A good half of the ~160 comments were shitting on the moderates, Doug Jones especially (and then Moore posting) and yelling down anyone who said they need those votes to take the senate in the fall.
Eventually, the Executive Branch will start ignoring separation of powers as well because right now, the Judicial Branch doesn't give a shit about separation of powers since the Legislative Branch aren't fulfilling their oaths and duties to regulate the courts and the RINOs are trying to violate the separation of powers into the Executive Branch.
Jonathan Sanders
Bill Cosby didn't do anything wrong.
Michael Martin
Fuck you stop shilling your divisive bullshit in here, wow you got 3000 niggers to like your post. Good for you kiddo.
He's not embraced by white supremacists as much as Eminem fans who abandoned Em or blue collar workers who are now checking out Late Registration opening up an entire new market for him.
You are only enabling people by providing ideas in their heads that Kanye sold out to KKK and nobody fucking knows you are being ""subtle"" and ""ironic"" or that you are a closet KKK trying to bait black people into acting the way you believe they should.
Jow Forums never enforces race hatred and never will get off our boards and go fuck a pig
Jace Reed
You'd think those two musical geniuses would be thick as thieves. Or adulterers, or murderers.
Adam Ross
He retweeted someone who noticed that Kayne thinks Dubya hates black people, but Trump does not
Alexander Edwards
Christ, did you just turn 15 or something? We HAD a Secretary of State. Rex Tillerson. Then he got fired for trying to make contradictory policy. Pompeo wasn't nominated as his replacement until a few months ago.
Trump isn't a career politician so I can believe this.
Camden Reyes
Dollars to donuts (which doesn’t make sense now that good donuts cost $1+) says they’re Joeposting scum.
Evan Russell
Hate my job. My life is a mess. I push away every girl that tries to get close. I blame my alcoholic step father but the truth is likely something I wouldn't want to admit.
Alexander Martinez
lol now dems will love the electoral system
Landon Morris
Well sing for me to change my mind bitch. If you sing we can be the best of frens and you might even defeat drumpf
I watched the movie last night after finishing the book earlier this week and must say it is woefully inaccurate. Griffin does not burn the papers in a fireplace, he burns down the entire building. There is no woman in the book. There are many scenes missing, such as Griffin going to sleep in a market and being chased and dodging employees and security. He does not sleep in a barn and get surrounded by police who then light it on fire, either.
It is my opinion that the movie is factually inaccurate and has many holes.
Brody Hill
It would actually, in fact many said Trump may win the popular vote but would have little chance of the electoral vote. Once the spotlight is on a simple popular vote illegal voting would be taken out of the Democrats total. Also 50 state campaigning, not just a few battleground states
Carson Nguyen
Tariq posted a hilarious video of himself visiting the homeland (Africa) and curiously musing about how hard it was to find a place that served traditional African food (in Africa) despite intentionally choosing to go to the whitest part.