>hiding in plain site
Golden State Killer was a COP
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Only in the beginning.
To think he could have just stayed a cop and killed people legally.
Chris Dorner did nothing wrong
he probably was on to some freemason pedos
This is a crazy fucking case. I started following it a couple of years ago, but I was never as invested in it as a lot of other people that I saw on message boards and leddit and shit. Sudden Terror is a great book to read if you're interested, though. I never thought they'd catch the guy and doubted that he was even alive. I've watched a lot of killer docs and episodes of Cold Case Files, but none of them really haunted me the way that this guy does. The stories of his home invasions are nightmare fuel.
>a white man kills 12 people rapes 45 robs 150
>arrested without incident
Meanwhile a black man can't stand in his grandmother's backyard holding a cellphone without being shot 20 times by the cops. A black man waiting in a Starbucks is treated worse than the worst white serial killer. Of course Jow Forums will say this is a good thing.
He was Italian. Why are so many Italians criminals?
Whose bright idea was it to let in so many non-Anglos in America?
>people here will actually take this bait.
Stay strong guys this is some low quality shit.
What documentary about this case would you recommended?
that ain't bait. old school Jow Forums has always acknowledge all non-Anglos are criminal scum
Got some good links?
hln is airing one but i forgot the name and ID channel aired one not to long ago which was a 4 parter
Always disappointing to have your heroes unmasked. Another predator brought down by the prey.
Hmm,maybe it's because his iq is over 80 and he didn't get caught
They Thin Blue Lined his ass.
They all knew who he was and powerful people were protecting him.
Now they are all ancient and retiring out, unable to protect each other and cover up their crimes.
A sudden DNA positive 6 months ago? Bullshit. The last person who could cover for him retired 6 months ago. Now he gets to hang, and the pissed off lower flunkee that has been forced to sit on this injustice for decades gets his last laugh.
There's some idiot running around the net called Cold Case Cameron that is making up stories about mass murderers that are made to be all tied into one person in his books and videos on ID Discovery, and Paramount
It Was Him.......that's the name of the documentary that is really one of these cops that are throwing out fake theories and drummed up suspicions with creepy music
This one ex-detective is going around trying to cover the asses of his former associates and this is his retirement push.....his book and tv show deal is part of their media sponsored getaway vehicle and they all are playing the Joker.....including the politicians that were a part of it all in the past. A political cult of pedos....a sick satanic joke that they played on the people for over 50 years.
Cameron plays off the sympathies of his audience as much as Dr. Phil did when bringing in his cop friend Kratz from the Making A Murderer/Avery Case.....
Except Cameron thinks that Ed Edwards killed over 100 people, and is trying to say Jon Benet Ramsay was a victim, as well as deaths as far back as the Black Dhalia as well.....he tries to implicate one person in a feat of killing that would be something incredibly impossible for one person.
And again these "Ex Cops" and their friends are all from the era of stupid cops on the take, fabricating evidence and creating charges for anyone that they want to torture or kill.
They are fucking sick these cops....and the media is enjoying feeding you their stories.....
I believe that they caught the killer in this OP's article due to evidence that is sound from the most of them tied to the same person's DNA
But to see the media sponsoring a huge series of mockumentaries shows that they are really trying hard to confuse everyone into thinking that these are random psychos when the cops and the intelligence agencies are actually breeding this killer into every officer....
Fucking disgusting what cops do behind their front.
He won't sing, they own the country now.
I would honestly rather work with any other race than an Italian. They are all small dicked psychopaths.
>heroes unmasked
the guys dick was so small he had to carry a dick pump around in a bag with him.
i read that one of his daughters got busted for meth and they put her dna in a database. when they reran dna from the crime scenes it hit on hers showing a familial dna match.
Please educate a newfag
I'm from a protestant Irish family. First gen american. Does that count as anglo?
I agree. I'm from the northeast and those fucking guidos are so loud and vulgar.
