link to livestream:
more like Inferior, WI
It's mostly white, tho
Why god?
the deep state did this
>mfw when I live in Duluth.
hence inferior
>t. nigger lover
white fragility on display
this happened hours ago. youre late. no longer relevant.
Why do we keep destroying our nature?
how did the admiral kuznetsov get to wisconsin?
It's still ongoing you brainlet
More like shitskin delusion, lmao
Looks like it's still on fire.
Wisconsin forever!
another stupid murican town name wtf
>watching folks put out a fire
wowee sure is happening
lol k
Russian midget sub spotted in Lake Superior
Live across the bridges in Duluth. Can confirm Superior is a shithole.
No one has died yet, so this is a pretty nothing happening.
No one's putting it out. It's going to burn the whole place down. I'm hoping it sets the pipeline on fire
Gas price spike incoming
That """""stolen""""" 700 pounds of dynamite's turning up. Uh oh...
At least when we mow our lawns we don't have to worry about our lawn mowers rolling down the hill and into the lake.
How long before the whole thing explodes?
I live on top of the hill, where it is flat.
I bet Emily Larson (cunt mayor of Duluth - neighboring city) is going to use this as a global warming stance
i bet the jews are behind this
Your city is a liberal shithole.
Just as Q predicted it.
it's on Lake Superior you dumb ass
The whole state is.
Those tanks are going to blow, ugh oh
Looks like one oil tank burning, can't tell if its more.
They need to reverse pump it out.
Do you think theres time to pump out all tanks?
If they open the pumps I think it could spread
Holy fuck is true, they were going to do attack on a oil refinery with the stolen tnt from Philly.
>from one refinery
At this point they've already depressurized all the big stuff
and we don't have problems?
How do you even tackle a fire liek that?
Depressurize it and let it go i think
Looks like the distribution lines and not the tank itself.
Depressurize what you can, turn on all deluge equipment, hope for the best
walk up and ask for a valid fire loicense
>don't be lame
>bin that flame
Nope the tank is burning, they need to get in their and start putting it out.
A tank is clearly burning
They aren't midgets, just squatting.
>naming a town after one of the biggest freshwater lakes in the world
enjoy dying of thirst in racewar, Laszlo
What a coincidence.
You happen to control the Syrian oil courtesy of your terrorist friends the (((SDF))).
>Q says MOAB was going to be dropped this week
>didn't believe him, called him larp, boomer, etc.
>massive explosion in Wiyoming
>being covered up as an oil refinery explosion
>Trump probably just took out a few deep state underground bunkers
Fuck. I cannot doubt Q or Trump anymore. There are too many """coincidences""" to ignore.
Is THIS where the missing 600lbs of stolen explosives went ????
That was quick
sounds dangerous
we should probably ban oil refineries from having fires or exploding
I want this stupid fucking thing.
The pressure has been released, in order for the oil to auto ignite its gonna not a lot more temp.
Looks like part of it is still on.
No, just the tank that is burning. First they have to get in a kill out the pipe fires, bring in a pump and a tanker and connect up and pump.
A MOAB would have wiped that off the map.
Not if its connected top a pump and a line.
You don't just flip the off switch
Uh, no
The amount of TNT they stole would have blown the whole tank apart.
I have had enough of that.
Explosion looks too big to be done with conventional weapons. Looks like we're dealing with a mini-nuke. Could be the Chinese? North Korea?
Either way WW3 confirmed.
You know, perhaps they didnt use all they had.
Or they saved some for later
sure these things happen all the time
Digits confirm WW3
Oh gosh I hope Mike and Jay are alright
>all this talk of a large weapon being used
You people have a terrible sense of scale.
They don't have to use all of it
Satan confirmed WW3
dude, do you even know what 600 lbs of tnt would do?
Here, take a look.
Here is a 200lb IED being detonated.
Now, multiply by 3.
Owners of the refinery:
Who owns this refinery
Confirmed Lightning Fast Video Repair destroyed in the initial blast.
These guys:
Excuse me OP, this isn't a woke based /ournigga/ Kanye west thread. I hope the mods delete your thread OP, we need the space for more Kanye twitter threads. We need more based BBC in pol
What you have there is a pressure breach. Something went wrong, pressure went up, popped the lines and the top rip of the tank.
If that was a directed explosion there would be a lake of oil, burning.
The better side of the Bong Bridge.
Sad but true. It's been a ghost town for years, just a bunch of empty storefronts and really shitty dive bars. Kinda comfy in it's own way though.
Two bombers in Wisconsin last month, one got arrested near Madison and the other blew himself up and then the Feds came in and burned his entire apartment building down to destroy all evidence. Weird things happening in Wisconsin these days.