What's wrong with American public schools?

What's wrong with American public schools?

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>An art teacher in Tennessee makes watercolors for her students using old markers.

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Schools are just a bureaucracy at this point, teachers teach state-planned lessons and are unable to really branch out. The worst students are given to the newest most inexpereinced teachers because the teachers who could handle said students dont want to deal with them. I could go on and on but the point is kinda moot

t. former highschool teacher

>Kelsey Pavelka received six laptops to teach typing to a class of 42 fifth graders in North Las Vegas, Nev

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>We have nearly 2,000 emergency, untrained teachers in Oklahoma. I have 15-year-old textbooks, wasps living in my ceiling (I killed 8 in one day in January DURING class), broken desks, leaky ceilings, and I had to purchase my own curriculum this year.

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What’s wrong with recycling? This is a great use of old markers

>What's wrong with American public schools?
giving american children an education doesnt make rich people any richer. Therefore its not important, at least according to our elected government that seems to only care about making the rich even richer.

>trillions on a machine that can spy on every citizen and they can't use to replace an outdated method of teaching.

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federal unions

>growth of non-white student population, not as intelligent as the white students nor as connected with and deferential to the society and its institutions

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>refusal to separate smart/cooperative kids from the ones that don't want to learn
>teachers are government workers who can collect a check by keeping a pulse
>often 25+ kids to one teacher in a class

Speaking from personal experience kids who had a desire to learn were left with a lacking experience and to learn content that isnt particularly challenging while doing long assignments that simply consume time and may as well be jumping through hoops on demand to earn a score. We weren't taught to find answers ourselves and to piece together different conclusions, we were taught to do something to get a grade for a class and then move on, and often discard what we used to get that grade since it has zero practical value in the next class for the most part. There was a time when I woke up looking forward to school assuming I'd learn something and not have to sit through long lectures of shit I already know until the kid no child left behind is uttered for understands something basic.

I'd say another problem is disciplinary action. I was never on the bad side of faculty, but when teachers hate their jobs and are the disciplinary power things can get mishandled and kill a students' drive to succeed and distinguish themselves, especially if they lose the he said she said game and genuinely did nothing wrong. Problem kids seem to have problem parents that often side with the kids as well as though the parent prioritizes their ego being hurt over their kid looking bad/making them look bad rather than the wrong the kid did.

College feels marketed and frankly is marketed, I refer to students who come from universities to help those in highschool sign up for further education as 'recruiters' because they often come with presentations that appeal to the youth through focusing in livingspace, nightlife in the area, food, and other clearly education/future-of-your-life-centric aspects. Its a real shitshow.

government oversight and shitty teachers

Lack of funding due to republican smooth brains robbing the government

Republican waste fraud and abuse

Everything, all school should be private and optional.

Make parents parent, it isnt the state’s job.

>water color sets cost two dollars

Jesus Christ. I guess kids are no longer required to pay fines for damaging their textbooks?

John Taylor Gatto

better to hand out patched up and plastered dictionaries older than the titanic than modern newspeak glossaries

Looks like a school here as well. Although i went to a school in a rough area full of chavs so i'm not suited to answer this question.

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>putting markers in a jar of water costs even less


Amerimutts can actually afford the books they don't understand? What kind of free economy is that?

>recycling tampons for watercolours

>implying wasp killing isn't more important than the jew garbage they teach

you should be sending your child to private school

They taught us nothing, didn't know polish forces kept fighting in the west after poland fell, didn't know how ww1 started, they sure fucking teach us about the Soviet revolution though. Can't bother learning about the fucking ottoman invasions of Europe, but they can tell us how awesome it is in china.

Public schools are a joke

>Money is being poured into "diverse" districts which does nothing because it doesn't change their IQs.
>Teachers are now glorified baby sitters.
>All you learn about in history is Civil Rights,Holocaust,Civil War, and maybe some stuff about WWI
Did I miss something?

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allowing niggers and other malcontents into schools was one of the biggest mistakes this country has ever made.

nigger children aren't there to learn, they have little to no parental involvement in their life as they are mostly raised by single mothers and everyone knows how fucked black women are.

There is no amount of money that can be thrown at the school system that will fix this, because the underlying issue is that you put subhumans in with humans and it brings everyone down.

that would be racyss

They mention Ferdinand, not what led up to the war, or who fought in it.

>Did I miss something?
yes, the gay propaganda

School books looked like that in my school

All the funding goes to football so the school can make more money and keep feeding the wallets of their admin staff who do fucking nothing.

Wrong. Take the L on that one.
Holocaust is half a day. WWI is a homework assignment.

That's a good call. That way when the power grid shuts down we'll just default straight to dark ages in a couple generations because people don't use books.

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I forgot to mention there's was one paragraph on Teddy Roosevelt fighting the Spanish American War.

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>public schools
there's you answer. at least you have the option of home schooling while in europe that's mostly verboten because every child needs to get its sate sanctioned brainwash

southern post civil war "lost cause" reconstruction era bullshit, paving the way for our current disingenuous education

>reverse meritocracy, worst schools get most funding
>standardized tests
>mandatory attendance
just get rid of the whole thing
smart kids learn from the internet
dumb kids never learn anything
it's a waste
>t. both parents are teachers

Texas school books are neo Trotskyist propaganda

But dat money fo dem programs

Books can be still be there, the Ai can perfectly recommend a book and use their spy software to be sure you read it.

I saw this exact article appear in Firefox's highlights
the problem is that even though America spends more on education than any other country, a huge portion of it goes to school admins, district admins, and superintendents, instead of the teachers or the schools. Wages for teachers range from 30k to still only 46k after 20 years of service.

They get masters' degrees and yet live paycheck to paycheck because the little extra money they have is used to buy supplies for their class, computers, books, appliances, and even furniture.

It's a horrible corrupt system that is glossed over in favor of self-victimization and demonization of anyone that doesn't think like those on top.

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John Taylor Gatto

bonus points for unabridged dictionaries
perusing old hemp paper unabridged dictionaries that need their own stand is more fun than it sounds

They’re run by corrupt liberal union leaders who use government funding to line their pockets and the pockets of their cronies.


Central office planning decides a curriculum, tells teachers what to teach, buys a book that covers the material and then hands the job off to the teacher to come up with a lesson on how to teach it.


>y'see books are outdated so we also need to replace the books with evil technology that will kill us all because i don't like americans anyway
okay retard.

I would also like to say that in pretty much every high school class I had, we didn't have textbooks at all. I think the last class I had that had a textbook was my first Spanish class in my sophomore year.

Part of the reason is also the stupid pushes that they have like school expenses where they redesign the school or to get students "technology" that is used poorly. Its much easier and simplier to do it by paper. Technology is nice, but is a huge operating expense. Its more important for students to have access to technology at home so I can put all missing work up on google classrooms etc.

If you laugh it's true.

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Not necessarily a bad system but its filled with imbeciles. There are things I would change.

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depends on the school fuck head

so god damn cheap

1. private schools negate all of these points
2. anyone who pays for private schooling or homeschooling should not have to pay taxes for public schools
3. it's not my fault you made a shitty life choice by becoming a teacher. As a teacher you should be intelligent enough to understand what is an outdated system and understand you are that system.
4. Stop paying that extra money on school supplies. If the school won't offer it, don't pay for it. When parents ask why their children's grades are going down. Explain exactly why. The school is not giving you the funding needed to properly manage a class of twenty+ people every hour for 7-8 hours a day.
I mean this isn't hard to understand.
School was the ultimate socialism and easily proves it doesn't work. You spend more money to ensure your own child has less.
I'd rather pay the 300 dollars a month on a private school.

State run daycare engineered to stunt minds.

You're a dumb anime poster.
No one would listen to you.
In my school there is a culture of things being "above our pay grade" in terms of what would make sense. Im sure some of the stupid shit that central office downtown forces us to do is somehow required by federal government etc. If you cut regulation that would free things up somewhat. But there would also need to be a national curriculum that could be modified so all students are judged by a baseline.

If public education was good they would get less funding.

When they fuck up they get a raise.
Because that is what governments do when they "solve" problems.
Reallocation of money is the solution to everything.
What else would you expect from politicians? The only other thing they are good at is getting votes..

Conservative, self-serving members of teachers' unions who resist any change, parents who don't or can't raise their kids properly, and consistent underfunding and understaffing.

all that typing and no (you)s

That is a e6400. My company still uses them.

Teachers are not subject matter experts, how can they teach a subject they do not understand? Keeping one page ahead of students it not teaching.
When I went to school the pe teacher was also the science teacher, the year after he was a maths teacher.