Being a descendant of English colonists, it makes me so angry that we let in so much non-Anglo scum into the lands of the former British Empire.
I don't care about his dick, I'm not fixated on other men's genitals.
He made a ton of maps and poems about his killings, as well as making threatening phone calls to his victims
Some say that he was trying to make his crimes look like they were the Zodiac or making them like a psycho killer's letters, but in reality he was a calculated stalker that had an affinity for B&E, as well as other crimes.
What he did to different locations shows that he was not really fixated on one type of crime, and seemed to rampage in some, rape in some, and kill in some.....
This massive amount of activity that went unnoticed at that time, being right after the Zodiac had terrorized the country, shows that this too was a staged affair to create chaos and implicate a wide variety of people in these murders.
I would not be surprised to find that someone has been executed in California for one of these killings.....since there were so many that happened under their plans. This being a cop, shows that he was literally under the employ of others that obviously ignored the evidence....
White guy
> stalks victims
> increadibly sneaky
> not caught for 30 years
Black guy
> robs liquor store
> aims gun at cop
> gets shot
> dindu nuffin
>good thing
Its a GREAT thing!!
Would you be ok with Ireland being part of the UK again?
Outed as a complete dicklet to the world.
One of the commonalities in victim's descriptions of the perp was that he had a micropenis.
They didn't listen
>women angry
>say small dick
Why are white people so violent?
And you wonder why you are being replaced
You faggot. He got fired from the force for shop lifting. Blue line my ass
do you think that maybe there is a conection between this cases and MK ultra?
he had a small white weiner
Like 50 women independently stated that he has a micropenis. Some of his victims were virgins and still were technically after the attack.
This dude, if he is the guy, is a total dicklet..
He was protected by his fellow pigs.
that's funny, I was just reading about this fucker a few days ago on one of those serial killer true crime sites.
>A black man waiting in a Starbucks is treated worse than the worst white serial killer.
implying that they put the loiterers in jail & didn't arrest the serial killer
so then i guess no crime was committed
case closed
>They all knew who he was and powerful people were protecting him.
making wild assertions with zero evidence to back them up
Thats actually hilarious.
I wonder if the ones he murdered were the ones who couldn't stop laughing.
Didn't this guy get trolled on /tv/ the other day?
>This being a cop, shows that he was literally under the employ of others that obviously ignored the evidence....
>the employ of others
Wild claims you make, zero evidence to back them up, opinion disregarded.
>He was protected by his fellow pigs.
proof ?
he spent the evening breaking into law abiding peoples cars. He hid in his friends garage. He pretended to pull a gun out of his pocket...quickly. He got shot by an officer protecting another officer. he deserved it.
>What he did to different locations shows that he was not really fixated on one type of crime, and seemed to rampage in some, rape in some, and kill in some...
Once he started raping, every attack he completed was a rape. Once he started killing his rape victims, he did it every time. The other murders were committed against witnesses.
>This massive amount of activity that went unnoticed at that time, being right after the Zodiac had terrorized the country, shows that this too was a staged affair to create chaos and implicate a wide variety of people in these murders.
It was not unnoticed and your hypothesis isn't logical.
>I would not be surprised to find that someone has been executed in California for one of these killings.
I would be surprised, because the common modus operandi was picked up on very quickly.
>This being a cop, shows that he was literally under the employ of others that obviously ignored the evidence.
He was fired by the police for shoplifting, but you think the cops covered for him raping and murdering during and up to ten years after his employment?
Most serial killers for the last few decades have been niggers.
DNA is a strong ass tool.
Also sending your shit to Ancestry or 23andMe is pretty much fucking yourself over eventually.
All? Really? And all anglos are angels?
yea. killings didnt happen until he was fired tho
All the uncaught serial killers out there are probably shitting themselves right now.
I was reading about him here, i kind of get the feeling he was here shitposting about himself.
>What he did to different locations shows that he was not really fixated on one type of crime, and seemed to rampage in some, rape in some, and kill in some...
