When will anglos learn to stop smearing feces on themselves and clean up properly after using the bathroom?

When will anglos learn to stop smearing feces on themselves and clean up properly after using the bathroom?

Seriously, what's your excuse for being more primitive than arabs when it comes to hygiene?

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When you guys stop running trucks of peace through your crowds.

When you guys stop mutilating the penises of your babies?

don't you have a school full of children you should be shooting up?

Muslim detected

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What is it with faggy european (and by proxy canadian) smugness over the most banal shit? It just screams irrelevance...

If your diet doesn't consist entirely of Tim Horton's grease bombs, you usually get a clean pinch.

not even. i've just learned how to properly clean my asshole and I wonder why all civilized people don't do it.

We’re all out of chink dick to suck and dogs to fuck.

More waffle sauce guy

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