Not only is the country going to shit so is the army.
>tfw the empire is over
Not only is the country going to shit so is the army.
>tfw the empire is over
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Filling the army with women and niggers will surely fix this,
There's so much shit to deal with in the UK, I'm in full on blackpill mode I'm going to live life with my girlfriend and get mine. Everyone else can fuck off and die.
Your shitty Empire is over since 1941 when the Amerilards took over you fucking Nigel, it has been only decadence since then
Our Chavs could take over 99% of other countries, most with only melee weapons, because we are a nation of nutters.
Might as well try my white friend
Where are they gonna get those melee weapons from, bruv?
bitch you should be happy that the army and police are going to shit because these sons of bitches are the ones forcing all that down your throat.
No more brother wars.
Even Argentina is kinda white.