Be Eastern euro immigrant

>be Eastern euro immigrant
>just try to work and live a decent life in England
>British coworkers constantly bully me say shit like "haha your fuckin accent mate go back to cleaning toilets" "haha you fucking degenerate poor shit suck my fancy ass"
>I take it well and don't really react
>our coworker Abdul insults me and says some shit like: white devil learn da english ogaa bogga
>reply "better than fucking 9 yo's and goats"
>Suddenly 5 British coworkers and Abdul chimp out on me and go like "YOU FUKKEN RACIST CUNT WE ARE GETTING U FIRED YOU ISLAMPHOBIC PRICK HURR"
>3 people go to my manger
>everyone reports me for racism and islamphobia
>30 min later manager calls me in the office
>manager is a shitskin
>he screams at me and calls me islamphobic
>get suspended pending an investigation
>2 days later get fired

Attached: top kek.png (506x475, 117K)

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>t. wagecuck
how can you even live there? wtf

Should have got your banter licence

and you tolerate it, cuck

Attached: 975.png (680x522, 163K)

Do Brits not have workplace banter anymore? I've said worse jokes than that to a Muslim coworker and he thinks it's funny, and so do my other coworkers.

Accuse THEM of Racism and say you want an employment tribunal. Abdul obviously has a problem with eastern Euros

Tell me where, hopefully its close to me

England is lost to the horde. Abandon that shit hole. Come help make America Great

get on bennies and use your free time to go around and fuck their wives

azt fogom bazdmeg

unbin those knives
stalk those faggots

>racist against other whites
>defend Abdul
Sounds exactly like I imagined Britbongistan.

Attached: image.png (610x682, 229K)

also racism is power plus prejudice,
a poor easterner, who has to bear the burden of discriminatory attacks after brexit can't be blamed to become bitter in a hostile work environment, also calling someone with easterner background "threatening" just because he gives words to his misery and suffering is disgusting racial profiling and propagating harmful steraotypes about eastern yuros being violent, barbarian thugs

>not being a muslim in the first place so you could've bombed them all without having detrimental consequences

Come to the U.S. It's seriously way better over here, at least in the NW and midwest.

Attached: paris metro.jpg (1414x610, 381K)

Where are you from faggot? Claim you escaped some genocide done by muslims in Bosnia and you're afraid

"British" people are incredibly cowardly and I think on some level, utterly terrified on a constant basis that they react hysterically when they hear things like this, almost in fear of somebody saying "why didn't you denounce them one second faster!? Racist! Take them away!".
It's also made many of them them act like total tyrants when they get a bit of power over somebody that they can use without restraint, as you have seen.

t. also an immigrant

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>It's seriously way better over here, at least in
No it's fucking not. You have to deal with females instead, which is far worse

HAHAHA now get out of my country pls

>pole cant take the bantz
i used to work in london and evreyone made fun of eachother english , euro ,turk or nignog

Yup. Everywhere in Europe is like that. It's so ridiculous. My dad will talk shit about Americans for hours but you can't make a joke about Muslims

Fucking this you slav nigger.
I use faggotry against itself all the time. At least go out in style.

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Mentél volna Ausztriába

Why do you fucking animals abandon your countries to slave under people who openly hate you, I will never understand.
>b-but muh better life
Clearly not the case.

nigs need special treatment though, they can't always take the bantz

You are not playing the game right.

What you should have done is recorded all the racism aimed against you on your phone and got all your prick co-workers fired.

They're on some unconscious level racist against actual foreigners, but it's not socially acceptable to express it so they express it towards other whites instead.