Joseph Stewart
And what about the life of the planet, the life of the solar system, the life of stars, and atoms, and particles and quarks. I'm not saying it's just all going to disappear, although it may seem too but I don't know because no one knows that, but I am saying that at one point the universe was nothing but white hot light for 300 000 years, and now it's got things with people and computers, and at some future point it will be in some completely different state without people or computers. This isn't defeatist as I say again, because no matter what life goes on, you just need to expand your idea of what life and your self is, because nothing lasts but really nothing ever dies either.
Gabriel Gutierrez
Holy shit that's not how it works. Read the damn article, it's a closed system.
Kayden White
>Upload yourself into a virtual world >Heat death avoided
Jordan Allen
Very true. In fact I venture to guess that they have already started and possibly have working prototypes of this. What do you want to be a digital version of Barbara Bush is already digitally cackling away somewhere knowing that she has beaten death?
>I'll pray for those pigs who suffered God-knows-what hell. it's probably like being asleep
Liam Howard
The energy goes into matter producing gay traps for pol users.
Owen Lopez
Nah, basilisk is a nice idea but more likely our brains will be sold to some rich chink perverts to be their eternal virtual slaves.
Asher Butler
Fucking lol
Kevin Martinez
What are you even trying to say, that a virtual reality will go on forever as it's own little universe?
Aiden Ross
I am a trap pol users use, met my last bf off here and his idea of post coital cuddles was to talk about the holocaust, swear on my life that's what he did, I literally got up and left and didn't see him again
Cameron Watson
My problem with mengele was that he was a shit scientist Torment people and rip them apart fine, but at least use it for some sort of advancement. He just enjoyed it.
Colton Cruz
>Barack Obama 2, the first-ever cyborg President, was elected today on a civil rights platform
Joshua Young
For every trap there is an antitrap which you need to avoid as touching them will annihilate you.
Colton Brooks
Fuck I may have to read that
Angel Moore
Hunter Reed
Heat death of the universe is billions of years Jumping from a lifespan of ~100 years tops to billions is a pretty huge accomplishment
Lincoln Morris
>T:Scholomo Shekelstein
Jason Smith
>It is their ultimate goal, to live forever so they can rule forever.
That's a shit goal. Power is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
Having power over something may be entertaining for a while, but it it will not satisfy for long. Anyone with a functioning brain has complete and total mastery over the game of 9-square tic-tac-toe, but such mastery is pointless as it has no useful application. In the same way, having mastery over someone is useful only so long as they can perform useful services for you... and in the scope of eternity I suspect the cravings of the flesh and the ego will fail to endure. There must be a greater purpose to the power.
Power is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
Ayden Adams
Not exactly, the energy will just be distributed 'evenly' everywhere in the universe. The energy can't just disappear in a closed system (see the conservation of energy).
Jaxon Hall
Bait go home youre dunk
Ian Brown
He was an anti trap, the guy was 6 foot 6 and buff as fuck
James Russell
>There is far more energy in empty space (Dark Matter) than the entire universe.
But is there *INFINITE* energy? If not, then an energy consuming computer couldn't operate forever.
guys, its not ruled out that one day we will be able to create NEW energy out of nothing. dont be so close minded.
Christian Ortiz
Does (1/2) to the power of x ever reach 0? The same way you will never have zero heat differences.
Austin Carter
I would love to be able to go to sleep for a few centuries, and then be woken up when humankind can already travel the universe, and terraform new planets.
The problem we have is that we are stuck in this planet with niggers, Jews, Muslim, and Hindus, while there are 17 billion planets in our galaxy alone. Just think about what that means. Every single person on earth could have its own planet.
The moment we can travel the stars and colonize new planets, most of humankind problems will be gone forever.
Adrian James
So you're saying you'd rather die in 40-60 years instead of 100 trillion to 1 quadrillion years years?
Liam Jones
question; if energy never gets really created or destroyed, then whats to say you cant keep a computer running, then reuse the energy that flows back into the universe?
Jaxson Ortiz
We'll just have to make new universes and hop on over when it's near time
Kayden Thompson
I was made to receive cummies in my tummy from pol daddies
The elite will set themselves up as living Gods, immortal, beautiful, flawless, while the rest of the human hordes will revert back to barbarism, and sporadically, out of that barbaric chaos, some will be chosen because of their superior genes to go live with the Gods.
Leo Moore
I am not into men.
Justin Smith
It takes more energy to collect the energy you lose, then the amount of energy in the system, you'd need to find a radical system for making energy to avoid the heat death of the universe, like tunneling into another universe or waiting for causality to make a new big bang
Blake Barnes
I'm don't really mind, but I do feel like I've lived enough already to accept death as it comes, and I say that in a good way, I don't feel the need to cling on for the sake of it.
Carter Gonzalez
Would be hilarious to see you waking up after 200 years and realize the whole world has regressed to 16th century muslim shithole.
Mason James
*activates heat demon*
Benjamin Young
No nigger, that's NOT how it works
Dominic Williams
It's great, but the ending is horrifying...
David Lee
That would be the equivalent of going to hell.
Nolan Gonzalez
Ur loss
Ryder Walker
Theoretical physics aren’t my strong point. What actually does happen?
Jackson Evans
You can use pig parts in people. I think the Devil gene spliced humans from pigs and apes.
The limit of (1/2)^X approaches 0 as X approached infinity. X represents a unit of time and we're talking about eternity. Ergo, it's reasonable to extrapolate that there will eventually be an effectively 0 heat difference.
Leo Ortiz
It approches 0 but it doesn’t reach it. Big difference.
Ryan Baker
>> The brains of hundreds of pigs survived for up to 36 hours after decapitation
I have no snout and I must oink!
Hunter Howard
One book that presents a really interesting view of a possible future is this one: