Trump probably had some hookers piss on him

Can someone explain to me why Trump keeps lying and then admitting to his lies? It seems crazy to me that he keeps doing this shit, and his supporters seem to love him for it.

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do you ever get nosebleeds taking such huge leaps?

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Tell me where you slept ten years and two months ago. Oh you aren’t sure? We should jail you for lying.

That’s your logic.

>he doesn't know Jow Forums created it just so that media would pick it up and look like idiots when it's false.
The FBI jumping in was a great bonus.

I'd just say I didn't know. Why would you say that you didn't stay overnight somewhere and then say otherwise?

because everything said about him is true and he can't get in trouble for lying.

also, his supporters don't care - so why not lie?

>why Trump keeps lying and then admitting to his lies?

"His soul is an unflushed toilet" sums things up nicely.

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Who gives a fuck, retard?

People with integrity. Not that Trump supporters would know anything about that. :^)

>I've only left my house once, and I remember every detail about it.

So, zero democrats.

Also in the news
>(((sources))) say Trump denied spending a night in Moscow

>"His soul is an unflushed toilet" sums things up nicely.
I know this is supposed to mean something, but we're talking about a POTUS. Isn't that a prerequisite for the job?

you heard it first here, on Jow Forums

*queue news style music clip or some shit*

got 'em

It's not that. It's that I'm smart enough to know that if I had some hookers piss on me it's safer to be vague and not to say something in the affirmative that could be used against me.

>Trump stayed over night in Moscow 5 years ago, before he even announced he was running for election




fUCKING DRumMPF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IMPEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If they try to push this fake piss tape shit we just shill that Jordan Peele video of Obama saying things he didn't say. They can never win

coke is a hell of a drug

Golden towers golden showers.

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You do realize the answer for most people here would be in the parents house.

Mmm that's hot..

>Can someone explain to me why Trump keeps lying and then admitting to his lies?
Occams Razor version is that he's a fucking idiot.

>I never went to moscow!
>I only went there for an afternoob!
>Okay, I stayed the night! Yeah, I stayed in that hotel because it was the best.
>Yes, I slept in the room Obama slept in, what's the big deal?
>I had some friends from the pageant over.
>Only one was an escort
>It was scat not piss

didnt Trump produce a Miss Universe in Russia a decade ago? mistery solved

Yeah, if I went to Moscow for the first and only time in my life 10 years and two months ago I would probably be able to remember if I slept there or not.

Is that a patrician fetish?

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who cares?

damn Donald you're one thicc bih

In my bed?

Donald is THICC

>normal people expectations
>sitting president expectations

pick one, bootlicker


If the piss tape exists, does trump resign if it goes public?

you mean that time he wrote a personal letter to putin to invite him to attend as his +1?


if the peepee tape is legit, it would prove the case that it was being used as kompromat

in other words, russia's first bought-and-paid-for POTUS

>it's illegal to have a hooker pee on you

Who wouldn't want some hot women to piss on them. I say patrician taste right there.

is it a crime in Russia to do scat fetish play with hookers?

2 independent sources have confirmed it to be a poo poo tape with lots of spanking and face sitting

wow, it's nothing