who /use kratom/ here?
Should Kratom be banned like weed, or stay legal to help with the opioid crisis?
It's already banned in a few states?
Degenerate drug or helpful medicine?
Deserves the same fate as weed?
Kratom Legality
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I use it. I should quit. It should remain legal but people need to be warned about its addictive properties.
>I use it. I should quit.
is it causing you some harmful problem instead of working?
Kratom gives me terrible stomach pains for like a week. Fuck that shit.
i use kratom daily, it shouldnt be illegal, the deaths the FDA has reported on all but 2 had up to 8 other controlled narcotics in their system including opiates/opioids and the 2 where they only had kratom had no other information about their health or other factors and i was perplexed until the FDA released a statement about E. Coli. being found in some of the kratom coming in from india. this may possibly be the reason these people died, contracting E.coli. and since they got the virus from the kratom then in the FDA's eyes it is because of kratom that these two people died. but this is only my speculation with out full autopsies we cant ever know why the people actually died, but theres been 100s of years of kratom use and out of no where recently the FDA is finding kratom related deaths? i think not. the head of the FDA holds the patent of the synthetic version of whats inside kratom that makes it work. this is the true reason theyre trying to make it illegal.
that being said sure kratom CAN be addictive. but the WD are not even close to traditional opiates, you dont get dope sick and its not physical WD, its like drinking a shit ton of coffee for 3 years everyday to quitting cold turkey. sure its annoying but it can be done and its even less addiction/WD than nicotine.
I think kratom should remain legal but scientists should do more studies to see if potential widespread use would be of any danger to people when a new addictive drug on top of caffeine and nicotine could affect the mentality of those in withdraw.
Compared to any of these, this would be "worse" than weed in terms of impact to current societal functions and would be of no economic benefit towards other industries (while caffeine and nicotine, both stimulants, would benefit other industries because of incresed alertness)
sounds like you've been buying and using contaminated trash or something
kratom dosnt make you lazy lol nor does it make you fiend in such a way.
he wants to quit because he probably dosnt want to feel like hes addicted to anything. try some ginger chews my man, the nausea is shitty i agree, also it makes you pretty regular [shitting everyday around the same time] but it like compacts your shit up and its like literally shitting a brick
I don’t think it should be banned. If it can make junkies mostly function normally. Opiates are the trashiest shit in the world other than meth, of course.
Kratom got me off heroin in 2013 with no relapse. I’ve been using it every day since, helps with my back and fucked neck