So my daughter told me to pick up this HP Lovecraft graphic novel. I got excited since I grew up reading a lot of Lovecraft. I flicked trough a couple pages and this is what I fuckkng saw. What should I say to her?
Other urls found in this thread:
how old is she
Get a job.
you're doomed leafboii
If it were any other flag I would say this is bait.
What the fuck is the context?
Find a chaddish white boy to date her so she doesn't start whoring for nigger dick.
Cut off her clit, just to be sure.
Looks gud
A group of cultist a fucking a creature from the lost city of R'lyeh, hoping they can get power. A journalist tracks them down and she is captured and locked in with the creature for weeks, where she is fucked by the creature repeatedly. At some point she becomes pregnant and the creature leaves and lets her out. Oh also the creature murders the cultists at some point because they tried to hurt the journalist.
The novel ends with her talking to some guy, where it is revealed that the baby is C'thulu
Howard is rolling in his grave.
You know that shit has been out for years, right? And she probably already has the pdf copy.
name of the book?
>It's a female rape fantasy trying to be a horror comic
Terrifies me very much
In all honesty it doesnt sound that bad.
Is any part of the creative team (writer/editor/artist) a woman? because that shit seems like classic woman rape fantasy shit.
she was not a journalist. She was an undercover FBI agent.l
Moore talked about the genesis of the project in an interview with Wired magazine: "It was just at the time when I finally parted company with DC Comics over something dreadful that happened around the Watchmen film [...] I had a tax bill coming up, and I needed some money quickly. So I happened to be talking to William [A. Christensen] from Avatar Press, and he suggested that he could provide some if I was up for doing a four-part series, so I did. So although I took it to pay off the tax bill, I’m always going to make sure I try and make it the best possible story I can."[4]
Moore wanted to elaborate on some of the ideas presented in The Courtyard while at the same time telling a modern story that did not rely upon a 1930s atmosphere. Another idea was to use some of the elements he felt Lovecraft himself and pastiche writers censored or left out of the stories, such as the racism and sexual phobias. Moore explains: "Lovecraft was sexually squeamish; would only talk of ‘certain nameless rituals.’ Or he’d use some euphemism: ‘blasphemous rites.’ It was pretty obvious, given that a lot of his stories detailed the inhuman offspring of these ‘blasphemous rituals’ that sex was probably involved somewhere along the line. But that never used to feature in Lovecraft’s stories, except as a kind of suggested undercurrent. So I thought, let’s put all of the unpleasant racial stuff back in, let’s put sex back in. Let’s come up with some genuinely ‘nameless rituals’: let’s give them a name."[5]
It's an Alan Moore book user, what did you expect? She gets raped by a fish. In his Swamp Thing JonCon fucks Abby while controlled by Swampy. In LOEG, Hyde rapes Invisible Man. It's Moore; he's fucked up.
Likewise, it ties in to Moore’s desired approach to Lovecraft’s material:
This is a horror of the physical with Lovecraft – so I wanted to put that stuff back in. And also, where Lovecraft being sexually squeamish, would only talk of ‘certain nameless rituals.’ Or he’d use some euphemism: ‘blasphemous rites.’ It was pretty obvious, given that a lot of his stories detailed the inhuman offspring of these ‘blasphemous rituals’ that sex was probably involved somewhere along the line. But that never used to feature in Lovecraft’s stories, except as a kind of suggested undercurrent. (“Alan Moore: Unearthed and Uncut”)
If Lovecraft’s approach to rape is one half of the context, then Moore’s own approach to rape is the other—and Alan Moore has a history of using or depicting rape and sexual violence in his stories.
She wasnt a journalist? Fair havent read for a couple of years since someone dumped it on /co
This was a good story by Alan Moore, who is hands-down the finest writer ever in comic books.
I don't mind a little porn mixed in with the horror.
Sounds like your daughter is into some freaky shit though.
ah good old Moore - I loved his Lost Girls...
Humans crossbreeding with fucked up aliens (interracial sex allegory) is quintessential Lovecraft you fucking secondary.
I've seen is hentai before
Did it happen even once in any of his stories? The shadow over innsmouth doesn't explain how the people got so fishy, and it doesn't even remotely set it up like some generational breeding experiment.
The first one that comes to mind besides Innsmouth is Dunwich Horror.
Comics are blue pilled and degenerate. Only allow your children to read redpilled and traditional manga (not all of them are, you have to be selective)
Nope. The whole point was that she had psych and sexual issues, implied it's from UC work. Skim back through it, or check the Wikipedia link I posted.
Yes, It's implied and alluded to slightly more in some stories by implication and logical deduction.
>allowing your child to consume unvetted media
you asked for this
you have to address it. say you flicked through the book and noticed some weird stuff. Ask her how she felt about it.
Make sure that she feels extremely humiliated/ashamed about the fact that she’s reading a book containing pornography, and beat her. Threaten to take her to a ((therapist)) to make her realize how gravely this disturbs you
You can trust this guy, he seems legit and not at all jewish
Beat the shit out of her
lovecraft would be a suicidal incel in today's world
>by implication and logical deduction
So no full-on facial and the whore begging for more?
your daughter's got good taste
Tell her about his cat Niggerman
I have the same comic. It is a butchering of everything Lovecraft. Degenerate shit. I am a massive lovecraft fan and his stories are epic. The writer of that comic is not a fan of lovecraft and literally wrote it to pay off bills.
absolutely degenerate. you can't shelter your daughter forever but I'm sure there are better ways for her to understand this behavior.
make sure you watch:
then you can contrast and compare to decide if this is really the worst thing to stumble across on the internet that's related.
was a better comic in comparison.
THIS series was WAY better IMHO. Definately check it out.