White Women

Lets talk regarding the Good political nature of white women.
>will the mods shut it down?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The post regarding the good nature of white women gets purged

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Lets show white women goodness by posting pictures of family

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why do they hate white women so much?! (rhetorical)

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>this kills (((them)))

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Yeah niggers love to fuck white woman but but when it comes to having a family they fly away

How long untill this gets deleted?

when any group has been given the scum of the gene pool, they resent seeing what nature and biology created
>"Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor" was a maxim well before it was ever codified into a book/religious doctrine

>on gender wars and specifically attacking white women.
>once you understand it's the one topic with a perfect divide (50/50, M/F) you'll understand why it's so effective. It's the one issue with emotional and sentimental attachment for everyone. It's self-perpetuating once it starts because there are genuine problems, but the solutions and magnitude of the problem are steered by those who create/benefit from it never resolving. (jews and institutions). Never participate in perpetuating their subversion, ("most white women are x y z, *we (which ends up being only jews) need to do x y z".)

there's nothing more disheartening than being attacked by your own, while being innocent of the accusations. Subversives pose as white males to trash white females because they know it will illicit a natural emotional and subconscious response.

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they'll wait to see if it gets traction and then delete it.

All races and people earned who they are. I'm the product and creation of deliberate choices and struggles. Our people's beauty, intelligence, strength and creativity was earned and payed for through successive generations. No one can ever make me underestimate the intentional decisions my ancestors made in order to preserve and perpetrate their traits.

I fucking love my people and will earn my genetic inheritance.

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Hear here!

I realize it may have come off as if I was attacking your point but I meant that.. our people were not "given" anything by anyone. We earned everything we have and are. These traits we have come to admire were selected for throughout millennia.

there's no skipping in the evolutionary line. Nature doesn't allow it.

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This post was here on pol?

yes and the previous thread was also deleted because the shills didn't raid it in time.

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If the Femin virus were purged, white women would return to their normal/positive nature over time

basic gestalt:

>its a retrovirus
>strains of it have existed forever
>ancient ruins and mythology depict it as a warning of what it is, how it manifests, who it effects, and how destructive it is
>it seems to start to naturally show itself when a civilization starts to build dense cities/industrialize
>women stop wanting to have kids, only want foreign men, hate males
>everyone turns degenerate/pedo/gay/trans
>society collapses everyone goes down with it
>cia/paperclipped gnatzis figured out what it was and identified a strain
>it was weaponized
>it was released in the ghettos of america and poorer areas of western europe in the 70's
>today whites are infected as shit
>it is sometimes being administered in söyböy food products like starbucks drinks
>a cdc official was murdered for exposing it
>the who calls it disease x
>all feminists have it
>there is no cure

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Further reading:

>Texas contractor arrested while investigating Femin virus
>murder, leadership change at CDC over Femin virus
>WHO announces Femin virus as “Disease X”
>The Oxytocin hormone and it's importance to pair bonding, maternal behavior, in-group preference, pregnancy and other functions
>Biological and psychological differences between liberals and conservatives
>Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression
>How Civilizations Fall: On the role of radical feminism in the decline of civilization
>Gloria Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the Femin virus on American black communities
>The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a Femin outbreak
>Elevated Femin infection rates helped cause the Cambodian Dark Ages
>List of symptoms Femin hosts display (work in progress)

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Femin is a retrovirus that inserts its genome into the human genome. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.

This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in maternity, pair-bonding, ingroup preference, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that feminists tend to lack.


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The Feminist is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a nationwrecker, whore, roastie, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But tell her that she has an incurable virus and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>demographic most in favor of abortion: liberal women
>least in favor: conservative women

>Even Women Didn't Want To Give Women the Vote
>If women got the vote, they would have to serve in the army and on juries. There would be fewer children but more divorce. Men would become less chivalrous and reverent of womanhood.
>Women would take up men's occupations, and men would take up women's occupations; the result, according to an antisuffrage booster, would be a "race of masculine women and effeminate men and the mating of these would result in the procreation of a race of degenerates."
>"If women achieve the feministic idea and live as men do," wrote a male doctor who opposed female suffrage, "they would incur the risk of 25% more insanity than they have now."
>Of the 535 members of the 108th Congress, only 73, or less than 14%, are women. All but six of America's 50 governors are men.

>“Some men have vaginas and some women have penises,” claims the Church of Scotland.
>The church’s newfound fascination with sex changes stems from SJW advocacy by the Church of England, which has members who refer to God as a “she.”

Remember that turning a society's deities into feminine forms or worshipping snakes is a known sign of a femin infected civilization which is approaching a total and complete collapse

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this copy paste spam.. again. Where's the other guy who's spamming interracial couples most of which as jewish women in the other thread going to come?!

the shills aren't here yet, quick post beautiful white women

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your spam is missing an important topic
>Jewish women were a prominent presence in the radical wing of the feminist movement of the 1960s, 70s, and 80s—only no one knew it.

Are we seriously going there?

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all white women are beautiful (given the opportunity to reach their potential).

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Hey shills, you'd be less obvious if you didn't post 30 of the exact same thread, at the exact same time.

After we JUST went there?

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Fine. Have it your way.

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who's shilling?! and what?!

They're just baiting for a white roastie hate thread

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Just swallowed the Femin Pill

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the kid is dressed in skinny jeans/slim legged pants you fucking faggot and has a trendy haircut, the girl has “i do anal” braids. you’re such massive retards


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that's what the last thread was discussing when it got deleted. They'll allow 88 threads at once about "how do we shit on white women" aka "how do we fix women" or the latest meme celebrity but deleted 2 consecutive threads that was discussing this topic.

That would be a good addition since Western Jews have been so heavily involved with feminism.

It's a bitter pill for many because they don't want to admit that it has gotten so out of control.

you're boring lmao

Then where'd OP run off to?

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>jews have been influential in subversion
welcome to pol .. now lurk moar

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how should I know. it's the middle of the day, maybe his lunch break ended. I usually post during breaks.

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no one cares about jewesses

This thread makes me want to have kids so badly. ;-;

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>muh white women

You know just as well as I do that white women shouldn't be able to vote or be involved in politics. L'chaim.

that's the meaning of life.. to see your creation (kids), create life (grandkids). Find a good partner, marry and reproduce.

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((())) they will say "most white women are x y z, *we (which ends up being only jews) need to do x y z".
I guess we should take away white women's votes and rights, but allow jews to continue to control every institution, (((politician))), media org and shabbos goyim?!
this is the sequence of subversion
>make broad statement about specific issue (white women is often the target)
>propose specific solution about broad issues (take away white women's rights)

read and understand this very carefully my people.

It's time to delete another thread.

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inb4 jewmods or CIA niggers move thread to /bantz/ because thread is not kosher enough.

We should have a White Woman General thread daily.

interesting thread

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OP from the 1st and 2nd thread. Mods deleted the 2nd thread just now - after it had already reached +350 replies. Really fucking weird. What's the point? Why not just let it archive?

>they allowed it
because that thread was getting spammed and shilled hard.
>they didn't allow it to archive
because we could later on post the archive links of the shills by finding their identical images, posts.

Didn't mean to use a meme flag
They must know about 4plebs
deleting it doesn't do much

this is a technique paid subversives use.
>go directly to the archive archive.4plebs.org/_/search/
>search for terms they want to influence or distract from
>newest threads which are still live are then spammed by (((them))) with predetermined images and results based statements.
you can post directly from the archive site without ever even coming to Jow Forums

I meant that the thread they allowed to hit 350 post, was flowing in the direction they wanted. Disjointed threads filled with memeposting is beneficial to (them) because the few posts that are quality are drowned out. Although the result of them all being focused on that thread was that they missed this one.

>you can post directly from the archive site without ever even coming to Jow Forums
so you "post" on the archive site and it posts for you onto Jow Forums? is that how it works?

Maybe they have specific traits that make them immune/ like different hormone production or cell receptors

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>the result of them all being focused on that thread was that they missed this one
I used to emphasize this in /twg/, that even if it became a shit show of shills posting bullshit - the thread was still highly valuable as a shill containment thread and improved the quality of the rest of the board


Tbh, I think white women should see the same thing horses did during the industrial revolution

Pic related, the strength of a chain (the family, even, if not especially white) is defined by the strength of it's weakest link, i.e white women in this case

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keep this in case you need to remove anyone's doubts that the mods are compromised

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>"We are operating with diminished capacity while database server is being serviced."
>Search engine is offline
what did 4plebs mean by this. Could explain why this thread was never found.

that's (you) outlined in red

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they said on their twitter it was some regular server maintenance

are there more sites than 4plebs arching Jow Forums? would be very useful to have many so if one gets compromised the others are still good

what's ironic about artificial "wombs" is that everyone would create females in them. Did that ever cross your mind?!
your "logic"
>women are the problem
>let's create an artificial way of creating more women

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I am in a happy relationship with a white woman

not that I'm familiar with for this board (pol). This is the first time I've ever seen 4plebs down.

