Is your father redpilled?

Is your father redpilled?

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Not at all, and that’s why I am. He’s such a fucking bitch.

He's dead

Partly, he is more of an asshole than an example.

No, he's a boomer


He's like halfway there. He watches alt-right and alt-lite media stuff but he always tells me "I don't like when they start talking about the Jews though." Also he told me his hero is Martin Luther King Jr. so there's a lot of nonsense that he's swallowed unquestioningly.

Yes and no some stuff he understands like niggers shouldn't be here, But he does not understand what caused it.

This, Boomers are rarely redpilled.

Yes. He's NatSoc-ish, hates kikes, r*manians/gyppos, niggers, etc. But almost every boomer here is like that.
He keeps animals, grows his own food, never drinks. Pretty redpilled if you ask me.

>Stay out of trouble
>Work hard
>Don't associate with dirty women
We cool.

I'm not white but my dad redpilled me on spirituality, faith, homosexuality, racial differences and economics. My mom always complains about "niggers and beaners" and she is suspicious of "chinks". She has never mentioned Jews though. Oh and my dad said Islam is shit.

He's pretty red pilled. I love talking to him about politics.

He is literally the most bluepilled person you will ever meet. Unironically one of your "only rural and suburban retards voted for blumpft" types. God love him he is a living meme.

What are you then and what's your dad

Yes. He's also suspicious of jews. Not a nazi, but he's cautious around them and doesn't trust any of them.

My stepfather is extremely blue-pilled
>Only retards are right wingers user
>Why do you dislike muslims user
>I dont think the immigration from the ME is the end of the world
>Communism was the shit man

God, listening to him is pain incarnate, thankfully I don't have to do it often

I bet your mom Fucks refugee cock while your dad jacks
In a corner

> I'm not white
What are you?

How do I redpill my conservative boomer dad on the jews?

mostly. getting him there fully on the jq. damn boomers got hit hard with pro israil indoctrination

Show you flag.


Are you 50 years old?


Of course not. You're a shitposting kike.

You take half his salary and give it to some druggie on the street and if he complains about it you talk about muh 6 gorrilion and its another shoah this goy trying to gas you.

show your flag christcuck
also gas yourself

I'm pure Teutonic Anglo blood

My dad's family is Chilean and Spanish (the Chilean side has some Injun Amerind blood) and my mom is Anglo-Saxon and Galician (Spain). I am from the New World and therefore a mutt.

Yes he always voted republican

If you have more Iberian blood you are white

No. Chamber of Commerce Republican.
Semi-woke on religious questions but he's an evangelical so he's a dispensationalist.

He's pretty redpilled with the exception of him being a union man. He never liked how republicans disliked unions and over time has hated how democrats have completely abandoned them and their working class people. He will also admit that there have been shady unions doing some sketchy shit too but like guns a few bad apples doesn't warrant getting rid of all of them.

Don't let this manlet fuck your mother. Show him who rules, my slav friendo

My dad is not redpilled, my mom is more redpilled than him, she agrees that america is israels bitch, lol

I considered buying culture of critique for him because he's quite the reader, but, what a book to give to someone, ya know?

Italians aren't white fag


my dad thinks schindler's list is a documentary.
it's pretty bad. he loves wwii, but it never dawned on him to look at the war theater from multiple perspectives of the nations/minds involved..
pretty wild stuff
he only knows the jewish side of it..
damn shame.

funny thing is, if he grew up in nazi germany, he'd be a nazi 100%. and know none the wiser.

Neither (you)

He's redpilled on most of it, agrees on all of Hitlers points when given in isolation but not the full package yet.
This book should be good enough.

Yes. Very much so

I have much more European blood but to be white you have to be 95-100% European i thought

mine is under russian internet influence
it's kind of better version of being bluepilled I guess and he has 200yrs together in his some + points,

Problem is that there is only partially translated versions of it for all of you non-russki speakers.

>Boomer republican.
>Israel is our greatest ally.
Not entirely

I'll check it out, but frankly it appears more inflammatory to a normie than CoC

>Dad came home one day and had to lay down, took off from work for few days
>Dad never does that
>Ask mom why dad is feeling so bad?
>Mom tells me dad is upset bc people are having anal sex at work
>Dad has to deal with all the bs at work but the anal pushed him too far
>Dad goes back to work with a vengeance and fires all the degenerates

Haven’t questioned it since

True, moi ruskie ochen plohka

Nope. My entire family except two people (me and one sis) are bluepilled fags

Sort of. He has been a conservative my whole life and is probably the main reason I ever questioned the typical left-wing bullshit that literally everyone else my age embraced in high school and university.

I have been conservative or libertarian my entire adult life, probably because of his influence. The ironic thing is that I'm almost more pessimistic about liberal ideals than he is because he's a very accepting person. He doesn't care about a person's race, religion, or sexual orientation. He just cares if they're a good person or not.

I'm black so I don't know if he was redpilled.

Yes. He worked in the IT field specifically AT&T and watched niggers and Pajeets become managers and run it into the ground. My father didn’t take a raise because he knew as straight white male he’d be first to be let go.

I recently talked to him about the holocaust he thinks it’s a crock of shit.

>Tfw my father was quietly redpilled and kept his power level hidden his entire life

He’s a great father and a great humble man. I am blessed to be his son

Partially. I think he is still a civic nationalist but I am showing him the way whenever possible. At least he is willing to consider what I have to say. He is the one that got me interested in politics/conspiracy anyways

>le based magapede father xD

Nah, he's a bluepilled working class normie. He hates Niggers and Pakis though.

only bluepilled on jews/Nazis, redpilled on everything else

Very, he warned me at a very young age about the jews and how you can never trust them, even if they pretend to be friendly, in that moment I thought he was exaggerating but eventually found out he was right.

My great grandfather is the most redpilled in my family. He's southern Irish and emigrated here in the early '40s, He believes that ISIS is going to win and Muslims are taking over because of how degenerate the west has become and that it'll be a good thing.

Show up in HOS uniform to dinner.

boomers are younger than you think they are

Both of my folks can go from full-on Nazi to extremely bluepilled in the span of a day; sometimes about the very same issue. It's... weird.

He had all of his swastika tatoos covered up. He is redpilled but hides his power level

>stoic father
>quiet. never talked about politics
>never talks about anything other than sports and taxes
>Syrian gas attack 2.0
>I tell my sister and father about it
>My sister, uniterested, walks out of the room
>I mention to my dad that it is suspicious
>Israel might have something to do with it
>"The Jews are trying to take over the world" -papa
>Mom walks in
>I tell her about the gas attack
>Dad tells me to take my tinfoil hat off
I don't know what he knows or what he believes in. I just don't know

It is i just couldn't think of any more redpilling book atm, there is more out there but iam shit at finding litterature espescially if it has to be "normie-tier"
Moi tozhe ploha bratan, ya uchim v skole ;)



Yes, redpilled ever since he was drafted

>Is your father redpilled?
He's deadpilled

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On what exactly?

all I have to say to my father while in the phone or in person is “these fucking liberals...” and let him go off on a 15-20 minute diatribe about how big of pieces of shit the left are. I need to record the conversations because it’s quite hilarious. He is super based though.

it's weird. he's like, purple pilled, he has redpilled ideologies but doesn't speak out about it because we live in a very liberal city

On everything but the Jews.

despite being a giga chad
6'3" 214 lbs 8% bodyfat with sunken cheeks and leg veins. due to his 'tsm he decided to drill the oil
aka fuck a sheboon.
so no he's far from redpilled
now he's a math teacher.

