/germ/ Germanic Thread

The medshills are at it again

T U N E S:
Austria: youtube.com/watch?v=IvvEjmVW5j4
Boers: youtube.com/watch?v=nlHqKJyo3GQ
Denmark: youtube.com/watch?v=j8HDfavjh0M
Eternal Anglo bonus: youtube.com/watch?v=y4nFL0-0vU8
Flanders: youtube.com/watch?v=AuSU1fc0C5U
Germany: youtube.com/watch?v=-9OUJcbgnXg
Iceland: youtube.com/watch?v=qBqH_8h_KmY
Netherlands: youtube.com/watch?v=jwsYaeZlhqQ
Norway: youtube.com/watch?v=Al_Hc7c5ARk
Sweden: youtube.com/watch?v=1IDmYqxYNSc

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Ukraine reporting in

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Attached: aryan nordic.jpg (313x507, 39K)

Not very germanic tho

post prime aryan specimens. no meme replies please.

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Alsacian here

Not a Germanic, but I find your Nordic race to be superior :)

Attached: arno-breker_a-l-13711752-4990879.jpg (413x550, 31K)

Bad attitude desu, but I won't complain

Why does it seem Poles either have an inferiority complex, or are full on hatred against Germanics?
Just be neighbours, lads

>Why does it seem Poles either have an inferiority complex, or are full on hatred against Germanics?
We are poorer than you, maybe that's why.

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