Once he started raping, every attack he completed was a rape. Once he started killing his rape victims, he did it every time. The other murders were committed against witnesses.
Very true he was creating a spree that was escalating every time
>This massive amount of activity that went unnoticed at that time, being right after the Zodiac had terrorized the country, shows that this too was a staged affair to create chaos and implicate a wide variety of people in these murders.
It was not unnoticed and your hypothesis isn't logical.
It surely went unnoticed by his supervisors and the people that he worked with in the Law Enforcement sector in the area.....wouldn't you say
>I would not be surprised to find that someone has been executed in California for one of these killings.
I would be surprised, because the common modus operandi was picked up on very quickly.
You are so calculated in your denials, and would be the type to just assume otherwise without noticing the umpteen racist arrests of ethnic men in that State.....why do you think that there are moratoriums.....because they proved racial bias in SO MANY CASES that they couldn't keep representing this farce of an illusion behind crime in the US.
>This being a cop, shows that he was literally under the employ of others that obviously ignored the evidence.
He was fired by the police for shoplifting, but you think the cops covered for him raping and murdering during and up to ten years after his employment?
Makes numerous police sketches about a suspect, and cant possibly check their own roster of men against the crimes.
Don't worry about all the evidence that we haven't seen......just ignore the facts and redditfagpost here like one of the Making A Murderer fags......
Thanks for sticking up for dickface cops
Dicktionary Definition Of Penal
Or probably just a nigger that actually had some skills
Sorry you have no heritage bud.
Less dickmeat = more brainmeat
Ever wonder why Koreans have a high IQ and niggers are niggers?
Small, but definitely not a micropenis though.
Of course not. He was a cop for a few years and then got kicked out.
No, just 12 murders at least.
Can't hate the Golden State
removing degenerates 24/7
White men
Better at being Niggers and Women at the same time.
On Reddit they're actually pretty well informed on this case, unlike the fag you replied to.
We did it Michelle
>It surely went unnoticed by his supervisors and the people that he worked with in the Law Enforcement sector in the area.....wouldn't you say
No. He showed up to work and did his job, presumably. His break-ins were committed when he'd have been expected to be sleeping.
>You are so calculated in your denials,
>racial bias
Blacks are arrested in proportion to their criminality. There's no statute of limitations on murder because it's a crime that can't be tolerated.
>Makes numerous police sketches about a suspect, and cant possibly check their own roster of men against the crimes.
The sketches were not definitive, which makes sense as victims only saw the guy at night. The practice of checking DNA was instituted in response to his crimes, but unfortunately after he was fired.
>Don't worry about all the evidence that we haven't seen......just ignore the facts
I get that blacks feel compelled to invent weird conspiracies to explain reality, but you should try to resist that urge. Generally the simpler explanation is more accurate.
Yes, I was raised being told that leaving the empire was the worst mistake Ireland ever made. Ireland abandoned the empire they helped built so they could suck off the papacy
samefag here btw
fuckin' wypipol
Media is not saying a WORD, but he was caught after spamming /tv/ for two years, shilling for somebody important in Hollywood to see his boards suggesting a movie should be made out of him.
>yfw ANOTHER high quality slide thread
you are an pedo autist
Why are you replying to a retard...
Your links don't work... whotf doesn't even try their own links?
idk man (._. )
Had the search saved. Didn’t realize global searches were turned off. I have screenshots. The dude posted around 30 threads, desperate to be noticed and have a show made about himself.
Is the board broken again?
Anglo-Irish is the term
Give some good anecdotes, you homo sapien!
Fuck niggers.
We treat niggers like animals, because you act like animals.
>Doesn’t realize we come here to vent and argue just for fun
Fuck off, newfag.
What did he mean by this?
Wow. Interesting... Thanks for sharing, user.
Creepy shit.
Not this time it's to late now.
Close the thread and run.
>Why are so many Italians criminals?
good question desu