High school dance champion, 18...

>High school dance champion, 18, is murdered by her 'abusive' 19-year-old boyfriend before he ran to the woods and killed himself
>Clarissa Riojas was murdered by Louis Nickerson at her San Antonio home
>Police said Nickerson tried to shoot the lock on the door before kicking it open
>Riojas' 16-year-old sister saw him shoot her in the head and frantically called 911
>The couple had broken up a week before and friends said Nickerson was abusive


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Race mixer killed by her nigger. Nothing of value lost.


>Toll paid
>And he committed suicide
Account Neutralized. Thanks for your business.

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she's an ugly coalburning whore who got what she deserved. sage. kill every kike.


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>looks like a latina
who gives a fuck, fuck her

>coal burning roastie gets btfo


At least these two didn't produce a El Goblino in a red state of Texas.

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She looks like mayim balik to me idk. Amy from big bag threeoy

aie caramba!!

You think she learned her lesson?

That's awesome that no whites were hurt.

Do you think she ever had a thought going through her mind when she met him that he might kill her one day? I always wondered what goes through their mind when they make the decision to date a black guy.


They never learn

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How about that

>Tl dr: a nigger killed a spic whore then offed himself
Tweedle fucking dee how is this news?

Hahahaha fucking Texas state. Looks like this teen bean learned the hard lesson.

Punished Roastie: A whore without a future.

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>I always wondered what goes through their mind when they make the decision to date a black guy.
In my experience, in the few times I've seen a white woman with a black man, it's due to the woman being raised incorrectly, having literal brain damage, or rebelling against their parents. In any case, the decision is given little thought.

Of course not. Teenage girls don't have opinions of their own. Who cares though. She was a spic.

But she was a spic.

The carbon tax is real.

Louis Niggerson

The circle of nigger life Kek.

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Monkey see, monkey do, toll paid.

No-one cares now. She's become a monster.
>And that's a good thing

paid in full

a nigger innawoods?
fake news.

Good riddance.

At last, the outside matching the inside.

It's hard to have sympathy for these idiots. I don't know how much more proof they need about the violent tendencies of blacks.

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why do european women tend to like black guys? ask any black guy who was in the army and stationed in europe... he fucked dozens of them


Cause they’re stupid whores.

No one here seems to notice that she is a Mexican?

I thought it was only bad for Whites to burn coal?

around blacks, never relax

>underrated post

I'm white but it still pisses me off seeing a nig date a latina. My mexican friends get pissed off when they see nigs date white women as well. We just want everyone to stick to their own race.

>Riojas spic
>literally Louis Niggerson
>both dead
n i c e

>I care about other races being defiled by niggers
Why? If it's non-white, it's none of your business.

>Nickerson tried to shoot the lock on the door before kicking it open
Video games were responsible for this you racists

>Clarissa Riojas
>San Antonio
she was mostly mexican/spanish...and nothing of value was lost.

Women like blacks have no reasoning in their make up. It is like dealing with two year olds.

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Toll paid

>black bf

he did us all a favor

That was my thought as well. South of the border meets African prince.

>san antonio
>dated a black dude in public
She was probably killed by her own family, desu. We don't play that shit.

Burn the coal pay the toll.

Coal Burner Dead!
Nigger Dead!



A nigger and spic are dead? Sweet!

>non-white kills non-white then himself
who cares
at least the dude had the decency to kill himself and not do something to get himself shot by the police so we can have another cry fest about it in the news

I live in San Antonio, didn’t hear about this.
Maybe girls will stop thinking it’s ok to date jungle monkeys


based black man

Mexican women are ours. It is a Texans birthright

She was mestizo. What is wrong with being Spanish?

The Mexican mafia set it up and made it look like he killed honked? If so, they are much better at it than the clintons


lol my step-cousin is a spic and dating a nigger too. I hope this is her fate as well.

Beaner and a nigger.. Nothing of value was lost

>the nigga neck himself.
I'll call this bravery.

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some more details

Attached: Screenshot-2018-4-26 San Antonio high school seniors had troubled relationship prior to murder-suici (1361x2400, 766K)

>Another roastie ded cuz acted tarded
Who the fuck cares ?!

the nigger in question.

I find it difficult to believe that a nigger would shoot himself. Suicide takes some amount of introspection. I doubt even murder drove a nigger to introspect.

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>felt bad for him
>from New Orleans, came during Katrina
Literally can’t make these things up. San antonians have been bitching about Katrina jungle monkeys for years

I mean we joke, but it might actually happen. Dating a black person is seriously seen as the lowest thing a Hispanic girl do besides maybe taking a shit on the alter of the local catholic church. At least in South Texas, idk about the rest of the country but there is no coming back from that shit here where I live. Girls are seriously fucking black balled (pun intended) and even in the circles of people that are just barflys they won't associate with the girl again after that.

Say what you will about Mexicans, but we do NOT fucking like blacks, jews, or muslims.