I can access it right now

God bless white race pic is so beautiful. Fuck jealous kikes for destroying it

I'm still getting the error message. Maybe it's the US based servers.

>there's nothing more disheartening than being attacked by your own
You're right. Which is why white women are pure shit.

congratulations user. Hope you have a loving marriage and many strong kids soon.

All races are beautiful friend. That's why multiculturalism is so evil because it destroys all of them.

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Your people and culture have beautiful traits to admire too. While I appreciate the sentiment, don't let other people become a fetish or standard bearer for your existence. I encourage you to maintain your culture, uniqueness, beauty and self determination.

A million shill voices just cried out in pain around the world.

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I miss the aussie from the old trad threads desu.

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A strong argument for MGTOW in pic-related. I think all you traditionalists are idealistic as fuck.

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It really goes to show that if you love your enemies, the jews lose. Leave it to Christ to deliver the strategy.

Why would only women be made? Men wouldn't make their own daughter and fuck them, that's degenerate and illegal. Men just want to have reproductive control as well. Though honestly it has a similar problem as the whole single mother thing. Not 100% the same obviously, men and women are different, but there'll be shortcomings with a single parent of either sex. The traditional family works for a reason and it is evolutionarily based.

the reason you say these things is because you obviously feel something of significance in relationship to your own people. If you no longer cared or valued white women, your grievance with them wouldn't manifest into spiteful hate.

acknowledge white women still have significance to you.
acknowledge you still care about the outcome of their existence, which is why you decided to make that comment (to hurt them).
if you wish to continue hurting my people, accept it's not going to end well for you.

At that point, would it even be your daughter? Artificial wombs are abominable.

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This is the future.

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Those are great pictures. However, most people here's experience of white women is negative. I've been with women of various races; east asians and south americans leave much better memories than whites, sadly.

oh my god you actually are a roasty haha.

most of us are aware of your wicked character. artificial wombs will free us from you

they are cheaper, fairer and can prevent genetic diseases. they are superior to you

you're honestly telling me .. single men would use an artificial womb to create children (especially male children)?!
99% of single men would obviously intentionally or subconsciously create a female child which they will then fall in love with as they grow into adulthood.

you have not thought this through. No single male will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to create and raise a girl they will then allow other men to marry/mate/be with.
If this was not the case, single men today would conceive their biological children through surrogacy. The costs associated are less than an artificial womb would be.

You're delusional if you don't think these same guys talking shit about women, would not try to create an "ideal" woman through artificial means

Perhaps cheaper in America, but they could also likely be easily sabotaged, don't you think?

Come home white man

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>you're honestly telling me .. single men would use an artificial womb to create children (especially male children)?!
hell yeah
>99% of single men would obviously intentionally or subconsciously create a female child which they will then fall in love with as they grow into adulthood.
i love how you constantly complain that men dont understand you, but this is some next level retardation
>No single male will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to create and raise a girl they will then allow other men to marry/mate/be with.
men have been paying for their daughters ever since recorded history and probably even before that
>If this was not the case, single men today would conceive their biological children through surrogacy
you must be married to do that, thanks to your evil kind
>You're delusional if you don't think these same guys talking shit about women, would not try to create an "ideal" woman through artificial means
its called sexbot

not more likely than women just beeing disloyal and promiscuous

>not more likely than women just beeing disloyal and promiscuous
Where do you get this? Most couples live just fine and it's just the vocal majority of a few degenerate nations that even give the illusion of this being a widespread issue. Besides, it's not just women. Both sides actually need to contribute to the issue. You need to know how to control your woman. Will be posting 3 part redpill on that. Side question though: you're not MGTOW, are you? Not that I'll discard your opinions for it or anything, it just sounds a lot like some of their talking points.

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you're the turk from afd general. While you don't have to ability to recognize people through their word choice, sentence syntax and responses.. I can. You're dull and unoriginal, so this is the only response you can bait out of me.

part 2

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are you actually engaging in an honest conversation with him?! Lurk more for your own good.

It doesn't really matter but I'll do it for the bumps.

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