What happened to the general atheist movement?

What happened to the general atheist movement?
I remember back in 2007-2010 it was fucking huge, everywhere, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, even irl.
Lots of people were openly atheists and discussed about it extensively.
It seemed almost unstoppable.
However in the last few years it seems to have died down, there’s still some big atheist channels but they get way less views, most of the people i know that were atheists now call themselves agnostic and some even Christian again (although they’re not very active Christians) not only irl but even online people.
So, what really happened to it? Why does it seems to have died down or slowed down and lost popularity so much?

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we grew up

Simple, it’s not edgy enough anymore.

They got fat on their own ego and instead of diseminating information they started condemning people for thinking differently.

The edgy cucks realized being a faithless retard with no morals was stupid it was just a trend anyway a pretty shit trend at that

Being an actual atheist required reading at least one entire book.

So Christians with their one book only police got us beat.

They were cunts who loved to smell they own farts and see everyone else below them.
They got fedora posted to hell and that's why you don't see them anymore.

There is no end-game. Either religion is true, or it's not. If it's true, which one is true? If it's not, then all of them are not.

The Atheism movement seemed to stem from a combination of people actively pointing out the many contradictions that exist in theology along with a new generation of youngsters who were born in societies where religion was waning in its social force and power. To anyone who was 'not convinced' either way, the atheist movement showed them a logical argument against religion. It would never sway someone who was fervently religious, however.

But you now have societies in the west that are not religious in the younger generations at all, so why would they 'need' to learn any more about why religions are false?

tl;dr There's no need for the atheist movement anymore. Anything that has needed to be said has been said. It's like gay rights, or accepting the handicapped in daily life.

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It was a jewish ploy to easen up the gentile against the muzzies.

For liberals atheism runs in opposition to islam, and that's a bad thing!
For conservatives atheism is too cringey to take seriously.

This is the only answer, can you really in all honesty believe that its a coincidence that every human who has ever lived prays to a higher power?

It's not that we have come to accept it but atleast for me I have learn to respect it. Faith is a beatiful thing my mind can't comprehend. Any force trying to disrupt the purity of belief should be erased so I'm with the christians on this one.

I mostly think this, i think their content got pretty stale after the 9000th “CREATONISM DEBUNKED” video, not to count many of their points were historically inaccurate and often disingenuous, many of them often thought that creationist evangelical americans were representatives of all christendom.
Also think that for most, it was just an edgy trend they wanted tl briefly participate in.

no its not but a retarded fucking argument, thats an evolutionary biological trend not proof of god you dipshit

It's not as edgy as larping as Marth and killing two-legged animals that explode when you kill them. DEUS VULT is what's in now.

They became Vegans. They didn't grow up but instead attached another label to themselves do they can brag and feel superior to others while making them feel bad. Vegans are basically the atheists of this decade and it makes total sense why they seem like thr same insufferable pricks they did ten years ago.

New stuff happened that were more profitable to talk about, like swj, alt right, pepe, Trump, etc
Sure you can keep milking burger creationists for the 1000 time or you can get to be edgy with the new topics

They were excepted into cultural
And Judaism started another world war.
Hitler’s top Generals we’re Jewish

It's not this.
Athiesm has become so normalized that no one really cares about it anymore.
It's not edgy anymore, just cringe to be hard-line athiest these days.

The atheist thing was in response to the equally cringey evangelical movement but that died out and now the atheist movement has nothing to resist.

They came together, everyone saw that it was a collection of a bunch of spergs who had nothing more to say than the one line "there is no god"

not much to go off of. Then it got taken by leftists and its a corporate funded sperg pit now.

They split evenly into SJWs and alt-right

I mean with europe becoming Islam friendly soon or later they will have something to talk about plus Christians after these days of rejection are going to become more hardcore.

Like any movement,or sub culture, that is outside of the force fed garbage that the "normies" and "mainstream" try to force down peoples throats, it attracted people who are leaches, parasites.
We all know who these people are, so I won't drag it out again but like any infection, once the host is dead or dying these parasites move on to fresh fodder.
It has always been so and always will be.

>What happened to the general atheist religion?

fixed it for you. also provided you with the answer. *dibs*


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Simply put, the movement won. The evangelicals, who held a ton of power (at least by me) were no longer in the mainstream. Then the atheist movement fractured over feminism

chris hitchens died
hopefully he did some good drugs before he went

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This is the only answer

stable relationships were not a part of the atheists lifestyle. quite the opposite.

atheists dwindled and they will keep on dwindling

Jow Forums converted them.