He's always been egalitarian and vaguely socialist but since 2015 he's become radicalized with TDS. He's also very nihilistic. I don't think he feels much meaning in life. I wish I could 180 him

Ya uchal nemitski i latinski v skole:(

It's demoralizing that there isn't more .material in other languages around. The entire world consumes English language media it seems. I work with a few finns and Swedes and they use words like "predection", "byzantine", or "palliative". I'd never be that strong in svenska or suomi even if I started now and studied everyday. I try to find parallel texts in russian but they're either expensive or take such liberties with the translation and have few notes on the literal meanings. Thanks for reading my blog post.

My dad is bitch made

Wait, was it men and women or gays?

>There was no leader in our country that could legitimately lead the people here, we need someone like Hitler.
Really activates my almonds.

Attached: B E A D Y DUBS.gif (400x391, 998K)

My dad hates liberals in an absurd sense. Like he got into an argument with my mom and said she “acts like Obama” as an insult

>Is your father redpilled?
No idea. He went to prison when I was young, haven't seen him since.

my father is essentially a communist

I think my father's way too redpilled. He read Nietzsche, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy as a 20yo something. They used to call him the teacher in his youth. This was before Peterson meme'd the works of those people. When I was growing up, someone in an online game I played was named Nietzsche. I asked my dad about who Nietzsche is, my dad said a bad man. Don't read his works. They're bad.

My dad is always happy. Smiling. He can be going through the absolute worst. Worst of the worst. When you speak to him, he is genuinely smiling. I have no idea how he does it. But he knows something. And his will is strong.

Motherfucker is redpilled to the max, I think. Whereas I'm now reading the works of Dostoevsky, I think my dad went full circle. Went to the depths, came out the other side. He's nothing like the ideas put forth in the works of those people.

Also he's a socialist.

He was born in 55.
He is redpilled in that he recognizes the problems of the world, and redpilled in that he knows who's behind it, but he's not redpilled to the extent that it angers him--it's more of a resignation? willfull ignorance? old age recognition that anger won't change anything?

he hates hillary, hates trump, hates politicians--but likes obama. thinks 9/11 was fishy, but thinks that maybe bush knew more than he let on. thinks that pendulum is swinging hard to the right, but doesn't seem keen to join in.

IDK where he stands, honestly. I think like most boomers, he wants to ride into the sunset and die. if i could change one thing about him, it wouldnt be to radicalize him, it would be to make him stop fearing DEATH and find a belief in a higher power--he is a staunch athiest.

Babushki moya nemets i ya tozhe govorit' po Nemetski yaziki haha.
Yeah it is sad really, Iam Finnish and Swedish citizen and in both countries people espescially younger ones have spent their entire youth studying english autistically at school hence why there is so many here on the chans.

My stepdad says "nigger" a lot when he sees niggers being niggers, but he's bluepilled past that

9/10 parts European

He said it ironically. I bet in his circles he's gotten tired of his conspiracy nutty friends

Exactly, even if you respond in either when they talk to you, they'll recognize your accent and switch to English

My dad was anti-nigger and anti-gay, and voted republican. Then he turned into a drug addict degenerate.

Kind of. I mean, he still has a boomer mentality about a lot of (((things))), and his argumentative skills are horrible, but he knows what's up.

The funny thing is that I only got into politics 4 years ago, but before that my dad would try to yell me why democrats are shit and why Obama is garbage. The only thing he didn't was convince me that the Dems and Obama isn't that bad. Even though I had zero sense of politics, his arguments were so bad that they pushed me to the democrats side. Luckily I started getting into politics on my own and found what a lot of what my dad was saying is true, just that he got way too emotionally involved in his arguments for me to take it like he was arguing logically.

Johnny Neptune?

Indeed, I have seen this happen many times i always speak Swedish and fill in the words which the recipient didn't understand in their language wheter it be Russian, German or English.

You're doing God's work user, helping the linguists among us. Tusen tack

He is dead.

Same. It’s hard not having a strong male role model

>doesn’t know father
Checks out