I lol'd and I'm not sure why.

What am I becoming?


She looks black though.

>loius niggerson

she's a spic you dumbass

>Jow Forums gets mad when they see spic women date nogs
kek the memes are real as fuck

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I live in South Texas and I probably like Mexicans more than the average guy on here. I still think the recent immigrants should go back to Mexico but I’m fine with the real tejanos that were here in the early 1900s staying desu.
I wish there was a place that conservatives Mexicans would congregate, would probably be one of the best communities down here, but then again, part of them being conservative is not wanting to leave their family/hometown/ancestors land

And nothing of value was lost.

Some Mexicans are like 10% black so it’s possible. She just looks like a 50:50 mestizo to me. She could even be more indian than european perhaps

despite thousands of incidents, white girls still want big black cocks.

reproduction instincts are so powerful that they even risk their lives.

I live in Laredo and there's a lot of retarded libs here, but there is a LARGE portion of the town that is conservative as hell and hates illegals and all the things most of us would agree on. It's the final frontier with a 98.7% hispanic population and a .01% black community.

well that face would make you commet suicide though.

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>I thought it was only bad for Whites to burn coal?

I live in northern California. The Mexicans here all dress and act black even calling each other "nigga".
You can't believe how many Mexican women with black guys I see up here.

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Is there anything that isn't fucked in that state?

who is she?

she was really beautiful before she got blacked

The redwood forests is about it.

This. They didn't have kids either so it's a happy ending all around.

Pagó peaje

Sounds pretty enticing desu. Stories like the one in op are making me want to leave San Antonio (because of the blacks) and I’ve unironically been looking at places that are even closer to mexico, which is sort of odd, but I think I’ve figured out why. American culture is all based on Protestantism which is essentially liberalism. It is all consumerism and who owns what. It is a race to the top, even though it should be obvious that in this day in age you can’t just rise up to become one of the top families.
Even though I am blonde haired and blue eyed and probably would have been at war with Mexicans in a past generation, they give me a lot of hope down here. The majority of wealthy whites are attracted to building the biggest house they can, owning the nicest things and doesn’t really value their family. The majority of poor whites are on drugs or is basically a nigger. There are some Mexicans that are like niggers too but a lot of them also seem to have a love for their family that doesn’t exist in America. A love for the Catholic Church as well, which will get your hated on in the Protestant Texas (and the South in general). Mexicans work all day long, I actually work with a guy from Laredo that works all day and then 2 nights a week he works the night shift at a gas station. I don’t understand how somebody can work so much, but that is the Mexican. He doesn’t have hobbies, he just has a second part time job lol.
I’m honestly starting to realize why my uncle married a rich mestizo.
If Europe gets taken over by Muslims, and America by niggers (or mestizos who prefer their nigger traits to their european ones) I will definitely be looking south. I won’t be surprised if the brown Mexicans all leave for America and Mexico ends up being a whiter place than we are. They already hate jungle monkeys so they have a good foundation for the future

yada yada, it's getting boring

Once you go black, you get murdered.

Since you live in Laredo can you guesstimate roughly how many mestizos, half mestizo half shite, and then people that could pas for Spanish/white? If there was a 99% Hispanic town that was like half Spanish/european or more i wouldn’t mind living there desu

>half mestizo half shite
Lol I meant half white

>toll paid

thank you for your service based nigger

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Laredo is similar to San Antonio in that we have shit areas and nice areas, we just don't have the attractions and festivities that SA has nor the black people or the intense crime rates. We aren't exactly smallville, but it's not too bad down here since most thieves won't bother if they have to jump a fence or deal with a dog. We're a lot slower paced and no one gets in fights over the Spurs.

Mestizos are probably about 50% of the population at least, but we have a lot of white influence since there used to be a military base here. Lot's of them stayed here and married Mexican women so there's a lot of light skinned Hispanics that don't even speak Spanish. I myself am a mutt from that line being like 1/16th white and the rest is Spanish/Mexican, light skin with brown hair and I guess like light brown or hazel eyes depending on what you consider either one. I won't pass for white, but definitely Spanish looking and when I was in the Navy a lot of people thought I was Italian.

In addition, we got a lot of people with money that migrated legally from Mexico during the beginning of the cartel era so we have lots of blondes/red heads/blue eyes, etc. that are completely Mexican so that's pretty hot. The illegals generally are lower class and if you pick a home on the nicer side of town the only time you'll see them is when they're doing work on a home in the area. The thing most white people don't get to see, because in the US Mexicans have that LA RAZA HOLMES bullshit going on, but when you live in a place that is all Mexicans no one gives a fuck what you are and we go back to disliking each other and being racist against ourselves. Indio vs. Non-indio, etc. We are very elitist as a race when you get away from the liberals.

more alpha than any of you guys hahaha

Is it really burning the coal if it's a mehican though? Isn't it just brown people fucking other brown people? Either way, 2 less brown mouths to feed. At least he had the deceny to an hero.