Even soviet-time books in our schols and colleges looks better. However must admit that newly prited usualy have quite shitty cover wich stains as fuck just because of being in bag with other books.

Thrown into daycare where you can graduate with the same credentials as any of the other children in the class who graduate as long as you take your daycare work, place your name on it, scribble on it, and then turn it into the teacher the next day after you were supposed to take it home as to give you something to do that allows your parents to grind jewish lies into your brain because its what they believe. Further, you get to learn how to bully at public school and destroy everything your family has worked generations for, and at the same time learn how to be absolutely helpless while your parents are charged $50 for textbooks out of print since 1984 that taxpayer money is supposed to be paying for but somehow isn't because the librarian is pocketing that money for her third new car this year.

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They blow their entire education budget trying to convince black kids in inner cities to not act like black kids in inner cities and still cry about being underfunded

they stopped teaching civics in the late 60's

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Let me rephrase that for you OP

>What's wrong with American children?

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For God's sake, people, don't you get books for free?
In little poor Greece all public school students are given all their school books for free and they get to keep them afterwards.
I still have mine.

>If we give more Gibs, kids will learn.

Fuck off.

>Still makes more then most people in the area.

>purchase my own curriculum
lol we pay these people, i cry every time
I'm a dumb dummie and I could teach anything up to eighth grade without any book at all. What the fuck do teachers go to school to learn?

>What's wrong with American public schools?
Schools always need more money, their [the Dept. of Education] model is simply "more money = better education", and then they force teacher's unions which lobby the government which then give more to the DOE.

Thus is the cycle; the students matter only insofar as the school can indoctrinate them.

Multiply this for each student while taking into account these will either need to last a year or be replaced when they run out or get destroyed by ungrateful little shits. Then stack on the fact a teacher usually has to buy the rest of their teaching goods out of their own pocket while being underpaid and overworked year round (teachers do not get summers off; they need to work on their lesson plans.) and you will likely get a better perspective.

.t son of a teacher.

>not using electronic format
>not giving kids cheap tablets with a safety deposit
>not having e-textbooks in a database that kids can access from their own devices
>choosing to go gamergate/common core instead
>entire education system utterly incapable of making logical decisions

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By law, we're supposed to have two copies per pupil. One to take home and another to leave at school for classwork. But instead there is usually a stack of ratty books like the ones pictured by OP, and students often have to share.

The public school system and the higher education system has been infiltrated and subverted by foreign international interests via foundation and federal grants. The effect of this is the schools become dependent on these revenue stream influences which gradually increase compliance requirements on donees and participants thereby reshaping standards and structure to conform with the revenue stream.

In depth information on the corrosive effects of foundations can explored in detail in
"Philanthropy and Cultural Imperialism" Robert F. Arnove.

These are the same forces which regulate and limit the available standardized texts, procedures and grading as well as what is topically acceptable in education.

An excellent primer (although dated) on the topic as it relates to public school can be seen here:

>fill schools with fucking iMacs
>can't switch to electronic textbooks

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Students are constantly in and out of classes, so the copies they give at the start of the year is never enough. We use the ones from last year which is much better for current content requirements.

The internet and good parents can make school obsolete. The only good reason to send your kid to school is so they can learn social skills among peers. Otherwise your letting your kid be conditioned by whatever organization, cult or corporation that funds it.

I was under the impression that teachers have to teach for standardized tests in the united states, and the content of those tests shifts from year to year, depending on what particular facts around a historical event they want to test you on.

What did they teach in Civics?


Aaahh OK, thank God, thats was a relief. That actually makes you better than us in this (too).

Reminder that whenever you think a place looks like shit, there's Russia.

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>implying most Americans can afford such a luxury


Yep. Our tests are pretty standardized but changes dramatically year to year sometimes so curriculums do matter since it details knowledge teachers are responsible for and the skills.

Well, not necessarily. The law requires two copies of textbooks, but they are not always provided.

>evil technology that will kill us all

You use the damn Ai for your searches every fucking day, it's doing your homework anyway.

i borrowed my high school books from the school and if they were too damaged they either fined me or made me pay the full price lol

>300 dollars a month
Private school is more like $300 a week.

Most of these schools, the parents are too poor to pay the fee anyway. Blood from a turnip

Lots of problems.


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Public schools are just state-run daycare centers masquerading as learning institutions.

cant afford books but im sure they have a nice tv and smartphones

Not enough shootings.