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Some of the ex-internet atheists became "Trad Catholic/orthobro irony bros" on Twitter who study tons of theology and otherwise remain degenerates, weebs, and fake Christians who act just like their former atheist selves

Seeing this has convinced me Protestantism is legit Christianity and attacked on all angles

It is edgy though. Your parents will freak out if you are atheist

ecelebs took ahold of it and started sticking bananas up their ass n shiet

It was a manufactured "counter-culture" designed specifically to destroy the conservative christian religion in the west and pave the way for the influx of migrants and liberal policies.

The media shilled the fuck out of the atheist movement.
Promoted useful-idiot darling presenters and evangelists. (who have since been tossed to the wayside)
Attacked christian ideology every way possible.
Ran a fake-news campaign attempting to drive denial of evolution as an actual theological tenet of christianity.
Pushed propaganda showing the evil brainwashing effects of the christian cult on children.

And too many other things to list.

It's the second modern psyops millenials experienced, with the downplaying of 9/11 conspiracies being the first.

In hindsight it's really fucking obvious now, but back then even I fell for it. The media has always been a pit of lying viperous snakes. Nothing they do or say should be taken at face value or trusted in any way.





I'd argue Jow Forums "converted" them intellectually to being pro-Christian but few actually follow Christian teaching in their day to day lives

This. And also the Bush Republican/Tea party people were controlled opposition that deliberately falsely represented Christianity to the Millennial generation

Early Jow Forums was part of the psyop. All the hating on "moralfags" and desensitization to extreme porn

The devil showed his ass, we all believe in evil now, and now many are believers if not more agnostic now.

And look what it got you. You faggots begged for the evangelicals to get put of power and all it gave you were children lobbing their body parts off and dilating the open wound in the name of progress.

I have nothing but contempt for these jackasses who come on Jow Forums and brag about how they were part of the atheist movement.
Youre exposing yourself as a shallow contrarian.

Evangelicals have no power anymore, and in the atheists zealous pursuit if christians they have now opened the door to the more militant islam.

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>Early Jow Forums was part of the psyop. All the hating on "moralfags" and desensitization to extreme porn

That's just how shitty people here are.

We even had the original nighstalker boomer posting.

Bush-era pro-war "evangelicals" were part of the same false dialectic

It's only achievement has been to finish off the already mortally wounded Christianity in the West, and pave the way for the infiltration of Islam.

Nice work, fedora-tippers.

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They won, now being atheist is the default

The same Bush who took part in ceremonies praising an owl god and a mock human sacrifice?
The same Bush who called the Pope “god”?
The same Bush who is on record as, in skull and bones, laying in a coffin and recounting all of his sexual escapades while he has relations with a skeleton?

Far from an evangelical.
Regardless I think we can both agree that as abhorrent as Bush’s neoconservatism was, the vacuum atheism made in its place was just filled by neoliberalism, which is even worse.

They got BTFOd by pol

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Nothing. You just got left behind. Its bigger now than ever especially in mainstream media like Rick and Morty.

Pic related grandpa.

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people grew up

As an athiest, I realised that if you don't have a belief structure, you replace it with something else, it's why communism negates religion and suppresses it, because if you have a religion you aren't a communist, and so on. I personally have noticed I worship one thing, and have always worshiped it. I worship reality, I think reality is outside of human experience, I think that if you tell a falsehood (that you know to be false) you are doing yourself and the people around you a disservice. Essentially my religion is, search for the truth, don't tell lies. Try and benefit yourself, and others around you.

>One book
We have many books.

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I'm convinced the mainstream Jow Forums narrative is influenced by Jesuit shilling. Anything anti-catholic is immediately assaulted by accusation of being Jewish /Anglo/heretical. And the higher brow altright/NRX movement sucks pope dick and thinks "hierarchy" is more important than actual Christianity.

Then you have the fact that Anonymous has the Guy Fawkes mask as a symbol (a Catholic terrorist),

Inb4 >jooz
I'm well aware of zionists being a threat. As soon as you suggest both Jews and the Pope are wrong you'll be attacked from all angles

>We even had the original nightstalker boomer posting.
Source on this?

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Don't forget A Wyatt Mann, a Boomer Satanist who was butt buddies with LeVay and Manson, made Jow Forums's favorite merchant meme

anons in general are just a repeat of the Boomer MKultra experiments on the younger generation, with the same cast of glow in the dark CIA niggers behind it

You can ask the feds when they start their honeypots threads again.

>So, what really happened to it?

Theres a sort of sick clinging to the catholic church, after a statist becomes a christian.
Which to be honest is just as bad. Youre filling this subservient desire for authoritarianism with a false church and a false, earthly god, who speaks through the pope.
Its really sick. That desire to be ruled is thwarted by protestant christianity, which all worldly institutions attack like a cancer.

Suicides, or sex changes which may as well be the same thing

Some of the internet atheists became Masonic pseudo-Christian Deus Vult larpers

Some turned into newagers and Satanists (like Styx and the esoteric meme magic idiots on Cripplechan)